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SITE 23 Ltd – Hungarian partner. Hungarian Dances and Hungarian Folklore. Hungarian folk music includes a broad array of styles, including the recruitment dance verbunkos , the csárdás and nóta .
SITE 23 Ltd – Hungarian partner HungarianDances and HungarianFolklore Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Hungarian folk music includes a broad array of styles, including the recruitment dance verbunkos, the csárdás and nóta. During the 20th century, Hungarian composers were influenced by the traditional music of their nation. BélaBartók took this departure into the abstract musical world in his appropriation of traditional Hungarian ZoltánKodály and BélaBartók observed that Hungarian "peasant music" use pentatonic (five tone) formations, along with a liking for tempo These features jointly may be considered as altogether typical, and differentiate "Hungarian peasant music" from that of any other nation. Bartók studied over 300 melodieshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBYu__Kf6iE Viksjöfors - June, 2013
HungarianFolkDances The most important stylistic feature of the dance within the Carpathians is the unusually large amount of personal improvisation. "...Steps, turns, movement, postures, all are arbitrary, left to the taste and genius of the dancer. The dance does not consist of regular well-defined steps ... but an individual dance inspired by an idea.„ Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Types TheCsárdásis undoubtedly the most popular and important dance in the Hungarian repertoire – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bunbOHdMTAw Verbunkos: a solo man's dance evolved from the recruiting performances of the Austro-Hungarian army. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOrmc2N6xnk Karikázó: a circle dance performed by women only accompanied by singing of folksongshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAgP-9KujxU Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Folkcostumes 4 main regions, thebestknown is perhapstheso-called Great Plain . Anotherwell-knownregion is Transylvania. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDIznMOoems The main characteristic is thedifferentpatternsembroideredontotheblouses, aprons, headbands, skirts and sometimesevenontheboots. Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Costumes and dancesforthe Old and the Young: Folkdancesperformedbychildrenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h3jHexGDc8 Folkdancesperformedbythe old: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG-CnQpmKsA Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Hungarianfolkmusicinthe oeuvre of thegreatclassicalmusiccomposers: Johannes Brahms: Hungariandanceshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X9LvC9WkkQ Franz Liszt: The HungarianRhapsody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0odaG9qi818 Bartók Béla: Este a székelyeknél http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkMhcfx5FvY Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Hungarianfolk art: Embroidery Black clayvessels (pottery) Wood carvings Availableinseveralskanzensall over the country http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYQSPUDGmGk Viksjöfors - June, 2013
Thankyouforyourattention! Kate and Andrew Fazekas k.telek23@chello.hu Viksjöfors - June, 2013
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGXTy5isuY A csitári hegyek alatt Régen leesett a hó Azt hallottam kisangyalom Véled esett el a ló Kitörted a kezedet Mivel ölelsz engemet? Így hát kedves kisangyalom, nem lehetek a tied. Somewhereonthe mountain side The wintercoldfelllongago Mylittleangelwhydidyouhavetofall out ridinginthesnow Ifyourarmsarebroken, tellmehow Willyouever hold menow Darling thenmylittleangel Howcan I be yours again? Viksjöfors - June, 2013