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Celebrating Christmas in Slovenia. DECEMBER. In Ljubljana and other Slovenian towns there are stands which sell things like candies , winter clothing , food , jewellery and many other things throughout the whole of December.
DECEMBER • In Ljubljana andotherSloveniantownsthere are standswhichsellthings like candies, winterclothing, food, jewelleryandmanyotherthingsthroughoutthewholeof December. • Andthewholecitylookseven more beautifulwithlittlelightsallalongtheriver Ljubljanica.
THE FIRST PREPERATIONS • Thefirstpreparations start alreadyin late Novemerwhentheybring a hugeChristmastree to thecapital. Thetreeandthesky are thendecoratedwithlotsandlotsoflittlelights. • Thefamiliesdo thesame in theirhomes. TheydecoratethefamilyChristmastreeand make hollywreaths.Some even set up Christmascribs.
THE THREE GOOD men • Childrenreceivegiftsfromthreedifferentmen: • St. Nicholas called Miklavž in Slovenia • Santa Clausknown as Božiček in Slovenia • AndFatherFrostor Dedek Mraz in Slovenian • In December we make a traditionaldessertcalledpotica.
St.Nicholas-Miklavž • Everyyear Miklavž is welcomedby a processionofpeople. • He is alwaysaccompaniedbythedevilswhoscarelittlechildren, andtheangelswhosing to people. Theanglesarrivea fewhoursbeforeMiklavž. • But in theeveningof6th December Slovenianchildrenpreparethebasketsfor Miklavž to bringthemfruitsandcandies.
SANTA CLAUS-BOŽIČEK • Božiček comeson theeveof24th December. • HebringsgiftsandleavesthemundertheChristmastree. Throughouttheyear, in theNorth Pole, elfshelphim make allthetoysandothergiftsforchildren.
FATHER FROST-DEDEK MRAZ • Wewelcomehimwith a parade, andhecomesherewithalltheanimalsthathelphim. • Hevisitsourhomes in thenight on a New Yearseve.
NEW YEAR • On theNew Year‘s evepeopleusuallystay up late like in everyothercountry. • Wehangoutwithpeoplewe love andspendpleasant time withthem. • Andwhentheclockstrikesmidnightpeople in Ljubljana gatheron the Prešeren squareandobservethemagicfireworksdisplaylaunchedfromthe Ljubljana castlehill.