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Overview of the Solid Waste Management Division. Benjamin T. Jones SWANA Rendezvous January 16, 2014. Act 1333. Act 1333 (House Bill 1215) House Bill 1215 was passed becoming Act 1333
Overview of the Solid Waste Management Division Benjamin T. Jones SWANA Rendezvous January 16, 2014
Act 1333 Act 1333 (House Bill 1215) • House Bill 1215 was passed becoming Act 1333 • Act 1333 made two major changes. The first is that it changed the Recycling Grant Program into a disbursement program removing the procedures and parameters previously in place. The second change made was a reduction in the percentage of disposal fees the Solid Waste Management Division can take from 25 to 20. • The Regional Solid Waste Management Districts (Districts) have, or will, implement rules to set procedures and parameters for the recycling money. • The first disbursement under Act 1333 was done on August 16, the day the act took effect. This year the Department disbursed $3,523,049.61 to the 18 Districts. • This act did not effect either of the ewaste grant programs or any of the tire grant programs.
Revised Annual Engineering Inspection Report • Revised in January of last year. • Items changed • Portions of the AEIR now specifically request a reference to a document, such as site plans and operating plans • New work sheet for closure and post-closure costs
New General Permits for Waste Tires • The new general permits for Waste Tire Processors and Waste Tire Collection Centers were issued on November 26, 2013 and will take effect on June 16 of this year. • No major changes were made to the new permits. • Most of the changes made were to clarify the language in the permit or to remind the permittee of statutory or regulatory requirements not specifically addressed in the previous permits.
Implementation of the First Post-Closure Trust Fund Project • The first project is a Class 1 landfill called C&L Landfill located in Washington County. • The bidding process for an oversight contractor was completed in July of last year. • Steps for starting the bidding process on the construction contractor have already started. • Construction on the necessary corrective actions is set to start this spring. • ADEQ is already looking at the next proposed project, another Class 1 landfill called Parsons Landfill located in Washington County.
State Solid Waste Management Plan • Close to completion, final edits are being made. • Once finalized, the State Plan will be sent to the Governor’s office and the Legislative Council. • The Regional Solid Waste Management Districts (RSWMDs)will have a time period to review the State Plan and implement its provisions into their own waste management plans. • The achievement of the provisions of the State Plan will be tracked through five year plan updates from RSWMDs and ADEQ activities.
Regulations • Regulation 11: • Petition for Rulemaking for Regulation 11 has been filed and will be heard at the January Commission meeting. • The primary purpose for this rulemaking is to implement the changes made in Act 1333. • Regulation 22: • ADEQ is in the process of identifying typos, technical issues, and procedural issues in Regulation 22 in anticipation of opening it up for revisions later this year. • Stakeholder meetings will be held prior to ADEQ drafting any changes. • The Department wants to get input from the stakeholders on any ideas the Department has as well as get ideas for potential revisions from the regulated community.
Any Questions • Please feel free to contact me! • Phone (501) 682-0600 • Email jonesb@adeq.state.ar.us