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Retained Executive Search A S trategic P artner for HR P rofessionals

Retained Executive Search A S trategic P artner for HR P rofessionals. HR Conference Bucharest, March 28 th 2012. Presentation outline. What is it ? How does it work ? How to make the best use of it ? + register with CoporateConnect + future of HR. The AESC in a nutshell.

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Retained Executive Search A S trategic P artner for HR P rofessionals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Retained Executive Search A StrategicPartner for HR Professionals HR Conference Bucharest, March 28th 2012

  2. Presentation outline • Whatisit? • How doesitwork? • How to make the best use of it? + registerwithCoporateConnect + future of HR

  3. The AESC in a nutshell • Global Association for Retained Executive Search and Leadership Consulting firms • Golden Standard for retained search • Membership of 260 executive search firms and 6,000 search professionals • Founded in 1959, with headquarters in New York, representative office in Brussels

  4. Membership criteria • Be a retained executive search firm • Subscribe to the AESC Code of Ethics and Professional Practice Guidelines

  5. Part 1 – What is it? • Specialisedform of senior-level management consulting • Conductedthrough an exclusive engagement • Helpsfill senior executive positions • Throughcomprehensivemethodology

  6. Global Executive Search Revenues 1978 - 2011

  7. Globalization • New consumer demands • Technologicalprogress • Enhancedcompetition • Demographic shifts • Emergingmarkets • Corporateloyalty • Executivemobility War for Talent

  8. In a free market economy, the success of any organisation fundamentally rests on its key people

  9. “Often the best solution to a management problem is the right person” Edwin Booz, founder of Booz Allen & Hamilton

  10. “When it comes to business success, it is all about people, people, people.” Richard Branson

  11. “Hiring is your most important task” Steve Jobs

  12. Growing demand for executive search

  13. Part 2 – How does it work?

  14. The retainer contractDraft Terms and Conditions

  15. Retained and Contingency Executive Search: The Key Differences Methodology Contract Nature of collaboration Ethics Consultant’s work

 and more...

  16. Part 3 – How to get best value from executive search firms? • Be prepared, select a searchpartnercarefully • Brief the searchfirm • During the search, at final stage, follow-up

  17. Client’s Charter Preparing to work with a retained search firm Briefing the search firm During the search Final stages Follow up

  18. Register with www.CorporateConnect.comlike:

  19. The Client’s Bill of Rights What to expect from retained executive search. Available in: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

  20. International Executive Search Directory Up to 76 searches per month performed by clients

  21. Thank you!……Questions? www.aesc.org www.executivesearchconnect.com cdecallatay@aesc.org

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