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Online Community and Social Media tricks to get engaged in communities that you previously have had no connection to, expanding the edges of your social network and the art of turning a tweet into a meaningful connection and a meeting.
Doing freestanding handstands without the wall was a personal goal for over 20 years Who I am: Susan Tenby @suzboop Director of Community and Partnerships, Caravan Studios susan@caravanstudios.org @caravanstudios @safenight
Who Is TechSoup Global? TechSoup Global is working towards the day when every nonprofit, library, and social benefit organization on the planet has the technology, knowledge, and resources they need to operate at their full potential.
http://www.caravanstudios.org @CaravanStudios
About Caravan Studios Caravan Studios is a division of TechSoup Global. We believe technology can intervene to solve problems. We work with communities to design responses to the issues about which they care the most. We start with community and end with a solution.
Creating a dense network of influencers: Finding out what they talk about Listening to them And some protips to make you look better Engagement
Find the influencers near you & invite them in There are 12 followers within 5 miles of our office And I hadn’t followed them yet! And this is what they tweet about
Join tweetchats, learn hashtags, use them, not more than two, then listen to them in a dashboard
Creating a Dense Network “Imagine one society in which extended kin groups live in separate villages at considerable distances from one another. Most ‘texture’ of the society will be one in which individuals have strong ties to relatively small numbers of others in local ‘clusters.’ Compare this to a society where a large portion of the population lives in a single large city. Here, the ‘texture’ of social relations is quite different -- individuals may be embedded in smaller nuclear families of mating relations, but have diverse ties to neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others.” - Robert A. Hanneman (Department of Sociology, University of California, Riverside
Not a dense network
Dense Network
Using Network Intelligence to reach more ppl • A broadcast network = many people repeating each other, not connected to each other • Top people are most repeated • Goal is to make your network more dense by making interactions
Getting yourself embedded in a community that you’re not affiliated with
A fave can equal a follow, especially if you tweet @ them
Received follow, fave, and RT within one min of the tweet
If you want an org to follow you • Sometimes tweeting from a personal account about something other than the initial reason you wanted to connect is a good approach:
How to turn a tweet into a meeting/meaningful connection
Find those who are triple threats • Those that like you in several places • Scoop.it • Slideshare • Twitter (Fav, Follow, RT, mention) • Facebook (Like, share, comment, tag)
Mentioned Al Franken, but put the fact that it was a RT at the end
Pro-tip: Blog: Updates/Events • Use your blog to: • Curate • Post events • Post news/updates • Holding place -what you’re working on On-the-fly posts with pics should be in Social Media None of this is very flattering
Pro-tip: Most share-to widgets don’t allow tagging on FB/Twitter If you can, go in and edit your posts to tag, so you don’t look like an amateur
Pro-tip: Tweet in native twitter and via dashboards Remember to include some visual content to stand out in a tweetstream
Pro-tip: RT in twitter vs RT on a dashboard & why? Hitting the RT button (sometimes) in native twitter is good for two reasons: 1. it saves characters, if the tweet is already long (you save the RT + the letters in the username) 2. it provides visual content, rather than just text, on the actual twitter page
Pro-tip: Always double-check a twitter handle before you tweet at them
Birthday Handstand in a bar, in my favorite jumpsuit Susan Tenby Susan@caravanstudios.org Slideshare.net/suzboop @suzboop susan@susantenby.com Animal Belt once belonged to Beverly Sills!