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Adam Ray VP of Customer Support

Organizational Strategies. Adam Ray VP of Customer Support. Introduction to Strategies. What does the term “strategy” mean to you?. Introduction to Strategies. The term “strategy”… Can be traced back to the ancient Greek military

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Adam Ray VP of Customer Support

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Organizational Strategies Adam Ray VP of Customer Support

  2. Introduction to Strategies What does the term “strategy” mean to you?

  3. Introductionto Strategies • The term “strategy”… • Can be traced back to the ancient Greek military • Dictionary says it means a “careful plan or method of great importance within an integrated whole or to a planned effect” • Baldrige Criteria mentions it over 250 times • Google returns over 238 Million results

  4. Introduction to Strategies • Strategies guide decision making • Everyone has them • Many different types • Family Strategy • We desire safe, extremely convenient living conditions with plenty of room for our family, and a great environment for our children to learn both academically and socially. • Personal Strategy • I want to feel good and live a long, fulfilling life.

  5. What are Organizational Strategies? • Guide an organization’s decision making • Embedded within Mission Statement, Goals and Culture Statement • Examples • Stick to our core business. • Develop our future leaders and, when possible, promote from within. • Relentlessly pursue continuous improvement which drives innovation and organizational and personal learning.

  6. Why are Organizational Strategies important? “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker

  7. Why are Organizational Strategies important? • Help leaders to… • Do “the right things” • Focus on what’s most important • Improve results • Facilitate organizational and personal learning

  8. How are Organizational Strategies used? • Critical part of Leadership System • Guide… • Top-level decision making • Creation of Strategic Plan • Creation of processes and work systems • Leaders can turn to them any time there is a decision to make

  9. How about some examples?

  10. …and one last example • Customer Satisfaction is our #1 Company Goal • Want to satisfy as many Customers as possible • Our Customers require values, strategies and policies that put them first • We have a strategy to focus on long-term value versus short-term results So…with current political environment:Quantity limits, no price increases, no Employee purchases

  11. Deploy, Deploy, Deploy

  12. Organizational Strategies Questions? Adam Ray VP of Customer Support

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