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UNEMPLOYMENT AMOUNG AA’S. By: Aicha Diakhaby, Kareem Ajenifuja , Jerrick Broome. History of Unemployment – The Great Depression. When FDR had taken the oath for office, unemployment had risen from 8 to 15 million.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNEMPLOYMENT AMOUNG AA’S By: Aicha Diakhaby, Kareem Ajenifuja, Jerrick Broome

  2. History of Unemployment – The Great Depression • When FDR had taken the oath for office, unemployment had risen from 8 to 15 million. • This depression was worldwide. No other country except Germany reached so high a percentage of unemployed. • In 1932 Harlem had an unemployment rate of 50%. • Property owned by African Americans in 1935 fell from 30% to 5%.

  3. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) • In 1933 millions of Americans were out of work, so the CCC was an early step for unemployed men. • Hired men ages 18-25. • These men were paid $30 a month. • Run in military – style. Two million men took part during the decade

  4. CCC continued.. • Duties of the CCC were called Conservation projects. These men: • Planted trees to combat soil and maintain national forest. • Elimination of stream pollution. • Creating fish and bird sanctuaries • Conserving coal, petroleum, shale gas, sodium and helium deposits.

  5. Unemployment • Unemployment: The state of being unemployed or not having a job. • Unemployment Benefits: Payments made by the state or other authorized bodies to unemployed people. Another name for Unemployment Benefits is Unemployment Insurance.

  6. How do Unemployment Benefits in NC work? • They are intended to provide back up for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. • Materials needed when you file: • Address • Social Security Number • ID (passport, license, etc.) • Employment History • Reason for the loss of your job

  7. Why did they deny you? • Disqualification: • Going to school full time • Dismissed due to misconduct • If you quit • Age • Disqualifications vary with each state.

  8. Unemployment Benefit Checks • How much & how long? • This is based on an individuals earnings in the base period. The checks usually range from $41 to $476. • The period ranges from 13 to 26 weeks but benefits can be extended by NC during time of high unemployment or other special circumstances.

  9. Receiving Checks • It generally takes about 2 to 3 weeks to get your first check after you file. You receive payments either weekly or biweekly. • Ways to receive unemployment checks: • Direct Deposit: Deposited directly into your savings / checking accounts • Special Debit Cards: Similar to a regular debit card

  10. Requesting Unemployment Income Payments • Even though you filed for unemployment compensation and are approved does not mean you automatically get money. You must take steps to officially request your payment benefits. • How it works: Once weekly or once biweekly you will be required to request your benefits payment. (Can be on the phone / online) • Each time you request your payments you must be approved before any money is deposited .

  11. Cont.. • Expect to answer a series of questions such as • Have you been available to work? • Have you worked any hours? • Have you earned any extra money for the week or weeks you’ve requested payment? • Have you returned to full time work?

  12. Unemployment Rates in NYC

  13. Recent AA Unemployment Rates

  14. What We Did… • Interviewed small businesses • Interviewed unemployed black males • Created webpage • Made flyer

  15. NC Unemployment Rate Statistics • http://data.bls.gov/map/servlet/map.servlet.MapToolServlet?survey=la • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tijWU32syVw

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