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Exploring Chinese Fortune-Telling Traditions

Discover the ancient art of Chinese fortune-telling ("Suan Ming") dating back to Fu Hsi. Learn about Yi-ology, Bazi predictions, Feng Shui, face and palm reading, and more. Unravel the mysteries of destiny and luck. Always respect the unknown forces!

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Exploring Chinese Fortune-Telling Traditions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chinese Fortune-telling 笔译-申思

  2. Fortune-telling in China • Chinese fortune telling(“Suan Ming”算命) • The earliest recorded practice traces bake to Fu Hsi(伏羲氏) 生产力水平低下 →受自然灾害影响大 →占卜预测

  3. "Suan Ming" &"Daoism" • Acdemic name of "Suan Ming" → "周易预测" (make prediction under the guide of thebook of changes) • Acdemic work on "Suan Ming" → Yi-ology “易学” or divination“术数”

  4. Narrow sense Bazi (or eight characters )predicting(八字算命) • Generally it involves taking four components of time, the hour of birth, day, month and year. • Usually it will be applied to tell one about his or her destiny in life, current situation and area for most successful occupation. Also, it is a part necessary in match-making choices(八字合婚)

  5. The five elementsor Wu Xing 五行 • Metal • Wood • Water • Fire • earth

  6. Celestial stems 天干 • Earthly branches 地支

  7. 五行干支对应图 VS星座命理图

  8. Broad sense • Mei Hua Yi Shu 梅花易数 • Four pillar method 四柱算命 • Feng shui 风水 • Jiu Gong Ming Li 九宫命理 • Tai Yi Shen Shu 太乙神数 • Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲 … • Face reading 面相 • Palm reading 手相 • Kau Cim 求签 • Zi wei dou shu 紫微斗数 • Bazi 八字

  9. Face reading • This is the interpretation of facial features of the nose, eyes, mouth and other criteria within one's face and the conversion of those criteria into predictions for the future. • This usually covers one phase of the client's life, and reveals the type of luck associated with a certain age range.

  10. 《麻衣神相》

  11. Palm reading • This analyzes the positioning of palm lines for love, personality, and other traits.

  12. Palmistry 1: Life line 2: Head line 3: Heart line 4: Girdle of Venus 5: Sun line 6: Mercury line 7: Fate line

  13. Fengshui • Feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner. • Depending on the particular style of feng shui being used, an auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as bodies of water, stars, or a compass

  14. Feng shui Luopancompass罗盘

  15. A building in Hong Kong with a hollow middle hole, utilizing fengshui benefits

  16. How to regard fortune telling practice? ALWAYS BE IN AWE OF THE MYSTERIOUS FORCE 对一切未知的事物长存敬畏之心。

  17. Thanks!

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