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The Tooth of Ragnar. Blood has been spilt. The battle has begun. By Jerri Lee. The young, but strong looking polar bear cub roared with agony and pain as he dropped to the ground. Instantly the ice below and around him grew red with blood.
The Tooth of Ragnar Blood has been spilt. The battle has begun. By JerriLee
The young, but strong looking polar bear cub roared with agony and pain as he dropped to the ground. Instantly the ice below and around him grew red with blood. Suddenly, a distant rumbling sound grew louder and louder until a majestic bear stood over the dying polar bear cub. “Dad… I won’t be able to carry out the name of…” mumbled the cub with his last breath, and then, he was gone. This time the father roared with all the sorrow and grief in his life and the light of this earth looked upon this one bear, and cried with him. His son, mate, all his friends… Gone. Nothing left for this one bear in this world. Nothing. His roars of sorrow turned into roars of fury. This one bear, covered with battle scars, was the legendary Ragnar, the legendary bear of fighting, who fought for his home, his land, the Arctic. He fought valiantly against the people who advanced on him with spears and many weapons. In the end, he dropped to the ground, his fur red with blood. Human blood. Bear blood. Both of them, mixed together. The line of the proud, majestic Ragnar, was over. The Legend of Ragnar
The wind blew fiercely as I stumbled into a big igloo, big enough for a polar bear like myself. I thought about why I was even here, in the even colder part of the Artic. “Hey Lono! I’ll give you a chunk of seal meat if you go touch Ragnar’s tooth!” yelled Seph. He was probably my enemy, because he always bossed around me and my best friend Mya. He likes to call me Outcast, because a few years ago, my sister, Thundra, was cast out. Now we presume she’s dead. “Hey! Lono! Was that a yes or a no?” He yelled again. “I’ll do it. I’ll touch the sacred tooth of Ragnar.” I mumbled. “Hey! Outcast! Yes or no?!?” Seph called out. “Yes! I will!” I roared, but still cringing at the name. So I guess that’s why I’m here. It’s about an hour’s walk to the Witch Doctor Kira. She’s my best friend Mya’s grandmother, and also a respected part of our community. Usually people stay away though, because everybody thinks she’s an old crone. I planned to sneak into her home while she was out picking the few herbs and plants that grew in the Arctic. There were odd beads that served as doors. They clinked and swayed as I pushed them away. The beads caught the light outside. I gazed in wonder at the small igloo. It was small, even though it looked big. It was cluttered, and I mean it! Only a pedestal stood out. On top, was a tooth. It was big, and scarred. My hand reached out and grasped the sharp tooth. Instantly, everything changed.
A mother bear was sitting on a slab of ice. A cub was sitting next to her. “That is the Tooth of Ragnar. Nobody knows how it was made, and never questioned it.” The cub seemed like she wasn’t listening. “It was a place of many battles, that island. I’ve been there myself.” At the sound of the word battle, the cub perked up. “When were you there, Mama?” “I was no older than you. I held the sacred tooth, and started a prophecy. I went to the Tooth of Ragnar with my best friend Mya,” I silently gasped. I was looking at myself in the future! “who gave her life there. We were saving the Arctic from…” The seeing was suddenly blocked out. Ms Kira was gripping my shoulder. “Go! Now! Go get Mya! To the Tooth of Ragnar!”She roared. “W-why?” I murmured. “Something is stirring inside the heart of The Tooth. I feel it. You have made a prophecy.” I gasped. The seeing! “I was no older than you. I held the sacred tooth, and started a prophecy. I went to the Tooth of Ragnar with my best friend Mya,” Ms Kira plopped a full bag on my back with a thud. I knew the way. I had to get Mya.
“Mya!” I roared as loud as I could. I thundered through the village at full speed. A medium sized grey bear calmly walked in front of me. Mya. “I know. I could hear you from Grandma’s igloo. I’m all set.”She had a giant pack on her back. “Well let’s go!!!! Now!” I yelled. And so, we were off.
“The rock pool is nice and cool, so juicy SWEET!!!!! Our only wish to catch a fish, so juicy SWEET!!!! I yelled extremely loudly. “Jeez, do want us to be heard in the middle of nowhere? What if someone is tracking us down? Right NOW?!?!” Mya lectured. “Sorry, just trying to catch a fish in this juicy sweet rock pool.” I said, grinning. I loved annoying her, even if she is my best friend. But I was trying to catch a fish in a small pool that was oddly teeming with fish. Mya joined me in the catching of fish in the juicy sweet rock pool. We were successful in catching 10 fish! As we sat eating the fish, Mya suddenly asked,” What if one of us died out here? We’re only a night’s journey away from the Tooth of Ragnar. We’ve all heard the legends and terrible stories that take place there.” I couldn’t breath. Did Mya know that she was going to die in the mysterious battle at the Tooth? “Lono? You there?” Mya inquired. She looked at me worriedly. “Y-yeah. It’s just this cold.” I sheepishly said. She wasn’t going to believe me on that fib. And of course, She said,”You’re an idiot. I’m not stupid, you know. “
Turns out the Tooth of Ragnar isn’t a giant glacier. It’s a giant volcano in the middle of nowhere. And when Ms Kira said the heart of the Tooth, she meant inside the volcano. And now here we were, two young polar bears in the middle of nowhere, in front of the Tooth, which not many people have seen. “Sooo… What do you think we should do now?”Mya said sarcastically. “Ok, so we go in, see if that weird ‘enemy’ is actually there and your Grandma isn’t actually crazy like I think she is.” I said with a forced smile on my face. RRRROOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!! “What was that?” Mya said with her fighting voice. It was a deep growly voice that always made everyone cower in fear. “I guess you were too busy making friends with a fighter, Lono.” sneered a loud voice. “Lono! Do you recognize this voice? Lono! You’re shaking. You okay?” Mya said worriedly. It’s… It’s… Thundra.” I said in a small voice. She leaped silently onto the ice from the volcano. “That’s right. After they cast me out, I came here, to the Tooth. I found another outcast like me.” Another bear leaped down from the volcano. “S-Sai?” Mya said with wide, scared, eyes. “That’s right. You are the reason that they cast me out.” the so-called ‘Sai’ said. “Um… Hate to interrupt the seriousness in this moment, but do you know each other?” I asked. What just happened?
“Yes… We are… related. In a manner of speaking.” Sai called out. “Before we joined your pack of ice bears,Lono, we used to be part of the Outcasts, a pack of ice bears that are fighters and oracles. They also have people like destroyers, peace makers, undead, hunters, light and dark makers, and Ice makers. They were all remnants of the Nine Bears.” I widened my eyes in surprise. The Nine bears were rulers of the Ice a long time ago. They divided the ice into nine areas, where they each ruled. There was Lorel the Oracle, who could predict what was happening in his part of the Arctic, Tyrande, a Peace Maker, who always prayed for peace in her part of the Ice, Maievv, a fierce hunter who loved her Battle claws and pet DragonHawk, Iliden, in honor of her love Iliden, the Destroyer. Kiranda was a smart ice bear with lots of Ice power. After all, she was the maker of the ice fire. Mii, the childish Light bringer, and her brother, Shinden, the Darkness, always quarreled while Lady Sylvanas, their mother, had to yell at them while summoning more and more of her Scourge. The Scourge was part of her power. They were dead spirits who served the Lady. Finaly, there was Ragnar the fighter, who I guess is Mya’s descendent. “Grandmother took care of us when we left the Outcasts to be with safer polar bears. Sai didn’t like the change, I could tell immediately. She would lash out at us even more than when we were with the Outcasts. One day when I woke up, she was… Gone.” Mya said with sadness in her voice. “I left to go to the Tooth. It was where my friend Seph and I used to hang out when we had free time.” Sai said in a bored voice. “Seph… Sai! Is it the same Seph that was in our village? The one that makes fun of me and Mya and suddenly disappears and comes back at random times?!
Finally my‘sister’ said something.”Seph is part of the Outcasts. I told him about you on one of the visits. He noticed you for the first time and then made fun of you. “ I was beginning to tremble with anger as my sister scornfully laughed at my uselessness. Mya and Sai were arguing whether Sai was going back or not. “AAAAAHHHHGGGGG!!!!!!!” I yelled. I leapt onto Thundra with a rolling tackle. “How can you laugh at this?! He’s given me grief everyday!” “I hate this Ice.” Thundra spat into my face. She returned the tackle. Mya turned to see both of us rolling around, swiping at our faces, trying to overpower each other. She turned to go help me, but Sai suddenly pounced on her and yelled with the voice only a true Oracle could make, and roared, “I’m NEVER going back to that place! Ever!” In a second, they were also rolling around. Unfortunately, Oracles only have power in seeing, and Fighters are the best at fighting(hence, the name) so Sai was easily subdued. But suddenly she got a burst of energy and tackled Mya to the ground. Lono and Thundra were still fighting. “What are you going to do, Little Sister? Pounce on me like a Lemming?” Thundra roared at me, taunting me. Thunder clouds appeared over us and lightning flashed through the sky.
Suddenly I felt stronger. The ice around me started rising, forming into shapes of the mystical Scourge. I turned to see Wisps, ferocious Spirits who lived to serve their ‘Master’, or, in other words, the one who summoned them. They could steal their enemies spirit, making them turn into another wisps. Eventually, once they stay a wisp long enough, they turned into ghosts, who were just an image of the dead, but could claw and scrape at their enemies at a ferocious speed. There were also Banshees, female spirits, who were tormented by their love to death. They were fierce creatures, who could drain an enemy’s life and make them their ally. Ghouls also stood waiting for their order. Abominables, lumbering giant monsters that are made out of other monsters, looked around, wondering why they were called. Dark Rangers, women who wear cloaks and used sharp arrows that were blessed with the ‘Holy Aura’, a bless that made their arrows as sharp and swift as the wind. It was said that Sylvanas, the leader of the Scourge, was a Dark Ranger. The Scourge army floated silently, glaring at Thundra. A single Dark Ranger stood in front of them. I gasped. “You called, Milady?” Whispered the Dark Ranger in a hiss. Thundra stared with wide eyes at the scary sight. I mean, come on. You wouldn’t want at least 200 Wisps, 300 Banshees, 150 Ghouls, and 500 Dark Rangers looking at you with death stares. I still couldn’t believe it. This Dark Ranger, with red eyes, was Sylvanas Windrunner. As in, one of the nine BEARS!!! “Yes… I’m am.” Sylvanas said softly. She floated over to me. “I believe you know how one by one, the Nine Bears fell. I nodded. First, Lorel fell because he was overpowered by Maeivv. Then she was assassinated. Iliden was also assassinated. Kiranda, despite being very smart, was tricked into falling into a ‘bottomless’ pit. Mii and Shinden were both killed by an unknown bear.