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HIST2086 Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor

HIST2086 Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor. Bismarck’s resignation and the ‘New Course’ (1890-1914) Lecture 19 18 November 2010. Kaiser Wilhelm I and Bismarck, 1862-88. Often stormy, emotional, noisy joint meetings Strong mutual comprehension of other

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HIST2086 Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor

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  1. HIST2086Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor Bismarck’s resignation and the ‘New Course’ (1890-1914) Lecture 19 18 November 2010

  2. Kaiser Wilhelm I and Bismarck, 1862-88 • Often stormy, emotional, noisy joint meetings • Strong mutual comprehension of other • Kaiser’s willingness to let Bismarck his own way = Bismarck’s hold on power never in question

  3. Kaiser Friedrich III and Bismarck,1888 • Kaiser strongly influenced by his mother Augusta von Sachsen & his wife Viktoria with liberal ideas (≠ his father + Bismarck) • Dismissal of Prussia’s conservative interior minister von Puttkamer + Bismarck’s position no longer secure • Bismarck’s concerned about liberal and pro-British tendencies of imperial couple = Kaiser’s rule too short (99 days) to help his liberal friends into long-lasting influential positions

  4. Kaiser Wilhelm II • Convinced German nationalist • Committed to belief to rule by Divine Right • Educated in Prussia’s military spirit • Strongly interested in modern technologies & sciences • Complex character + full of contradictions: ☺Intelligent, talented, cultured, energetic ☻ Overbearing, arrogant, erratic

  5. Kaiser Wilhelm II and Bismarck, 1888-90 • (+) Yearlong friendship between them • (+) K.’s admiration for B. in public • (-) Age difference: K. 29 y. ≠ B. 73 y. • (-) B. underestimated K.’s determination torule + to reign • (-) K.’s wish to dispense with B. ASAP = Continuing conflicts …

  6. Conflicts • Foreign policy: K.’s questioning Germany’s links with Russia ≠ B.’s insistence on R.I.T. of 1887 • Social policy: K’s confidence of winning over working class by modest extension of welfare system (no child labour + Sunday working) ≠ B.’s favour of further repression → B.’s attempt to make Anti-Socialist law permanent defeated in Reichstag (Jan 1890) → K.’s sole announcement of new social laws = B.’s trapped between self-confident K. + hostile Reichstag: His power crumbled

  7. Bismarck’s resignation • Quarrel about ministers’ right to advise monarch (Mar 1890): → B.’s insistence of order of 1852: ‘Minister- President as channel’ → K.’s order to withdraw order → Stormy meeting + K.’s ultimatum to B. to resign = B.’s resignation for ‘health reasons’ = Long-term estrangement between them

  8. Imperial Chancellors, 1871-1918 • Fürst Otto von Bismarck, 1871-90 • Leo von Caprivi, 1890-94 • Fürst Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe- Schillingsfürst, 1894-1900 • Bernhard von Bülow, 1900-09 • Theodor von Bethmann Hollweg, 1909-17 • Georg Michaelis, 1917 • Georg Graf von Hertling, 1917-18 • Prince Max von Baden, 1918

  9. Germany’s Economy, 1815-1914 • Backward until 1830 but rapidly transformed by P + Customs Union (1834) • Upsurge in agricultural production due to G- invented chemistry (fertilizers) • Strong growth of heavy industry + high technology: Industrial Revolution starts ca. 1840s • Surpassed GB ca. 1900-10 in production of iron, steel, electrics, chemicals = Rise to top-economic power in EU

  10. Rise of Rightist Movements • Agrarian League(Bund Deutscher Landwirte) → A manipulative strategy from Junkers AND reflection of growing concerns of rural population • Pan-German League(Alldeutscher Verband) → Nationalism: ‘membra disiecta’ + Germans abroad + colonies = Mass agitation with strong influence on society = Conflict + cooperation with government

  11. Domestic Politics, 1890-1914 ‘New Course’ under Kaiser Wilhelm II • Personal semi-authoritarian regime of Emperor (Kaiser) • Lack of parliamentary-constitutional reforms • Prevention of democratisation • Permanent struggles between government and political parties in parliament (Reichstag) • Rise of SPD and Left Liberals: Major victory in 1912 = Feeling of siege” in government + growing perception of being encircled by enemies from in- & outside G.

  12. Foreign Politics, 1890-1900s ‘New Course’ under Kaiser Wilhelm II • Imperialist power politics + colonialism in Africa & Asia-Pacific • Impulsive diplomatic actions of Wilhelm II • General overestimation of G’s power position = Non-renewal of alliance with R → Dual Alliance F + R: ‘Encirclement of G’ with only A + OE as major allies = Rising tensions with GB due to Tirpitz’ naval race

  13. Foreign Politics, 1900s-1914 • Weltpolitik(world policy) : To secure new colonial territories + spheresof influence worldwide → Attempt to create formal & informal empires • Flottenpolitik(naval policy) : To extensively enlarge German navy → Attempt to create 2nd largest battle fleet to rival GB

  14. The German Colonies, 1913-14

  15. Collapse of Bismarck’s alliance system • Franco-Russian Dual Alliance, 1894 • Germany’s naval construction program, 1898 • Britain abandons ‘splendid isolation’, 1898 → British-Japanese Alliance, 1902 →‘ Entente Cordiale’ France-Britain, 1904 = Germany ‘encircled by enemies’: Two-Front-War danger extremely high

  16. Results • Weltpolitik: A failure → political drawbacks and diplomatic isolation • Flottenpolitik: A failure → permanent estrangement with Britain + domestic stalemate after Reichstag elections of 1912 = Strong feeling of overall stalemate in G’s foreign AND domestic policies insideGerman civilian + military leadership

  17. Conclusion • Long path to unified G. nation state made possible only by 3 wars vs. neighbours • Liberalism weak due to strong position of conservatism & militarism: Split into National (Right) + Left Liberals • Struggle of authoritarian monarchy, with democratic elements, vs. SPD & Left Liberals • Overestimation of G’s power after Bismarck’s dismissal → Isolation + tensions in EU • Outdated political system ≠ economically & scientifically most-advanced and modern state in world

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