Highlights of HIMSS 19 Conference Orlando | Himss 2019 Speakers
The HIMSS19 Conference held at Orlando, Florida was a week of Innovation, Knowledge and Experience and it closed yet another HIMSS Chapter. The conference consisted of some of the prominent speakers, in this video we have highlighted the thoughts of the HIMSS 2019 speakers. The HIMSS19 Speakers included in this video are: Aneesh Chopra, President of CareJourney and the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer. Karen DeSalvo, Former National Coordinator For Health IT and a Consumer Directed Exchange Advocate. Michael Leavitt, Founder of Leavitt Partners. Seema Verma, Administrator at the Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services. Hal Wolf III, President and CEO of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). In association with this the HIMSS society has also included HIMSS Learning Center into their conglomerate to provide educational propositions such as HIMSS Insights and HIMSS Analytics to educate the novice practitioners of Healthcare entering the Industry. The HIMSS Highlights for 2018 established one notion that HIMSS was going for: Bridging the gaps in Healthcare and making it more accessible, while HIMSS19 took a different path focusing on the Interoperability between systems. Here are our HIMSS 2019 Takeaways, to read more take a look at: https://www.osplabs.com/insights/7-smart-lessons-you-need-to-learn-before-attending-himss-conference-2019/
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