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NSF-CBA Program Review MIT Cambridge, MA October 12, 2006

PLEX. M I T. CO. Y. Avogadro Scale Engineering & Fabricational Complexity. NSF-CBA Program Review MIT Cambridge, MA October 12, 2006. Molecular Machine (Jacobson) Group jacobson@media.mit.edu. 10 -10. 10 -9. 10 -8. 10 -7. 10 -6. 10 -5. 10 -4. 10 -3. 10 -2. red blood cell

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NSF-CBA Program Review MIT Cambridge, MA October 12, 2006

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PLEX MIT CO Y Avogadro Scale Engineering & Fabricational Complexity NSF-CBA Program Review MIT Cambridge, MA October 12, 2006 Molecular Machine (Jacobson) Group jacobson@media.mit.edu

  2. 10-10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 red blood cell ~5 m (SEM) diatom 30 m Complexity vs. Size DNA proteins nm Simple molecules <1nm bacteria 1 m m SOI transistor width 0.12m Semiconductor Nanocrystal ~1 nm Circuit design Copper wiring width 0.1m Nanotube Transistor (Dekker) IBM PowerPC 750TM Microprocessor 7.56mm×8.799mm 6.35×106 transistors

  3. DNA Synthesis Chemical Synthesis(Solid Phase Synthesis) Biological Synthesis(Error Correcting Polymerase) Error Rate: 1: 102 Error Rate: 1: 106 100 Steps per second 300 Seconds Per step 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease • Beese et al. (1993), Science, 260, 352-355. http://www.med.upenn.edu/naf/services/catalog99.pdf http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/xtal/teach/repl/klenow.html

  4. Resources for Exponential Scaling Resources which increase the complexity of a system exponentially with a linear addition of resources 1] Quantum Phase Space 2] Error Correcting Fabrication 3] Fault Tolerant Hardware Architectures 4] Fault Tolerant Software or Codes

  5. Complexity Per Unit Cost [I]Non Error Correcting: A G T C [II] Triply Error Correcting: A G T C A G T C A G T C n = 300 P = 0.9 P = 0.85 n n p

  6. Deinococcus radiodurans (3.2 Mb, 4-10 Copies of Genome ) D. radiodurans 1.75 million rads, 0 h D. radiodurans 1.75 million rads, 24 h Uniformed Services University of the Health [Nature Biotechnology 18, 85-90 (January 2000)] D. radiodurans: 1.7 Million Rads (17kGy) – 200 DS breaks E. coli: 25 Thousand Rads – 2 or 3 DS breaks http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis/publicat/microbial/image3.html photos provided by David Schwartz (University of Wisconsin, Madison)]

  7. Synthetic Self Replication Faculty Joseph Jacobson Graduate Students Brian Chow David Kong Chris Emig Jae Bum Joo Sam Hwang Kimin Jun Undergrad Bram Sterling,Lu Chen,Ekatarina Pak,Michael Oh Research Scientists and Post Docs Peter Carr Sangjun Moon Alumni Saul Griffith Chris Emig Jae Bum Joo Jason Park BioFAB -Building a Fab for Biology- Griffith, S. et. al. “Robotics: Self-replication from random parts.” Nature (2005), 437(7059), 636 Carr, P. et.al. .. “ Protein-mediated error correction for de novo DNA synthesis.” Nucleic Acids Research (2004), 32(20), e162/1-e162/9. Molecular Machines Group-MIT • Air inlets • Crushers • Ganglion • Multiple Visual sensors • Muscles • Pincers • Sensory receptors • Stridulatory pegs • Wings http://www.thetech.org/exhibits_events/traveling/robotzoo/about/images/grasshopper.gif

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