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Past continuous – positive negative. Complete the sentences !. + I ______( cook ) in the kitchen . - She ______( wear ) her glasses . - We _____( have ) breakfast . + They _____( learn ) English . + Tom _____( watch ) TV. - He _____( wash ) up .
Past continuous – positive negative
Completethesentences ! + I ______(cook) in thekitchen. - She ______(wear) her glasses. - We _____(have) breakfast. + They _____(learn) English. + Tom _____(watch) TV. - He _____(wash) up. - Mr. andMrs. Green _____(listen) to music. + My parents _____(wait) forme.
Key to exercises ! + I wascooking in thekitchen. - Shewasn´t wearing her glasses. - Weweren´t havingbreakfast. + TheywerelearningEnglish. + Tom waswatching TV. - He wasn´t washingup. - Mr. andMrs. Green weren´t listening to music. + my parentswerewaitingforme.
Past continuous - questions Wereyoudoingyourhomework? Weretheylistening to theteacher? Yes, I was. No, I wasn´t. Yes, theywere. No, theyweren´t.
Completethequestions ! _____________you/carrythebooks? _____________she/play basketball? _____________Jack/go home? _____________youandyourfriend/play computergames? _____________it/snowyesterday? _____________you/ride a horse? _____________Sue/wear a jacket? _____________they/have lunch at 2 o´clock?
Key to exercises ! Wereyoucarryingthebooks? Wassheplaying basketball? Was Jack goinghome? Wereyouandyourfriendplayingcomputergames? Wasitsnowingyesterday? Wereyouriding a horse? WasSuewearing a jacket? Weretheyhaving lunch at 2 o´clock?
We use past continuous… I washaving lunch when my mumopenedthedoor. While I and my fatherwereclimbing a mountain, I broke my arm.
Writethesentences ! 1) I and my friend/learn/History/Peter/wakeup 2) we/have/a picnic/it/start/rain 3) Sue/listen/music/she/fall/her bike
4) I/set/the table/I/drop/a plate 5) SaraandJess/play/chess/Sara/see/mouse 6) we/do/homework/my mobil/ring
Key to exercises ! 1) I and my friendwerelearningHistorywhen Peter wokeup. 2) Whilewewerehaving a picnic, itstarted to rain. 3) WhenSuewaslistening to music, shefellof her bike.
Key to exercises ! 4) While I wassettingthe table, I droppedthe plate. 5) SaraandJesswereplayingchesswhenSarasaw a mouse. 6) Whenweweredoingourhomework, my mobil rang.