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National Competitiveness Council Mobilizing the Philippines Towards Competitiveness Philippines Development Forum Cebu City 8 March 2007. Secretary Peter B. Favila Co-Chairperson, National Competitiveness Council. Our CHALLENGE is to mobilize the country to ELEVATE its competitiveness.
National Competitiveness Council Mobilizing the Philippines Towards Competitiveness Philippines Development Forum Cebu City 8 March 2007 Secretary Peter B. Favila Co-Chairperson, National Competitiveness Council
Our CHALLENGE is to mobilize the country to ELEVATE its competitiveness World Competitiveness Yearbook (IMD)#49 out of 61 Global Competitiveness Report (WEF)#77 out of 117 Doing Business (WB, 2007) #126 out of 175
The Summit served as a kick-off event for a competitiveness CAMPAIGN Objectives • Mainstream the need for a national competitiveness mindset • Embark on a stronger Private-Public sector Partnership • RP competitiveness ranking to be within the Top 3rd by 2010
The ACTION AGENDA focuses the PPP efforts on six areas • DevelopingCompetitive Human Resources • InstitutingEfficient Public and Private Sector Management • CreatingEffective Access to Financing • ImprovingTransaction Flows and Costs • ProvidingSeamless Infrastructure Network • DevelopingEnergy Cost Competitiveness & Self-Sufficiency …including the alignment and convergence with the Legislative Judiciary and Ombudsman
The NCC is GEARED UP to face this challenge Task Force Private Sector Amb. CB Bautista (Co-chair) Amb. DG Dee Amb. RR Romulo Dr. FM Macaranas Mr. Gil Salazar Public Sector DTI (Co-Chair) DOF DOTC DepEd NEDA Working Groups: Secretariat Competitive Human Resources Efficient Public & Private Sector Mgt. Effective Access to Financing Improved Transaction Flows and Costs Seamless Infrastructure Network Energy Cost Competitiveness and Self Sufficiency Center for Industrial Competitiveness EDC NC on Financing Anti-Red Tape Task Force Infrastructure Monitoring Task Force
Private Sector CHAMPIONS were invited to lead the advocacy efforts of each area Atty. Emerico de Guzman (PMAP) Mr. Baltazar Endriga (MAP) Mr. Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr. (Philexport) Mr. Dave Balangue (FINEX) Mr. Meneleo Carlos (FPI) Mr. Antonio del Rosario (MBC) Mr. Francis Chua (FFCCCI) Atty. Miguel Varela (PCCI) Human Resources Management Financing Transaction Costs and Flows Infrastructure Energy Special concerns (legislature) Special concerns (judiciary & ombudsman)
CONVERGENCE with development partners network is key to addressing this challenge • The Working Group on Growth and Investment Climate ADOPTED the Action Agenda • The PDF must AFFIRM and STRENGTHEN this linkage • …and help ENABLE the points of convergence through new RESOURCES and INFLUENCE in the global arena
The Philippines is addressing the issue of competitiveness and its ENGINE is the PPPThe strength of thePARTNERSHIPdepends ontheCOMMITMENTof everyoneEveryFILIPINOand our friends from theINTERNATIONAL COMMUNITYare invited to take part in thisCRUCIALendeavor