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cONjugating – ar verbs

cONjugating – ar verbs. One of the most important things you’ll ever learn to do in Spanish. ¿ Qu É tanto sabes ? How much do you already know?. Try to answer the following questions. If you are not sure of the answer, take a guess. I just want to know what you already know about verbs . .

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cONjugating – ar verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. cONjugating–ar verbs One of the most important things you’ll ever learn to do in Spanish.

  2. ¿QuÉtantosabes?How much do you already know? Try to answer the following questions. If you are not sure of the answer, take a guess. I just want to know what you already know about verbs. 

  3. 1. AN INFINITIVE IS... A. a verb that does not have a subject. B. a special adjective. C. an expression of frequency that means “forever”. D. an imaginary number that is used only in Spanish.

  4. 2. THE THREE TYPES OF VERBS IN SPANISH ARE... A. -er, -or, -re B. -ar, -er, ir C. -ir, -oir, -dre D. -oy, -as, -es

  5. 3. A SUBJECT PRONOUN ... A. tells when an action takes place. B. tells how often something happens. C. describes something or someone. D. tells who is doing an action, being described, or being identified.

  6. 4. THE TWO PARTS OF AN INFINITIVE ARE CALLED... A. the root and the prefix B. the stem and the ending C. the beginning and the end D. the suffix and the prefix

  7. 5. “CONJUGATING” A VERB MEANS... A. making a verb formal rather than informal. B. changing the verb form to make it match the subject. C. spelling the infinitive form correctly. D. saying it quickly outloud or saying it over and over until you memorize it.

  8. Present Tense Verbs There are three types of verbs in Spanish: -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. The verbs are categorized by their last two letters. Hablarleerescribir

  9. ¿Recuerdas?Do you remember? Subject pronouns replace proper nouns and tell us “who” or “what” is doing an action, being described, or being identified. Yo Nosotros/Nosotras Tú Vosotros/Vosotras Él Ellos Ella Ellas Usted (Ud.) Ustedes (Uds.)

  10. Infinitives All Spanish verbs have two parts: the stem and the ending. Hablar to talk

  11. Infinitives The stem tells what the action is. Habl talk

  12. Infinitives The ending tells who is doing the action. Hablo Ispeak.

  13. -AR verb endings o amos as áis a an

  14. Present Tense Verbs To “Conjugate”, or change the verb forms to make them match the subject, there are two steps. • Drop the –ar,-er, or –ir from the infinitive… Just throw it away! Hablar ….ar habl

  15. Present Tense Verbs 2. Replace the -ar, -er, or -irwith the ending that corresponds with the subject.  Yohablo.=Italk.

  16. PorEjemplo:Estudiar = to study We study Estudiamos You all study Estudiáis They, you all Estudian (formal) studies I study Estudio You study Estudias He, she, you Estudia (formal) studies

  17. Trabajar= to work o amos as áis a an

  18. Conjugate these  Yo, cantar  = Ella, hablar  = Nosotros, practicar  = Uds, tocar  = Yo canto ISing Ella habla Shetalks Nosotros practicamos Wepractice Uds. Tocan You all play

  19. Noooooooooo! • When you want to say that you do not do something, use no before the verb form. • Yonoestudio • Ido notstudy

  20. GO back and make yours negative! Yo, cantar = Ella, hablar = Nosotros, practicar = Uds,tocar = Yono canto Idon’tsing Ellanohabla Shedoesn’ttalk Nosotrosnopracticamos Wedon’tpractice Udsnotocan You all don’tplay

  21. -ERverb endings o emos es éis e en

  22. -IRverb endings o imos es ís e en

  23. Practica Navegamos (we navigate) Viven (they live) Comprendes (you comprehend) Existo ( I exist) Repetís (ya’ll repeat) • Nosotros, navegar • Ellos, vivir • Tú, comprender • Yo, existir • Vosotros, repetir

  24. !Felicidades! Now you know how to conjugate a verb!   Pg. 98 Act. 26 & 27 Pg. 139 act. 33 Conjugate purple & green boxes together.

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