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FLASHCARDS. Very Young English Learners Primary English classes. Need lots of ideas to keep attention. Have v ery short attention span. Need r eal language. CHILDREN. Forget things quickly. Are full of energy. May be fearful. Develop at different rates.
PaedDr.Dana Mašínová FLASHCARDS Very Young English LearnersPrimary English classes
Need lots of ideas to keep attention Have very short attention span Need real language CHILDREN Forget things quickly Are full of energy May be fearful Develop at different rates
Never criticize, always be encouraging, smile and praise us Practise regularly Revise constantly
pictures, toys and real objects we need… see and watch things touch and feel things vary the pace have fun friendly atmosphere flexibility playful activities play games where everyone wins physical movement variety
Flashcards • a great way to practise English with CH • effective and easy to use • CH enjoy touching and moving FC • practise or revise vocabulary and simple grammar structures
Colours 8 6 Numbers7 3 5 Toys Shapes FLASHCARDS Food School Clothes Animals
Caracter fc Characters from the coursebook - I´m… - This is… - Who are you?
THE PUPPET’S BAG • Bring a puppet and a bag with FC(relating to the topic) • One FC for each child • Make a circle, sit down • Ask: What’s in the bag? • Name the FC and deal them to the children • The children give the FC back to the puppet: Fetch me the …, please.
Topic flashcards Food I´m hungry/thirsty. Can I have a…? Who´s got a…? Toys It´s my birthday. I´ve got a … for my birthday. Free time activities Let´s go …-ing. I like …-ing. Who likes …ing in the free time? Pets (circle, wave) I have a pet. This is my pet. I have a (rabit).
introduce 6 FC write a command for each FC on the board hold up FC and CH carry out the commands RAISE YOUR HANDS CLAP STAND UP TOUCH YOUR NOSE STAMP YOUR LEGS NOD YOUR HEAD LISTEN AND DO
True or false? • T shows FC: • two claps WRONG, one clap RIGHT • nod your head like this, shake your head like this • shout out 'YES'/'NO' • put one hand up, • put both hands up • CH run to the • TRUE/FALSE sign
Listen for the mistake • T shows FC, CH listen and correct the mistakes the T makes /activity+weather FC/ • put 5 FC on the board/floor and say just four. CH must name the missing picture
RELAYS IN TEAMS • 2 or 3 teams in lines • FC on the floor • T calls a FC, CH take turns to fetch it • CH in lines get a number, T names a FC and calls a number, CH run for the FC
SIT IN A CIRCLE • CH sit in a circle, FC in the middle • say it and pass it on • CH listen and point to the FC/CH make sounds,movements/ • CH throw a ball and name the FC • grab the FC
LISTEN AND SHOW • CH stay in a circle, each CH has a FC: • listen and hold it up • sit down everybody who has… • Mexican wave • listen and run around the circle • listen and change places • listen and fetch me/bring me • CH sit at their desks and choose the right FC from their sets
MATCHING fc,PICTURES+NUMBERS • What number is the car? • What is number 6? • ´I´ve got 5 cars.´ • How many dolls has she got? • How many trees are there?
MOVE AROUND AND NAME THE FC • FC around the class, CH mingle around, play some music, stop it, CH name the FC that is near them • slalom around FC • FC maze • run to the FC • fetch me/bring me the FC
Identifying CH choose the FC you are describing Find something yellow/green…. What is it? The boy is wearing boots/carrying a bag….
GUESSING • revealing the FC • a keyhole • fast display
Guessing games • I spy with my little eye something beginning with /sound, letter/-the first CH to guess correctly comes to the front and continues • I can hear with my little ear… • I can remember something red/yellow and green …
There's something in the bag! What is it? GUESS! 'Bag, oh, bag, shake, shake, shake, Bag, oh, bag, what can I take?' A MAGIC BAG/BOX
PASS THE BOX/BAG • CH pass a box/bag filled with cards sitting in a circle, take out a card and do the task /play some music, stop it - a CH who has the box/bag takes out the card • pictures to revise vocabulary • letters to practise spelling • numbers • words to read or spell /the others guess the word/
Do the movements and show the picture FC PHYSICAL BREAK CHANT You are a tree, grow tall. You are a very bouncy ball. You are a lady, in the rain. You are a bird, you are a plane. You are a lion, you are a frog. You are a monkey, you are a log.
CH hold a FC each, listen to a story and put the FC in order • Story in pairs: 5 FC for a pair, each pair invent a simple story including those cards – however crazy it is • Make a Poem (each pair makes a sentence about the FC) Story building
Animal chant Who's having fun? • Spiders in the sun. Who's having lunch? • Beetles in a bunch. Who's chewing socks? • Puppies in a box. Who's fast asleep? • Three black sheep. CH get into 5 groups: 1 question group /stand/ 2 spider group /sit down/ 3 beetle group 4 puppies group 5 sheep group
Chain work 1 CH sit down in a circle and there are picture cards in the middle /face down/ 2 CH1 picks up a card bananas and asks CH2: 'Do you like bananas?' 3 CH2 picks up a card apples: 'No, I don't like bananas, but I like apples.' to CH3: 'Do you like apples?' 4 CH3 picks up a card sweets: 'No, I don't like apples, but I like sweets.' to CH4 …
BINGO • Cards of pictures-children cover the large cards with little pictures as they are drawn • In pairs: running dictation (CH arrange FC)
KIM’S GAMES • Put 6-8 FC on the MG board/desk/floor • CH have a minute to remember them • CH close their eyes • Remove some FC • CH call out what was removed • Change the order of FC • CH call out what was changed
PLACES/classifying • Large pictures of a city/zoo/school/farm etc. are in different places of the room T shows a FC and CH run to the corresponding picture • CH put FC in particular categories
show a FC and say the word, the CH repeat the word several times, more and more silently. show the children one FC after another and say words, the CH repeat the word only if it is the same as the picture ECHO
CHINESE WHISPER • 2 teams • T shows a FC to the first CH in teams and they whisper it, the last calls the word • T whispers an instruction to the first CH, the team to do it first wins
FISHING • Prepare paper fish with FC and paper clip on them • Provide CH with fishing rods /more than one is better/ • Children fish for FC • ´I have /got/´
Spelling test • Every Ch stars with a FC face down on their desk • On ´go´the Ch turn the FC over and write down the word • Clap every 20sec.- Ch must pass the card • Continue until the FCs do a full circuit of the room • Choose 10-15 FC and number them • Put the FC around the room • Set a time limit • Ch go around and write down each word
spelling /show a letter, CH say a word beginning with the letter/ hold up the letter /each CH has a FC/ what begins with… memory games (letter+FC,number) put the FC in alphabetical order/line up/make a chain matching /letter – picture/ jumbled letters on the board/floor – find the word pass a bag with letter FC (play music, stop it..) maze /on the board or the floor/ slalom Mexican wave Alphabet and number fc
Shopping 1/ FC and shops /greengrocer's, grocer's, pet shop, clothes shop, furniture shop/ 2/ play the shop and practise a simple dialog 3/ shopping lists for pairs • Good morning. • Can I have some bananas, please? • Yes, of course. How many? • Three, please. • Here you are. • Thank you. Goodbye.
Monster FC • Body FC • Body BINGO • numbers 1 – 6 for body parts + throw dice 37
Clothes FC • Poster + FC • Clothes BINGO • figures to dress 38
Vocabulary practice Association game Walk from a FC to another FC and explain: ex. A bus and a car, because they are red/fast. Prepositions on/in/under… in front of behind between Picture domino Picture pellmanism 40
Hopscotch • to practice numbers, alphabet, vocabulary • ex. snail, number swirl, wheel, spiral
www.oup.com/elt www.onestopenglish.com www.lessonsense.com www.learningesl.com www.englishbanana.com www.funschool.com www.dltk-cards.com www.cambridge.org/elt/resources/young/ www.britishcouncil.org/parents-flashcards.htm www.mes-english.com Flashcards
PaedDr.Dana Mašínová Thank you!See you again next time!