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Very Young English Learners Beginning writing and reading. PaedDr. Dana Mašínová aj.damas@gmail.com. Children. are p layful try to turn the language into a big game. are c urious use guessing activities, puzzles and riddles. are c ompetitive
Very Young English LearnersBeginning writing and reading PaedDr. Dana Mašínová aj.damas@gmail.com
Children are playful try to turn the language into a big game are curious use guessing activities, puzzles and riddles are competitive do simple activities 'who will first...', relays are creative let them make things are agile let them move, mime, gesture, do exercises have short attention span often change activities, make them short
Children like games stories drama rhythm rhymes, jazz chants and songs pictures and toys support every activity with pictures and real objects what is familiar they feel secure /what may seem boring or repetitive to adults is not necessarily the case for children
The activities must be mispel vilely nunyf alobejeny apablteda + quick to prepare + easy to use
Teacher should be positive, smile often change short activities speak slowly and clearly give simple instructions let the children move a lot let the children touch and feel be visual,use real objects, pictures, toys use puppets
Writing and reading in English • extremely difficult, especially for dyslexic children • make it a game and fun • do not stress the children • start slowly, do not ´push´ the children • start with letters and sounds words sentences context /stories/
Pass the ball • Make a circle, pass the ball and say your name /use the puppet, write the phrases on the board/ Hello!/Good Morning! What’s your name? How are you?
Roll the ball • Sit in a circle, roll the ball, then say the rhyme and clap your hands: Puppet has the ball Puppet has the ball Hey ho round we go Puppet has the ball. • The puppet rolls the ball, asks ‘What’s your name?’ – ‘Hello, Jane!’ Jane stands in the middle of the circle and holds the ball, all the children say the rhyme ‘Jane has the ball…’, Jane rolls the ball to another child and so on • Continue until everyone in the class has had the ball
12 Clock A WXYZ BC TUV DE RS FG 9 3 HI PQ JK NO LM TRAIN = 9,35 6
Jumbled letters g d o a a n n t l c t r e a i p Find the words: o l o h s c = _ _ _ _ _ o n i l= _ _ _ _ e n p= _ _ _ r h e e t = _ _ _ _ _
Spinner table chair lamp bed tv fridge desk cupboard cooker shelf mirror bath
Names • Sit in a circle • Put letters in a bag • Pass the bag around the circle • Ch draw a letter from the bag • Think of a name for the letter, e.g. • Jim,the Jaguar from Japan • Helen,the Hedgehog from Holland • Each Ch has a letter and writes down the name for it
Decoding messages make a code poster(Ch dictate you the alphabet, write it on the board, write a number under each letter – random) Ch write simple coded messages stick the messages on the poster read the other messages
Alphabet games • alphabetical clock (first letter-short hand, last letter-long hand) • put the words in the alphabetical order • match pictures with the letters • T shows a letter,Ch say a word beginning with it
Kim’s games Show some words or a list of numbers/letters, then: • turn them face down • cover them with a scarf • remove some of them • Ch say them/write them • Ch write what is missing morning scooter mouse fridge bathroom book Teddy bear girl rubber towel
Point to/Show me/Run to • CH sit in a circle and point to the words the T says • CH mingle around, play some music, stop it, CH read the word that is near them • Ch have cards with words and hold them up as T says them • Ch run to the words that are around the classroom as T says them book bedroom sun teacher tree chair flower desk house school street
Bingo • Each CH/pair has a card with 6 pictures • The words for the pictures are in a pile in the middle • CH collect the 6 words matching their pictures
Relay race– Run and grab desk doll lion house school cupboard train • two teams • put some FC with words on the board/floor/desk • T shows a picture • CH run to grab/touch the word • the first wins a point for their team
Grab the word ELEPHANT • Children sit in a circle • Put some flashcards with words in the middle • T calls out the word, the first Ch to touch the right FC keeps it until the end of the game • The child with the most FC wins CAMEL LION KANGAROO HIPPO SNAKE MONKEY
Cross out the word • Write some words on the board • Ch get into two teams • A Ch from each team comes to the board • T calls a word/shows a picture • The first Ch to cross the word gets a point for his/her team picture BIKE computer PLANE kitchen window glass MIRROR garden
Chinese whisper • 2 teams • T shows a picture FC/word/sentence to the first Ch • they pass it on orally • the last Ch findsit /holds,reads,writes it/ • create a sentence/story with older children
Three chairs PLACES CLOTHES FOOD • two teams • Three chairs with signs /categories – vocabulary/ • T shows FC with a word • the first Ch in teams run and sit on the right chair
Categories HOUSE SCHOOL FARM TOYSHOP ZOO cupboard toybox table • Large pictures/signs for several categories • Ch put words to right places • Ch put away toys,food,clothes:
Hangman • Think of a word • Write dashes on the board to represent each letter • Ch try to guess the letters • For each wrong guess draw one part of a person hanging from gallows • They can guess the word, but if they are wrong,another line is added to the figure • The winner thinks of the next word
Vocabulary squares • Ch have to find words hidden among other letters • Make a grid and write words in it (horizontally, vertically, diagonally, from right to left or bottom to top) • The words should be on the same theme • (Make a copy), then fill in the other letters • You can make it more or less difficult according to the clues you give the Ch: • words • topic • pictures • written definitions
Word chains • Write a ´starter´word on the board • In teams, the Ch také turns to add a word to either end, as follows: 4 1 KISSTOPLAYELLOW 3 2
Words from words • Write a long word on the board • Ch see how many words they can make, using only the letters in the word GRANDMOTHER and, red, hot,her, hand….
Guessing games There's something in the box! What is it? GUESS! 'Bag, oh, bag, shake, shake, shake, Bag, oh, bag, what can I take?'
Pass the box/bag • CH sit in a circle and pass a box/bag filled with cards • each Ch takes out a card or play some music, stop it - a CH who has the box/bag takes out a card • words to revise vocabulary • letters to practise spelling • numbers /Ch read the word from the board/ • words to spell /the others guess the word/ • tasks to do
Plasticine • each CH gets a piece of plasticine, rolls it and follows the instructions: • make a snake, coil it up and make a letter of the alphabet • CH get into groups and spell a word /each CH one letter /'decide on letters you need for your word´/ • one, stand, leg, on • CH form the words on a piece of paper, put the words together and read a secret message together
Writing games a a n a r e a b l e a c t o r • be • - - • - - - • - - - - • - - - - - Pyramid /form a pyramid of words all beginning with the same letter/ Getting dressed (guided written work) CH throw the dice and then write:I've got a red shirt. Team writing:write everything in the classroom that 's red/blue… do the puzzle, then write what you can see in the picture
Grids/charts/tables • What's B2? • Spell a word – CH guess/find it • Can you spell number C3? • What can you see in the garden/street/sky
Birthday presents • CH draw a picture + write the word, then put it in an envelope • CH get into pairs (they form two circles, outer and inner, play music, stop) • 'Here comes the postman' they say each other in the pairs • open your present: 'Do you like your present?'
From letters towords letter FC around the classroom: Ch run/point to them Ch hold up the letter as they hear them word building /26 letter tiles/ memory games /15 letters, cover them with a scarf, Ch write them down, then Ch write a word to each letter/ Matching: letter/word – picture board games /CH read the letter/word and move on/ alphabet maze
From letters towords spelling dictation/spelling race /relay in 2 teams-say a word, Ch take turns to write the letters on the board Pictures/posters:ABC,I can see something beginning with the letter b, c, m, … Three chairs /two teams, FC with words/ - vocab. Bingo/Domino/Pelmanism/Happy families/Chinese whisper Wordsearch/Categories/Hangman/Running dictation jumbled letters
From words to sentences • ordering words to make a sentence • jumbled words /cut sentence • words in a box – CH make a sentence • picture pelmanism • sentences with gaps • English – Czech sentences • sentences - pictures • spelling the words to form sentences and read the message /advent calendar/
From sentences to stories • Mixed up story • each CH gets a sentence from the story • listen to the story and put the sentences in order • line up in the order of the story, read it • mime the story • skeleton text • reconstructing by first letters • jumbled sentences • text with mistakes • match sentences and pictures • Puzzle /cut story/ • memory games • true–false sentences
Picture stories • story in pictures with simple text on the back • each Ch has a picture with the text • Ch read the text and line up in the order of the story
Songs, rhymes • Listen to the song and • order the words • order the lines • put the verses in the right order • Listen and fill in the gaps • Listen and choose/circle the right words • Change the words in the song
Bingo BINGO There was a farmer, had a dog, And Bingo was its name, O! BINGO, BINGO, BINGO, And Bingo was its name, O! a doctor, a baker, a driver, a singer mouse,frog,horse,snake,friend Dingo, Muffo, Carla, Mickey
Jazz Chants, Carolyn Graham Who has the keys?What keys? My keys. I thought you had them. I gave them to you. Who has the tickets? What tickets?Our tickets. I thought you had them. I gave them to you. Who has the money?What money? My money. I thought you had it. I gave it to you.
Jazz Chants, Small Talk • Salt and pepper. • Salt and pepper. • Please pass the pepper. • Please pass the salt. • Pass the salt and pepper, please. • Please pass the pepper. • Please pass the salt. • Salt and pepper. • Bread and butter. • Pass the bread and butter, please. • Please pass the bread. • Please pass the butter. • Please pass the pepper. • Please pass the salt. • Thanks a lot. • Thanks a lot. • Thanks a lot for everything. • Don't mention it. • I was happy to do it. • Thanks a million. • Thanks a lot. • Thanks a lot for everything. • You're welcome. • I was happy to do it. • Thanks a million. • Thanks a lot. • Thanks a million. • Thanks a lot. • Thanks a million. • Thanks a lot. • You're welcome. • I was happy to do it.
Where to get materials Primary Resource Books for Teachers: Young Learners (OUP) Jazz Chants, Carolyn Graham (OUP) Oxford Basics for Children Primary boxes, Cambridge Do and Understand (G.Gerngross,H.Puchta), Longman Time for a rhyme, Knižní klub www.onestopenglish.com www.macmillan.cz www.oup.com/elt www.cambridge.org/elt/resources/young/ www.mes-english.com www.bogglesworldesl.com www.-britishcouncil.org/kids
Giving orders to the class • everybody stand up • come up and sit on the carpet • come and stand round the board • everyone come out here to the front • clear everything up nicely • line up - one behind the other • line up quietly by the door • here we go …