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Difference between Directional and Warning Tactile Indicators

ISO Tactile warning indicators, aka tactile hazard indicators, are walking surfaces that are designed to function similarly like a stop sign. These textured surface warning indicators alert vision-impaired or blind people about the hazards in their line of the pathway. These warning tactile indicates them to stop and determine the nature of the danger before proceeding further.

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Difference between Directional and Warning Tactile Indicators

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Difference between Directional and Warning Tactile Indicators WWW.TACTILESOLUTION.CA

  2. ISO Tactile warning indicators, aka tactile hazard indicators, are walking surfaces that are designed to function similarly like a stop sign. These textured surface warning indicators alert vision-impaired or blind people about the hazards in their line of the pathway. These warning tactile indicates them to stop and determine the nature of the danger before proceeding further. Note: The Warning tactile indicators do not indicate what the hazard will be.

  3. Leading tactile indicators, popularly known as directional tactile indicators, are also walking surfaces to guide directional orientation to blind or low-vision people. These textured surface indicators help these people move in open spaces and guide the continuous handy route. These indicators also guide people who deviate from the continuous reachable path and allow them to safely access the crossing point, use a public transport access point, or enter into a public facility.

  4. Contact Us 5863 Leslie Street Suite 507, Toronto Ontario www.tactilesolution.ca tactilesolutionca@gmail.com 1-877-761-5354

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