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NAME Reunión Valencia. Universitat Politècnica de València Viernes 4 de octubre de 2002. José H. Canós jhcanos@dsic.upv.es. ¡Bienvenidos!. NAME : N etwork of A gile M ethodologies E xperience Goal:
NAMEReunión Valencia Universitat Politècnica de València Viernes 4 de octubre de 2002 José H. Canós jhcanos@dsic.upv.es
¡Bienvenidos! • NAME: Network of Agile Methodologies Experience • Goal: The aim of the proposed project is the creation of a network of excellence to build a research roadmap and to formalize and exchange experiences in XP and other AMs, as the essentialprerequisite of systematic R&D activities in the 6th EU Research Funding Framework.
Motivación “There is a large amount of anecdotal evidences in support of the adoption of XP and other AMs in several different contexts. Still, such experience is not formalized in a single framework, to be used by software companies wishing to move to XP and AMs or to improve their XP and AMs practices. This fact may lead to the erroneous belief that XP and AMs are just another fad as at the moment there is little definition of what is the core of XP and AMs and limited codified experience on their effectiveness.”
Objetivos de NAME • First, this project aims at creating a well understood and widely accepted research roadmap for XP and AMs. In particular, to answer systematically the following three questions: • Where are we with XP and AMs? • Where do we want to be with XP and AMs? • How do we think we can get there? • Second, the project plan to create a common experience framework for future R&D in XP and AMs. • The experience in framework should be “normalized” to provide a homogeneous representation of what happened, simple to understand and easy to compare. In this way, it would be possible to find out whether and which XP and AMs principles are most advantageous and in which context. • Third, the proposed network will strengthen existing and establish new strong links among researchers, developers, managers, practitioners involved in XP and AMs.
Líneas de actuación • Creation of a research roadmap for XP: for this action line, network participants and their associate partners will identify where the XP and AMs are, where they are going and how results could be reached. • Creation of a common experience framework: for this action line, on the base of the analysis on XP and AMs made in the action line above, a set of common rules to describe experiences will be identified. • Creation of a stronger network: this action line will exploit the previous two; on the basis of the identified common research topics and experience framework, a more ambitious network will be built and then proposed at the beginning of the next framework. This is likely to be a very challenging project that will be focused also on data acquisition, arrangement and publishing on the web.
M. Marchesi (UC) G. Succi (UBz) L. Moonen (CWI) B. Rumpe (TUM) M. Holcombe (US) NAME’s 1st meeting (BZ, 25/07/02)
UM US UCLM URJC UPV EOS-i Cafis Indra TISSAT ESI CI-GVA DRAC Industrial Partners Consultant Partners Academic Partners Estructura de NAME--UPV
Workpackage list Work-packageNo Workpackage title Lead contractorNo Person-months Startmont Endmonth Phase Deliv-erableNo WP 1 Management and coordination of the project 1 FUB 2,8 0 12 D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 WP 2 Collection of open issues from the associate partners 1 FUB 3,2 0 4 D2.1 WP 3 Production of a common research roadmap 2 Datasiel 1,6 5 6 D3.1 WP 4 Extraction of existing experience from associate partners 1 FUB 3,2 6 10 D4.1 WP 5 Development of the common experience framework 2 Datasiel 1,7 10 11 D5.1 D5.2 WP 6 Internal dissemination 5 TUM 1,6 11 12 D6.1 WP 7 External dissemination 1 FUB 1,6 6 11 7 12 D7.1 TOTAL 8.5
Objetivos para hoy • Conocimiento mutuo • Suscitar polémica • Detectar posibles líneas de trabajo conjunto • Crear comunidad • …
Programa • 11:30 - 13:30 SESIÓN DE UNIVERSIDADES 11:30 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) 11:50 Universidad de Sevilla 12:10 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha 12:30 Universidad de Murcia 12:50 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (grupo ISSI) 13:10 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (grupo OO-Method) 13:30 - 15:00 Comida 15:00 - 16:30 h. SESIÓN DE EMPRESAS 15:00 INDRA 15:20 Tissat 15:40 ESI 16:00 Cafis 16:20 DRAC 16:40 - 17:30 Debate y clausura