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Potential Profile along 2D dot interface

Potential Profile along 2D dot interface. GFMC. Finite Element. Materials Computation Center, University of Illinois Duane Johnson and Richard Martin, NSF DMR-03-25939 New Applications/Tools: New Monte Carlo Method for Device Simulation J.P. Leburton (ECE) and R.M. Martin (Physics).

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Potential Profile along 2D dot interface

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  1. Potential Profile along 2D dot interface GFMC Finite Element Materials Computation Center, University of Illinois Duane Johnson and Richard Martin, NSF DMR-03-25939New Applications/Tools: New Monte Carlo Method for Device Simulation J.P. Leburton (ECE) and R.M. Martin (Physics) Actual device ResearchObjectives: Simulation of many-body electronic effects in semiconductor quantum dots byquantum Monte Carlo (QMC)with all interactions and applied gate potentials simulated by classical Green Function Monte Carlo (GFMC). Approach: Create hybrid approach that uses QMC to solve the many-body Schrodinger equation for the electrons while at the same time using GFMC to solve the Poisson equation for electrostatic potentials and electron-electron interactions in a realistic device structure with applied gate voltages. Significant Results: We have investigated device structures designed for coupled quantum dots made by lithography techniques. The potential calculated by GFMC agrees with well-established Finite-Element method calculations (see graph at the right). QMC studies of interacting electrons have been done in simple cases and full calculations are in progress. Broader Impact: Controlled device design through science, and cross-disciplinary trained students for industry. Produce reliable integrated methods at the appropriate length/time scales. Top View Side view Potential V (in meV) vs. distance (in A) along 2-D electron gas interface by GFMC and FEM solution. QMC in progress.

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