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PROVERBS. A Study in Wisdom from Men Who Knew. Proverbs in Review. Introduction Obtaining Wisdom Defining Wisdom Motivation for Wise Living Life and Death Speech Parents and Children Wives, Husbands and Harlots Idleness, Drunkenness and Gluttony Shortcoming of Wisdom.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROVERBS A Study in Wisdom from Men Who Knew...

  2. Proverbs in Review Introduction Obtaining Wisdom Defining Wisdom Motivation for Wise Living Life and Death Speech Parents and Children Wives, Husbands and Harlots Idleness, Drunkenness and Gluttony Shortcoming of Wisdom Name the three types of revelation of wisdom. How is God the originator of all wisdom? Fear of God produces and results from wisdom. How? What benefits come from wise living? Define “life” and “death” in Proverbs and exemplify. List four characteristics of proper speech. State the test to measure maturity in children. What can the wife learn from the harlot? List three things these conditions have in common. Give four examples of wisdom in the animal world. Lesson 11 REVIEW

  3. Introduction LESSON 1

  4. Define “Proverb” mashal—pithy maxim, usually of a metaphorical nature; hence a simile (as an adage, poem, discourse) translated “proverb”, “parable” and “byword” Who wrote them? (compilation and helps to outline of book) Solomon, for the most part (because, I Kings 4.29-34) Sages (22.17), begins another section, longer sentences, less parallelism Hezekiah’s scribes (25.1) either converted oral to written or wrote Agur (30.1) son of Jakeh (Solomon’s contemporary) spoken to Ithiel and Ucal King Lemuel (31.1) taught by his mother Where, then, did they come from? Three methods of Revelation from Jer. 18.17-18 and Ezek. 7.25-26 WhoSourceType(compiled truth) Priests Law of Moses INSPIRED revealed truth Prophets Visions MIRACULOUSLY revealed truth Sages Observing Life NATURALLY revealed truth* * Thought Question: Are there sages today? Would they conflict with priests/prophets, complement them, give practical meaning to them? Lesson 1 Question IB

  5. Obtaining Wisdom LESSON 2

  6. Ultimate Source of Wisdom (8.12-21, then 22-31 NIV) Gen. 1.31 “and it was very good” POINT: Wisdom exists in and throughout everything because it all started with God LESSON: (32-36) Listen, blessed, find life, gain favor versus destroying self to death! Lesson 2 Question 1F

  7. Defining Wisdom LESSON 3

  8. Contrasting the Wise vs. the Fool Outlook/Perspective Lesson 3 Question ID.3

  9. Motivation for Wise Living LESSON 4

  10. Rewards of Wise Living What reward(s) is conspicuously missing from this list? Eternal Life Lesson 4 Question IC

  11. Life and Death LESSON 5

  12. The Way of Life (its qualities) WAY o f L I F E Lesson5 Question IIC

  13. Speech LESSON 6

  14. Speech (Characteristics of Proper Speech) Frankness and Honesty ONLY? Sometimes we hide behind the statements of honesty claiming no ill-intent while all the time saying what we really feel, hoping we can mitigate the damage by saying, “just kidding”! 18.13 LISTEN, listen, listen—to simply listen is a great form of humility. 15.1 Gentleness—the one who says “I can take it”, usually can’t. 15.23 Fit Timing—fitting the circumstances, apt to the occasion, appropriate for the moment. 12.18 Pleasant—words which are friendly, not harsh, easy to swallow. 15.4 Healing—often times we are hurting with our speech even when we don’t think so. 11.11 Blessing—true, honest complimentary speech to strengthen the spirit. 10.31 Wisdom—words founded in God’s wisdom. Speech is either constructive or destructive, seldom neutral! Lesson 6 Question IIIB

  15. Parents and Children LESSON 7

  16. Parents and Children 22.15 Foolishness bound up in the heart of a child Out of control 4.20 Attend (prick up) and include (bend toward) your ears Listening closely Not depart from eyes, keep in the heart Apparent accepts 23.19 Hear and direct your heart Action Matches 23.23 Procure the truth Active search 13.1 Wise son hears Apparent success 4.10-12 Road won’t be blocked, you won’t stumble Obvious success Lesson 7 Question IB

  17. Wives, Husbands & Harlots LESSON 8

  18. Wives…Harlots (contrasted) Lesson 8Question V

  19. Idleness, Drunkenness and Gluttony LESSON 9

  20. Idleness, Drunkenness and Gluttony Pictured in the Proverbs Prov. 23.20-21 (“come to poverty”) 28.19 pursuer of vain/worthless (persons or pursuits) 26.13-16 (word: atsel is slothful, sluggard, indolent) v. 13 excuse maker v. 14 late sleeper v. 15 fains neediness v. 16 arrogant/prideful 19.24 comfort more important than action 12.27 doesn’t have anything or is too lazy to fix it 10.26 messenger loitering on the way (no “sense of urgency”) Misuses time, resources and lacks self-control… Lesson 9 Question IA

  21. Shortcomings of Wisdom LESSON 10

  22. Shortcomings of Wisdom—Animal lessons from Chapter 30 Wisdom in Insignificant 30.24-28 Ant—provides for self Badger—provides protected dwelling Locust—recognize power in numbers Spider—occupies high places Successful Walking 30.29-31 Lion—courageous Greyhound—sense of urgency Rooster—leader King—well-liked Lesson 10 Question III

  23. PROVERBS A Study in Wisdom from Men Who Knew...

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