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The World at War - WWI: 1914-1918

The World at War - WWI: 1914-1918. Causes of the War. 1 . Militarism & Arms Race. Total Defense Expenditures for the Great Powers [Ger., A-H, It., Fr., Br., Rus.] in millions of £s (pounds). 2. The Alliance System. Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary. Triple Entente :. Triple Alliance :.

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The World at War - WWI: 1914-1918

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Worldat War - WWI:1914-1918

  2. Causesof theWar

  3. 1. Militarism & Arms Race Total Defense Expenditures for the Great Powers [Ger., A-H, It., Fr., Br., Rus.] in millions of £s (pounds).

  4. 2. The Alliance System Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary Triple Entente: Triple Alliance: Britain, France and Russia

  5. Two Armed Camps! Allied Powers: Central Powers:

  6. Europe in 1914

  7. 3. Imperialism

  8. 4. Nationalism!!!

  9. The“Spark”

  10. Pan-Slavism: The Balkans, 1914 The“Powder Keg”of Europe • Brinkmanship – the practice of threatening to go to war to achieve one’s goals • Conscription – a military draft • Mobilization – the process of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for war.

  11. The Assassination: Sarajevo (in Bosnia)

  12. The Assassin: GavriloPrincip

  13. Who’s To Blame?

  14. Womenand theHomeFront

  15. Financing the War

  16. For Recruitment

  17. Munitions Workers

  18. French Women Factory Workers

  19. Red Cross Nurses

  20. Spies • “Mata Hari” • Real Name:MargarethaGertruideZelle • German Spy!

  21. Posters:WartimePropaganda

  22. Governments Increase Powers • In order to ensure that enough was produced for the war, governments increased their powers, even taking over industries • Free speech was curtailed to prevent dissention that could harm war effort • Used propaganda to sway public opinion

  23. German Atrocities in Belgium Britain Joins the War

  24. Recruitment Posters (Propaganda)

  25. Recruits of the Central Powers A German Soldier Says Farewell to His Mother Austro-Hungarians

  26. New French Recruits

  27. Australian Poster

  28. American Poster

  29. Financing the War

  30. The Western Front: A “War of Attrition”

  31. The Schlieffen (SHLEE-fun) Plan

  32. A 2 War Front War*Germany had to fight from both the East (Russia) & West (France)

  33. The Western Front Trench Warfare – fighting from ditches, protected by barbed wire, led to stalemate War of attrition – a war based on wearing the other side down by constant attack and heavy losses.

  34. Trench Warfare

  35. Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land” = the area of land between your trench and the enemy trench

  36. TheEasternFront

  37. Russia Drops Out Russia experienced a revolution in 1917 and quits the war, signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  38. The“Colonial”Fronts

  39. The Middle East Other than Europe, the Middle East saw the biggest battles as the Ottomans (Turks) fought Britain, Russia, and France

  40. The Middle East – A Dual Promise Balfour Declaration • Jews promised a homeland in Palestine if they helped the Allies fight Hussein-McMahon Correspondence • G.B. promised the land of Palestine to Arabs if they helped fight the Ottomans

  41. T. E. Lawrence & the “Arab Revolt”, 1916-18

  42. T. E. Lawrence & Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1918-19 Arabs Left Out at Versailles

  43. Arabs Left Out at Versailles

  44. Fighting in Africa Black Soldiers in the German Schutztruppen[German E. Africa] British Sikh Mountain Gunners

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