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Survey on International Humanitarian Law QUESTIONNAIRE. There is a body of law about how wars should be conducted, including the Geneva Conventions and International Humanitarian Law.
There is a body of law about how wars should be conducted, including the Geneva Conventions and International Humanitarian Law. These laws have been adopted by every country in the world. How familiar are you with these rules and laws? Would you say that you are . . . Very familiar Somewhat familiar That you just know the name, or That you’ve never heard of them. Question 1
To what extent do you agree or disagree that adopting rules and laws to govern what actions are acceptable in war is a good way to reduce the human suffering caused by war. 1=completely agree; 5=completely disagree; or NOT SURE/NO RESPONSE Question 2
From what you know, when did the U.S. government first adopt rules imposing limits on how wars should be conducted? Was it during . . . The Revolutionary War The Civil War The First World War, or The Second World War Don’t know Question 3
To what extent is it acceptable for soldiers and fighters to take the following actions in war? For each action, please tell me if that action is always acceptable, is acceptable in some circumstances, or is never acceptable. Attacking the enemy in populated areas, if that’s where the enemy is hiding, even if many women and children may be killed. Depriving civilians in combat areas of food, medicine, or water in order to weaken the enemy. Deliberately attacking religious and historical monuments when there are no enemy combatants present Question 4 (first part)
To what extent is it acceptable for soldiers and fighters to take the following actions in war? For each action, please tell me if that action is always acceptable, is acceptable in some circumstances, or is never acceptable. Taking civilian hostages to be used in bargaining with the enemy. Torturing captured enemy soldiers or fighters in order to get important military information. Killing enemy prisoners in retaliation if the enemy has been killing the prisoners that it captures Refusing to allow prisoners to be visited by a representative from a neutral organization to confirm that they are being treated well. Question 4 (second part)
In your opinion, should government leaders ban the use of land mines because they have great potential for hurting civilians and for preventing use of the land long after the war is over? Yes No Not sure Question 5
When a war is over, how should those people who broke the rules of war be treated? Should they be . . . Put on trial and punished, Exposed to the public but not put on trial, or Forgiven and granted amnesty without public exposure Not sure/ Don’t know Question 6
To what extent do you agree or disagree that the U.S. government should take the following actions to reduce the number of civilians who are hurt in war? (1=completely disagree; 5=completely agree; NOT SURE) Putting more restrictions on the trading of weapons around the world Strengthening the enforcement of the laws and rules that limit what combatants can do in war Working on increasing the accuracy of weapons to reduce unintended civilian casualties Educating young people on the laws and rules of war before they are old enough to vote or enlist in the military Question 7
From what you know, if an American soldier who has important military information is captured, is it acceptable for enemy soldiers to torture the soldier to get that information? Would you say it is . . . Always acceptable, Acceptable in some circumstances, Never acceptable Not sure Question 8
Which of the following statements, if any, applies to you? I am currently on active duty or serving in the reserves I am a veteran of the armed forces I have a close friend or relative serving in the armed forces, either active duty or reserves I have a close friend or relative who is a veteran of the armed forces None of these Don’t know Question 9