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SUPER-SIZING Your Program Offerings with “Special” Events. Presenters: Russell Vineyard, Portland State University; James Wayne and Michael Bastian, Illinois State University. P R E S E N T E R S. Rusty Vineyard, Portland State University Coordinator, Intramurals and Special Events
SUPER-SIZING Your Program Offerings with “Special” Events Presenters: Russell Vineyard, Portland State University; James Wayne and Michael Bastian, Illinois State University
P R E S E N T E R S • Rusty Vineyard, Portland State University • Coordinator, Intramurals and Special Events • Mike Bastian, Illinois State University • Assistant Director, Facilities • James Wayne, Illinois State University • Coordinator, Competitive Programs
O U T C O M E S • Outline special event planning and implementation utilizing three unique examples. • Learn about protocols to assist with your events. • Develop a strategy for marketing and promoting events to a diverse university population.
S P E C I A L E V E N T S O V E R V I E W • Party in the Park • Portland State University • Strongman Competition • Tulane University and Illinois State University • Fitz’s Birthday Bash • Southeast Missouri State University
P A R T Y I N T H E P A R K Party in the Park is the biggest recruitment event on campus and is one of the most celebrated traditions at PSU that draws thousands of students to the Downtown Portland South Park Blocks to celebrate the beginning of the school year and feature hundreds of student organizations and student activities. The objective of Party in the Park is to promote student leadership and involvement in student activities and organizations.
S T R O N G M A N • Similar to ESPN Worlds Strongest Man • Designed for the average college student • Unique strength events • $1430 Budget for the 1st year
F I T Z ‘ S B I R T H D A Y B A S H • Carnival-Style Event • Organized and Drop-In Events • Food and Beverage • Prize Room including Event and Raffle Prizes • $3,000 Budget
BUDGET Budget Planning Budget Template LOGISTICS Safety & Emergency Planning Venue Worksheet Event Staffing TIMELINES Event Timelines Printed Materials Timeline PROGRAMMING Event Planning Collaboration Opportunities Marketing & Promotion Planning & Production E V E N T G U I D E L I N E S
P R O G R A M P L A N N I N G PROGRAMMING Event Planning Event Fact Sheet Collaboration Opportunities Marketing & Promotion Planning & Production
S T R O N G M A N P L A N N I N G PROGRAMMING Event Planning Collaboration Opportunities Communications & Marketing Sponsorship Planning & Production
T I M E L I N E P L A N N I N G TIMELINES Event Timelines When do we begin?
T I M E L I N E P L A N N I N G STRONGMAN TIMELINE Semester out: seek out collaborations and sponsors and secure facility 3 months out: being marketing and begin to secure, make equipment 2 month out: secure staffing 5 days out: entry forms due 3 days out: weight-ins and making of score sheets 2 days out: staging of equipment 1 day out: staff training and pre set-up 1 hour out: set up and participant sign in
B U D G E T P L A N N I N G BUDGET Budget Planning Checklist Budget Template Our Budgets Party in the Park: $25,106.04 Fitz Birthday Bash: $3,000.00 Strongman Competition: $1430.00
L O G I S T I C S P L A N N I N G LOGISTICS Safety & Emergency Planning Emergency Action Procedures (EAP) Venue Worksheet Responsibilities Training General Information Event Staffing Who?
L O G I S T I C S P L A N N I N G STRONGMAN LOGISTICS Safety & Emergency Plan 1st aid and BBP Environmental Considerations Event Staffing Training Responsibilities Event Design Unique events not unsafe events
P R O T O C O L S & P O L I C I E S Knowing your University as it relates to: Entertainment on campus Who Can help? Facility usage Where to go? Fundraising & gifts I have to check on this…YES! Posting and Distribution Where to post?
P R O T O C O L SC O N T… Photos & Filming on campus Why this is important? Type of programs and activities Can this happen on my campus? (X-treme games) Trademarks and Identity Stay out of hot water! Use of Volunteers Be specific with duties.
M A R K E T I N GS T R A T E G Y Ex: Fitz’s Birthday Bash
M A R K E T I N G S T R A T E G Y I NF I V E E A S Y S T E P S • Here’s How: • Describe your events’ unique selling proposition (USP). • Tip: Your Unique Selling Proposition sets you apart from the rest, don't try to develop a marketing plan without one.
M A R K E T I N G S T R A T E G Y • Define your target market. • Identify your event or your market first • Schedule an appropriate date and time • Plan!
M A R K E T I N G S T R A T E G Y • Write down the benefits (value) of your event to the campus. • Target Market • University • Department • Workers
M A R K E T I N G S T R A T E G Y • Define your marketing methods. Will you advertise, use Internet marketing, direct marketing, or public relations? • Print • Social Media • Personal Contact • Unique Ways
M A R K E T I N G S T R A T E G Y • Assessment of Programs and Services. • When? • On-site • Post-Event • How? • Informal • Prepared Questions • Online/Hand-Out
W R A P - U P • Learning Outcomes • Website • Bibliography • Information Sharing
P R E S E N T A T I O N R E V I E W • Outline special event planning and implementation utilizing three unique examples. • Learn about protocols to assist with your events. • Develop a strategy for marketing and promoting events to a diverse university population.
W E B S I T E Special Event Resource Page CLICK HERE
UCLA Special Events & Protocol. Event Planning Resources. [ONLINE] Available http://www.specialevents.ucla.edu/resources.html B I B L I O G R A P H Y
I N F O R M A T I O N S H A R I N G • Time to share your experiences.