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Mandatos Informales ( tú ). Let’s review how to form affirmative tú commands. It is SIMPLE! Just put the verb in the “ usted ” form of the PRESENT INDICATIVE. Present tense ( Ud .) Command ( tú ) Usted habla . ¡ Habla ! Usted escribe . ¡ Escribe ! Usted vuelve . ¡ Vuelve !.
MandatosInformales (tú) • Let’s review how to form affirmative túcommands. • It is SIMPLE! Just put the verb in the “usted” form of the PRESENT INDICATIVE. • Present tense (Ud.) Command (tú) • Ustedhabla. ¡Habla! • Ustedescribe. ¡Escribe! • Ustedvuelve. ¡Vuelve!
Affirmative Commands • Try a few: • Open the door! • Talk to me! • Start your homework!
Affirmative Commands • Try a few: • Open the door! -> ¡ Abre la puerta! • Talk to me! -> ¡Hablaconmigo! • Start your homework! -> ¡ Comienza la tarea!
Affirmative Commands To add an object pronoun, place it on the end and add an accent to the verb. Sit (yourself) down! -> ¡ Siéntate! Give it to me. -> ¡Dámelo! Do we need a review of object pronouns??
Affirmative Commands IO Pronouns:DO Pronouns: me: me it (singular): lo, la you (inform.) : te it (plural): los, las him/her/you (form.): le us: nos them/y’all: les Exception: You can NEVER have two “L’s” together! Givehim the ice cream. Dále lo. -> You can’t say “Dálelo” Answer: Dáselo. The first “L” turns into a “se.”
Affirmative Commands Irregulars: Decir -> Di Ir -> Ve Ser -> Sé Salir -> Sal Hacer -> Haz Tener -> Ten Venir -> Ven Poner -> Pon
MandatosInformales– formasnegativas (tú) • The negative tú, or informal, command uses the tú form of the verb in the subjunctive. • No hablesmas. No salgas. • No comas mas. No vayas. • No sirvasmas. No conduzcas.
MandatosInformales– formasnegativas (tú) • As with formal commands, object pronouns are added to the affirmative command and come before the negative command. • Háblame. No mehables. • Dímelo. No melodigas.
MandatosInformales • Around the world: • Give me the NEGATIVE TÚ command for the verbs I call out. • Count the number of people you beat. • Winner gets to skip homework tonight!
MandatosInformales– formasnegativas (tú) • Classwork / Homework: • Completen p. 309 ex. 11, 12 • Completen la parte de Comunicación en la caja verde en la pagina 309. Escriban por lo menos 10 oraciones.
MandatosFormales • When would you use a formal command? How is it different than an informal command? • *How is it formed? (Think about why I’ve included it in the subjunctive unit )
MandatosFormalesmiercoles, el 19 de marzo • The formal commands (usted, ustedes) both affirmative and negative, use the subjunctive form of the verb. • (no) prepare usted (no) preparenustedes • (no) lea usted (no) lean ustedes • (no) sirvausted (no) sirvanustedes • (no) hagausted (no) haganustedes • (no) salgausted (no) salganustedes • (no) conduzcausted (no) conduzcanustedes • (no) vayausted (no) vayanustedes • (no) sea usted (no) seanustedes
MandatosFormales • DIRECT OBJECTS– The object pronouns must be added to the affirmative command. • Hablele. -> Talk to him. • Démelo. -> Give me it. • Levántense. -> Stand (yourselves) up.
MandatosFormales • DIRECT OBJECTS– The object pronouns must come BEFORE the negative command. • No lehableusted. -> Don’t talk to him. • No melodéusted. -> Don’t give me it. • No selevantenustedes. -> Don’t stand (yourself) up.
MandatosFormales • Around the world: • Give me the USTED command for the verbs I call out. • Count the number of people you beat. • Winner gets to skip homework tonight!
MandatosFormales • Class work / Homework: • Completen p. 307 ex. 6 • P. 308 ex. 7, 9, 10