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Decoding B1

Lesson 2. Decoding B1. CHAMPS. C onversation - voice level 2 H elp – raise hand A ctivity – direct instruction M ovement – stay seated P articipation – answer on cue Success. Pronunciation. Part 1. l s m f n. We are working on: letter sounds

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Decoding B1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 2 Decoding B1

  2. CHAMPS • Conversation - voice level 2 • Help – raise hand • Activity – direct instruction • Movement – stay seated • Participation – answer on cue • Success

  3. Pronunciation

  4. Part 1 l s m f n We are working on: letter sounds Objective: Read all sounds correctly

  5. Part 2 p d k j t We are working on: letter sounds Objective: Read all sounds correctly

  6. Board Work! What are the vowels?! We are working on: vowel sounds

  7. Board Work a i e ee We are working on: vowel sounds Objective: Read all sounds correctly

  8. Board Work ant plant did seeds fits We are working on: word reading Objective: read all words in column correctly

  9. Board Work and sticks feeds dad lamps We are working on: sound combinations Objective: read all words in column correctly

  10. Board Work th than teeth this math We are working on: sound combinations Objective: Read all words in column correctly

  11. Part 3 cap c lack k trick ck clip slack We are working on: word reading Objective: Read each row correctly

  12. Box A = 8 points Turn to lesson 2, part 4 in your text book. Criteria: read 5 out of 8 rows without error We are working on: word recognition -- assessment

  13. Pronunciation

  14. Board Work s it s at f at c am s eeps We are working on: buildups: sl, fl, cl

  15. Workbook Game Turn to lesson 1 in your workbook Circle the words I read incorrectly… We are working on: word recognition -- assessment

  16. Box B = 6 points Open your text book to lesson 2, part 5 Standard: Students will read aloud narrative text fluently and accurately with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. R2.1.6, R3.1.3, R4.1.1, R5.1.1, R6.1.1 Objective: Students will read sentences in section 5 with no more than 3 errors.

  17. CHAMPS • Conversation - voice level 0 • Help – raise hand • Activity – individual work • Movement – stay seated • Participation – write answers in workbook • Success

  18. Box D = 6 points Workbook page -- letters for sounds -- matching -- circle game -- sentence copying Objective: Students will complete workbook page with no more than 4 errors.

  19. Review your points Box A = 0 or 8 Box B = 0 to 6 Box C = 0 or 6

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