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Good Morning! First Binder Check 

Good Morning! First Binder Check . After being seating—please take out your binder and have it on your desk ready to go. If your name is not written on it please do so with a sharpie as I complete the check. Bellringer: A psychologist is someone who _________.

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Good Morning! First Binder Check 

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Morning! First Binder Check  • After being seating—please take out your binder and have it on your desk ready to go. • If your name is not written on it please do so with a sharpie as I complete the check.

  2. Bellringer: A psychologist is someone who _________. Please write the questions and fill in the blank on your notesheet.

  3. What do you know about Psychology?? • Answer the following 10 true/false. • If you think the statement is true- go stand by the windows • If you think the statement is false- stand by the door

  4. FALSE TRUE The behavior of most lower animals - insects, reptiles, and amphibians, most rodents and birds - is instinctive and unaffected by learning.

  5. TRUE FALSE For the first week of life, a baby sees nothing but a gray-blue regardless of what he/she looks at.

  6. TRUE FALSE A child learns to talk more quickly if the adults around the child habitually repeat the word he or she is trying to say, using proper pronunciation.

  7. FALSE TRUE The best way to get a chronically noisy child to settle down and pay attention is to punish him/her.

  8. TRUE FALSE Slow learners remember more of what they learn than fast learners.

  9. TRUE FALSE Highly intelligent people - “geniuses” - tend to be physically frail and socially isolated.

  10. FALSE TRUE On average, you cannot predict from a person’s grades at school and college whether he or she will do well in a career.

  11. TRUE FALSE Most stereotypes are completely true.

  12. TRUE FALSE In small amounts, alcohol is a stimulant.

  13. TRUE FALSE The largest drug problem in the US in terms of the number of people affected, is marijuana.

  14. TRUE FALSE Psychiatry is a subdivision of psychology.

  15. TRUE FALSE Most mentally handicapped people also have psychological disorders.

  16. TRUE FALSE A third or more of the people suffering from severe psychological disorders are potentially dangerous.

  17. TRUE FALSE Electroshock therapy is an outmoded technique rarely used in today’s mental hospitals.

  18. TRUE FALSE The more severe the disorder, the more intensive the therapy required to cure it; for example, schizophrenics usually respond best to psychoanalysis.

  19. FALSE TRUE Nearly all the psychological characteristics fo men and women appear to be inborn; in all cultures, for example, women are more emotional and sexually less aggressive than men.

  20. TRUE FALSE No reputable psychologist “believes in” such irrational phenomena as ESP, hypnosis, or the bizarre mental and physical achievements of Eastern yogis.

  21. Would you believe . . . • All of these statements are FALSE! • As we move through this course, you’ll learn more about these topics. • The goal of this course is to gain a better understanding of ourselves and others!

  22. Intro to Psychology Notes (These go in the “notes” section of your binder) • Psychology is…the science of mental processes and behavior. • Mental Processes are…what the brain does when a person stores, recalls or uses information or has specific feelings. • Examples: • “Thinking activities” • Emotions • What is Psychology? • What are mental processes? • In your own words…

  23. What is behavior? • What is behavior? • In your own words… • Behavior is…the outwardly observable acts of an individual, alone of in a group. • Mental processes usually happen before behavior. • Examples: • Physical movements • Actions observable to others.

  24. What is behavior? Hunger Eating Observable Unobservable (actions) (thoughts, feelings)

  25. Levels of Analysis • How do Psychologists begin to examine behavior and mental processes?

  26. Level 1: the Brain • The structure and properties of the brain (cells and connections) • The chemical soup which transmits signals • Genes

  27. Level 2: the Person • Content of mental processes rather than internal mechanics. • Nature of beliefs, desires & feelings

  28. Level 3: the Group Relationships between people, groups, and culture. An aspect of the environment

  29. Psychologists Need To . . . • Describe • gather info about the behavior • present what is known • Explain – • develop a hypothesis • Develop theories about behavior

  30. Psychologists have to. . . 3. Predict – • study descriptive and theoretical accounts of past behaviors • predict future behaviors. 4. Influence • through basic science: to find out more and more about behavior by conducting scientific research. • through applied science: using what is already known to solve problems.

  31. Basic or Applied Science? • Studying the ability of infants to perceive visual patterns . . . • Attempting to correct an individual with sleep disturbances • Studying rapid eye movement in sleep research . . . • Creating toys that appeal to children

  32. User name: bshstudent The password: PwStudentNumber Research-what are the benefits of studying psychology? • You may use personal technology to research. • You must find a minimum of four reasons to study psychology with three pieces of evidence for each reason. Use the bottom of your notes to record your information.

  33. Create your brochure! Inside View Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 • 1) with your shoulder partner, fold your paper • 2) Give each “panel” a heading • 3) General Requirements: • A successful brochure has a visual balance between images and text. • Each panel must have three facts that support the reason you chose. • Each panel must have an appropriate image, design, and use color. • The center panel on the back must be properly formatted with citations. Outside View Reason 4 Title Page Name Image Block Credits At the beginning of next class

  34. Turn in your note sheet with research on it as well as your signed syllabus if you have it. We will pass those up to the front at 11:34. Exit Slip (Answer the following on your exit slip handout ) Directions: Show the correct level of understanding for each: • When you read a book, the chemical process that occurs to help you understand the letters. • When you are asked out on a date by your crush! • When you say that you don’t like to exercise.

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