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Elder Abuse. Rosanna Thurlow Policy Development Officer Action on Elder Abuse. Who are Action on Elder Abuse?.
Elder Abuse Rosanna Thurlow Policy Development Officer Action on Elder Abuse
Who are Action on Elder Abuse? Formed in 1993, Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) works to protect, and prevent the abuse of vulnerable older adults. We were the first charity to address these problems and are the only charity in the UK and in Ireland working exclusively on the issue today
What do AEA do? The Helpline: • Established in 1999 - Provides advice and guidance to older people and others • Lobby government • Speak at conferences • Provide training • Raise awareness wherever possible
Abuse and Definitions • A violation of an individuals human or civil rights by any other person or persons - No Secrets • A single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring in any relationship where there is an expectation of trust that causes harm or distress to an older person - AEA • ‘any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults, aged 18 and over, who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender and sexuality.’ (Family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister and grandparents, whether directly related, in-laws or step-family.) (ACPO definition)
The Categories • Physical Abuse – Hitting, Kicking, Slapping, Punching, Spitting, Restraint – chemical and physical? • Psychological Abuse – Using against a person what they love or value. – JSP! • Financial Abuse – Remains too easy to gain control of an older persons finances. Many abusers never deny spending or having access to money • Sexual Abuse – Forcing a person to participate in sexual acts and conversations against their will. Must ignore prejudices and assumptions about people with dementia, mental health issues and/or a learning disability • Neglect – Failure to provide people with what they need to live. Neglect is not a separate thing to abuse and crime!
The Prevalence Study UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People – 2007
UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 The overall prevalence of abuse, defined by ‘expectation of trust’ in the year preceding the survey was 4% This equates to 342,000 people aged 66 and over, or 1 in every 25 of the population aged 66 and over • Leicester population: 330,574 • Excluded Care homes, NHS institutions and people with dementia! (2.6% of older people were abused by someone in a ‘position of trust’)
5.4 2.1 Women Men UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 Abuse by Gender Percentage of all respondents who experienced abuse 6 5 4 Percentages 3 2 1 0
33 33 35 9 3 Partner Other family Home Help Friend Neighbours and Acquaintances UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 Percentage of all respondents who had experienced abuse in the last year The Abusers 40 35 30 25 Percentage 20 15 10 5 0
12.5 9.2 Bad Health 5.1 Good Health 4.8 1.9 1.2 0.5 0.4 All abuse Neglect Men Women UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 Abuse and Health 14 Percentage of respondents who had self-reported their health, and had experienced abuse 12 10 Percentage 8 6 4 2 0
Ten instances in order to be counted once in the Survey One instance in order to be counted once in the Survey 1.2 1 0.7 0.7 0.5 Neglect Financial Psychological Physical Sexual UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 Percentage of abuse that had occurred in the last year Types of Abuse 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Percentage 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Source: Hidden Voices 2004 40 40 34 35 35 30 30 Sexual 25 25 Neglect 20 19 20 20 Physical 12 Financial 15 15 Psychological 10 10 3 5 5 0 0 Types of abuse Source: Hidden Voices 2004 Percentage of calls excluding ‘Other’
Domestic Violence 62 51 Neglect 45 Financial 35 35 Other 31 20 20 13 11 9 4 3 1 Home Help Neighbour or Acquaintance Friend Partner Other family UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 Percentage of those who had been identified as abusers in the last year Abusers and Type 70 60 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 0
Older People and Domestic Violence Older People = Victims Older People = Perpetrators
5.5 4.2 3.5 66 - 74 75 -84 85+ UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People - 2007 Abuse by Age Percentage of all respondents who experienced abuse 6 5 4 Percentages 3 2 1 0
The Demographic ‘Time bomb’ • 16% of UK population are aged 65 or over • Dementia affects 5% of people over 65 yrs old and 20% over 80 • The implications of this? More vulnerable older people = More potential for abuse
Safeguarding from abuse - the wider agenda • Empowerment • Preventing isolation • Valuing • Re-humanising
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults • Social Services are coordinating agency • Multi agency partnership • Prevent abuse and protect people from abuse
But… • Less than one in ten older people who experience neglect, psychological, physical or sexual abuse is having their case referred to local authority adult protection services
What to do if you are alerted? • Who is suspected of causing the harm? • What level of seriousness is it? • Who do you report to? • In what order? • Do you seek to supplement the information you have? • What support do you provide to victim? • What support do you provide for allegedabuser – if any?
The Carer Stress Debate • Assumption that an older person receiving care is ‘difficult’ • Therefore carer’s stress results in abusive behaviour which is understandable • We would not accept carer stress as an explanation in child abuse – why do we for older people?
Adult Protection Legislation • Legislative situation currently confusing and piecemeal • Definition of a vulnerable adult varies, depending upon the legislation. • Processes and systems to protect older people are based on guidance and lack the resources and drive to ensure comprehensive protection. • Adult Protection Teams under-funded, under-resourced, and under-staffed. • Increased referrals to some teams would result in crisis. • Abusers escape through the huge gaps that exist
Elder Abuse Response Line 080 8808 8141 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday - Friday Action on Elder Abuse: 0044 (0)20 8765 7000 rosannathurlow@elderabuse.org.uk WWW.ELDERABUSE.ORG.UK