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Looking Under The Hood : An N-body Mechanic Tutorial. Kelly Holley-Bockelmann Center for Gravitational Wave Physics and Department of Astronomy, Penn State. From Millennium simulation. N-body simulations can track structures as they assemble within a cosmological volume. Matthias Steinmetz.
Looking Under The Hood: An N-body Mechanic Tutorial Kelly Holley-Bockelmann Center for Gravitational Wave Physics and Department of Astronomy, Penn State From Millennium simulation
N-body simulations can track structures as they assemble within a cosmological volume Matthias Steinmetz matter = 0.35 +/- 0.1baryon= 0.045 +/- 0.15dark energy = 0.65 +/- 0.1
Or how galaxies harrass one another at late times within a galaxy cluster
How an individual galaxy responds to perturbations And how well the dark matter couples to the galaxy’s evolution
They can also provide a window into the arrangement of the dark matter within a halo 5123 particles in 4803 Mpc –then zoom in and repopulate Volker Springel
We’ll concentrate on equilibrium galaxies …which totally neglects a large set of n-body simulations • cosmological simulations • gas • solar system/ few body • direct n-body simulations • black holes with ‘realistic’ gravity • non-equilibrium experiments --like mergers or collapse • If you’re interested in this stuff, we can do another tutorial later
Collisionless Stellar Systems 1 Tc ~ Crossing time Gh Tc << Tr N Tr ~ Tc Relaxation time (NOT ‘collision time’) 8 ln N Tc=106 years Tr=109 years N ~ 106 stars Tc=108 years Tr>1010 years N ~ 1011 stars
The Collisionless Boltzmann Equation Let the total mass in stars within the phase space volume d3r d3v at time t be: f(r,v,t) d3r d3v Distribution function f f f - + V • = 0 Completely describes the evolution of the system. Then: • v t r 2 = 4G f d3v But..impractical to solve in 3-d via finite difference methods Where:
dri dvi = vi = - r=ri dt dt Another approach: N-body realization Build model at some initial time t0 with N particles such that the probability of a particle at r,v is proportional to f(r,v,t0) Evolve this N-body realization according to very simple equations of motion: Problem: Assume 109 particles distributed with 1 kpc resolution in a 1 Mpc cube. If we want to evolve a system for 100 timesteps, that’s 1020 calculations! If each one is ~ 10 Floating Point Operations, that’s 1021 FLOPs. At supercomputer speed of 1013 operations/second, that’s a 3 year calculation…sucks to be me.
N-body simulations are limited by: • numerical errors • round-off error • ‘truncation’ error in timestep • dynamic range effects • discreteness • bugs • sub-grid physics • oversimplification of the model
Early N-body Mechanic To consider simultaneously all these causes of motion and to define these motions by exact laws allowing of convenient calculation exceeds, unless I am mistaken, the forces of the entire human intellect. --Newton
Collisions of “light bulb” galaxies • Force of Gravity 1/r2, as does light intensity • Holmberg built special purpose computer using 74 light bulbs (37 for each of two colliding galaxies) • They were on ruled graph paper, each was unscrewed in turn and replaced with a 4-sided photometer to measure the force. Positions and velocities were updated • Digital computers didn’t integrate 74 particles for 25 years!
Modern N-body Simulations Describe initial conditions as a distribution of massive particles Calculate forces between them efficiently follow their motions in time
First Step: Build a Galaxy Most studies need a model in dynamical equilibrium – Defined by a potential-density pair such that the distribution function is time-independent. Let’s go through the exercise of making a very simple galaxy model, the Plummer sphere (polytrope of index 5)
1 (r) = - G M ( r2 + a2)1/2 Building an Equilibrium Plummer Sphere Assume spherical symmetry, so that (r)=(r ), (r )=(r ), and that the velocity distribution is isotropic. In general, spherical symmetry in position space can still allow a cylindrical symmetry in velocity space – i.e. the distribution function is a function of energy *and* angular momentum. However, by assuming isotropy, we assert that: ƒ(E, J)=f(E)
3 M a2 (r) = 4 (r2 + a2)5/2 m(r ) = 4r2(r ) dr 0 Getting the density: To find the density, just solve Poisson’s equation: Now we just throw particles down randomly according to this density – how? Introducing the cumulative mass distribution: r So m(r )/M is a number between 0 and 1…looks like a good form for a random number!
Laying down the positions So, we can pick a random number between 0 and 1 to get the fractional mass, but what we really want is the *position* at that mass --- r(m) rather than m(r ) m(r ) = r3(r2+a)-3/2 r(m ) = a (rand-2/3 –1)-1/2
vesc (r ) = f(E) 4v2dv 0 Laying down the velocities We’re going to assign random isotropic velocities so that they obey the distribution function f(r,v). So, first we gotta determine f(r,v) from (r) and (r )… Recall that f(r,v) dr dv is the mass within a volume element dr dv Recall, too that we can write f(E)=f(r,v) in a spherical isotropic system, so f(E) dr dv is the mass within a volume element dr dv Ahem, notice it’s not f(E) dE, like I bet you were tempted to say Density is essentially a 3-d projection of the 6-d phase space
(r ) = 25/2 f() (-)1/2 d 0 1 d2 d 1 d f() = 8d2 - d =0 Laying down the velocities (con’t) where vesc = 2 (r2 +1)-1/4 And inverting this gives you the distribution function:
dg(q) = q (2- 9q2) (1- q2)5/2 0.092 dq Laying down the velocities (con’t) 384 2 ()7/2 r2v2drdv 7m f(r,v)dr dv = Probability g(v) to have velocity v at position r ()7/2v2 dv change variables q = v/vesc: g(q)=(1-q2)7/2 q2 Rejection technique, choose q such that it’s weighted by g(q) Choose random variables such that q {0,1} and g(q) {0,0.1}
Ta-da! – spherical, isotropic system in equilibrium • disks and triaxial spheriods • multicomponent systems • anisotropy • increased resolution – multimass • black holes • non-equilibrium experiments
Example: Building BH-Embedded Triaxial Models • Moderate Triaxiality (0.25 < T < 0.75) • Cuspy initial inner density profile • Variable black hole masses To resolve the BH, a multimass scheme: m(E,J) rp where rp = (r vt)2 E+ M/a To resolve the dynamics: • N=10,000,000 • multiple timestep, 4th order Hermite integrator
N-body on the cheap Calculating pair-wise Newtonian gravitational forces by direct summation is an N2 problem – 1010 stars and 10HUGE dark matter particles Newton was a smart guy Reduce the calculation to O(N) by writing the potential as a basis expansion (r ) = Anlmnlm ( r ) , ( r) = Anlmnlm ( r) nlm nlm nl 2l+3 rl nlm = Cn () 4 Ylm (,) 2 2 r( 1+r)2l+3 2l+3 - rl nlm = Cn () 4 Ylm (,) 2 ( 1+r)2l+1 Anlm = mk nlmrk,k,k* k
N-body on the cheap: Hardware version • Grape-6 – special purpose computer to directly calculate newtonian gravity between particles • 32 chips/board , 64 boards 63 Tflops! • particles are set into SRAM, then injected into a pipeline where acceleration is calculated
N-body on the cheap: Treecode version Assume that at large distances, the gravitational force of many particles in a cell can be approximated by the force from the center of mass of the cell. • Divide cube into 8 subcubes • if zero particles in subcube, delete • if subcube contains more than 1 body, recursively subdivde O(N logN) calculation
Integrators Single timestep vs. individual timesteps Symplectic time-reversible -- built-in energy conservation Galaxy/cosmological simulations can tolerate a lot more positional, energy errors than solar system sims potential fluctuations cause bigger errors • Leapfrog – second order (accuracy in position/energy increases by at least a factor of 100 ift cut by 10…truncation error t2) vn+1/2 = vn + ½ t a(rn) rn+1 = rn +t vn+1/2 vn+1 = vn+1/2 + ½ t a(rn+1) n-1 n-1/2 n n+1/2 n+1 n+3/2 r, a v r, a v r, a v
N s = G aji Mj junk rji3 j=1 ji N N Mk Mk rki N aji = G rkj vji 3(rji vji) rji • rkj3 rki3 j = G Mj k=1 kj k=1 ki rji3 rji5 j=1 ji ri+1 = ½ (vi+vi+1)t +1/12 (ai – a i+1) t2 vi+1 = ½ (ai+ai+1)t +1/12 (ji – j i+1) t2 • Hermite integrator 4th order -- all about the ‘jerk’ r , the highest derivative of r that requires only 1 pass through the particles (see also snap, crackle and pop…) Integrators, con’t where vji = vj-vi where aji = aj-ai
We’ll concentrate on equilibrium galaxies …which totally neglects a large set of n-body simulations • cosmological simulations • gas • solar system/ few body • direct n-body simulations • black holes with ‘realistic’ gravity • non-equilibrium experiments --like mergers or collapse • If you’re interested in this stuff, we can do another tutorial later