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How to Get a Residence Permit ? . IN TURKEY. Residence Permit. If you want to live and / or work in Turkey , you have to get a residence p ermit within one month. Residence Permit.
How toGet a ResidencePermit? IN TURKEY
ResidencePermit Ifyouwanttoliveand/orwork in Turkey, youhavetoget a residencepermitwithinonemonth
ResidencePermit Forlong-termresidence in Turkey, theapplicantshouldsubmitthefollowingdocumentstothelocalPoliceDepartment:
ResidencePermit 4 passport-size photos Passport Photocopiesof thefollowingpages of the passport: thepagebearingtheapplicant’s photo, thepagestamped at thelastentry, thepage indicatingthevalidityandexpirydates of the passport A bank statementor a currencyexchange slip testifyingto an assetin theamount of USD 300 for eachmonth
ResidencePermit • 4 passport-size photos • Passport • Photocopiesof thefollowingpages of thepassport: thepagebearingtheapplicant’sphoto, thepagestamped at thelastentry, thepageindicatingthevalidityandexpirydates of thepassport • Theoriginaland a copy of theworkpermitissuedbytheMinistry of • LaborandSocial Security Documentsrequiredtoapplyfor a residencepermitforworkpurposes:
How toGet a WorkPermit? IN TURKEY
WorkPermit • Applications forworkpermits can be made inside oroutsideTurkey: • ForeignersresidingoutsideTurkeyshallapplytotherelevantTurkishConsulate of either his/her country of residenceor his/her country of citizenship. • Foreignerswith a validresidencepermit (validfor a minimum of 6 months, exceptforresidencepermitsforeducationalpurposes) can applydirectlytotheMinistry of LaborandSocial Security. Obtaining a WorkPermitin Turkey
WorkPermit Foreignersapplyingfor a workpermitfromtheircountry of residence
WorkPermit Ifalldocumentssubmittedareaccurateandcomplete, theissuingprocesswilltakearound 30 days. Onceapproved, theapplicant is informedbyphoneor e-mail. Foreignnationalsneed an authorizedTurkishcitizenwith a power of attorneytohandletheirelectronicapplication as theprocessrequires a Turkishnationalidentificationnumber.
WorkPermit Oncetheworkpermit has beenissuedandtheworkvisaapplication has beenapprovedbytheMinistry of LaborandSocial Security: Non-refundableworkvisaprocessingfee Non-refundableworkpermitprocessingfee Toobtain a residencepermit, workvisaandworkpermitholdersmustapplytotheAlien’sBranch of theLocalPoliceDepartment (Emniyet MudurluguYabancilarSubesi) within 30 daysfollowingtheirarrival in Turkey.
WorkPermit Foreignerswith a validresidencepermitthat is validfor a minimum of 6 months, exceptforresidencepermitsforeducationalpurposes, can applydirectlytotheMinistry of LaborandSocial Security. Foreignersapplyingfor a workpermit in Turkey