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North Carolina’s Regions

North Carolina’s Regions. How many regions does North Carolina consist of?. North Carolina is divided into three regions. The areas in each region share common features. Each region has unique physical and human features. What are the Coastal Plains?.

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North Carolina’s Regions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. North Carolina’s Regions

  2. How many regions does North Carolina consist of? • North Carolina is divided into three regions. • The areas in each region share common features. • Each region has unique physical and human features.

  3. What are the Coastal Plains? • The Coastal Plains region is the easternmost region in the state. It is also the largest. • We (Onslow County) are part of this region! • It can be divided into two subregions: • The Tidewater (Outer Banks): Made up of many swamps and marshlands. • The Inner Coastal Plain: Higher and usually drier land than the tidewater. Soil is rich for farming.

  4. What is the Piedmont Region? • The Piedmont Region is located right in the middle of North Carolina. • Its name means “at the foot of the mountain.” Why do you think this is? • The Piedmont Region stretches nearly 300 miles from the coastal plains to the mountains.

  5. What about the Mountain Region? • The mountains make up the western fifth of North Carolina. • NC’s mountains are part of the Appalachian mountain range. This includes the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Great Smoky Mountains. • The Eastern Continental Divide runs along the Blue Ridge Mountains, causing a separation of rivers (some go east, some west).

  6. What are the human features of the regions? • Coastal Plain: This region sees a heavy military presence as it is home to several military bases.It is also popular among fishermen and beach goers. • Piedmont: The state’s wealthiest and urbanized region. • Mountain: Most sparsely populated region. Many small towns and settlements.

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