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COG/TNG contribution to LPR Implementation. Language Proficiency: a safety issue St. Petersburg May 24th 2011. ICAO EUR/NAT EANPG – European Air Navigation Planning Group COG – Programme Coordinating Group COG TNG TASK FORCE – Coordinating Group Training Task Force. EANPG
COG/TNG contribution to LPR Implementation Language Proficiency: a safety issue St. Petersburg May 24th 2011
ICAO EUR/NAT EANPG – European Air Navigation Planning Group COG – Programme Coordinating Group COG TNG TASK FORCE – Coordinating Group Training Task Force
EANPG European Air Navigation Planning Group 1972 – ESTABLISHED BY ICAO COUNCIL Among the terms of reference: • Identify possibile safety threats and consequently develop a safety analysis that would result in the allocation of priorities to address definciecies • ensure the development and implementation of an action plan by States to resolve identified deficiencies
EANPG COG Programme Coordinating Group ESTABLISHED BY EANPG IN 1995 To facilitate and coordinate the work of the EANPG between its meetings, Avoid duplication of work Maintain a dialogue with other Regions
EANPG COG Programme Coordinating Group • tofacilitate the ongoing work undertaken within the EANPG framework • to assist the Chairman and the Secretariat • to expedite follow up work of the EANPG • Preview draft Conclusions and Decisions emerging from the work of EANPG working groups and other input for the attention of EANPG • prepare and refine EANPG material to assist and guide the ICAO Secretariat in its work in support of EANPG • carry out specific task given by the EANPG
COG TRAINING TASK FORCE EANPG contributory bodies: Assist COG in processing EANPG Task List by working on defined subjects requiring detailed technical expertise It has be given terms of reference, a list of task
1994 : GATE working group for Air Traffic Management in the Eastern Part of the ICAO European Region. Project Team on Training: • compile and complete data provided by States and build up a picture of States requirements in training, in particular in English language • establish a comprehensive picture of available training facilities • suggest the actions to be taken to meet the above requirements • report to COG
2005 - ACTION PLAN BY COG TNG EANPG through its Programme Coordinating Group (COG) gave a task to the COG Air Traffic Management (ATM) Training Task Force: to develop a plan of action to assist States to meet the ICAO language proficiency requirements by 2008. This Action Plan was developed and was reviewed by COG (Lisbon, Portugal, 1 – 3 June 2005).
2005 The Action Plan was divided into two phases: Phase 1 covered the period up to 5 March 2008 and dealt with actions required to reach Level 4 proficiency, and Phase 2 after 5 march 2008 proposed actions for the maintenance of Level 4 proficiency or higher.
2005 EANPG: • adopted the recommended ICAO EUR/NAT Action Plan for the LPRI • agreed that ICAO regularly up-date the Action Plan to assist States
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Language proficiency requirements Included in strategic objectives: ASAFETY enhance global civil aviation safety Key activity: 2 “ Ensure the timely implementation of ICAO provisions by continuously monitoring the progress toward compliance by States. C ENVIROMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY EFFICIENCY enhance the efficiency of aviation operations
2005 COG mandated COG Training Task Force: • to up-date the Action Plan • to provide assistance to States in implementing LPR • In coordination with ICAO EUR/NAT to develop a programme for specialized seminar/workshops
2006 COG Training Task Force contribution: PARIS workshop Sept. 2006 outcomes • States be invited to implement measures that require or encourage ATCOs and pilots to use english language only at least in busy sectors and international airports • Recommended requirements for raters/interlocutors • update action plan
2007 COG Training Task Force contribution: LANGEN workshop Sept. 2007 OBJECTIVE: address the matter of the status of implementation
2007 COG Training Task Force contribution: LANGEN workshop Sept. 2007 outcomes • importance of taking all appropriate actions by States, Airlines, Service providers, organisations concerned to achieve the timely implementation • Need to harmonize language testing criteria on a global level • requirements to identify priorities items to be addressed by State • Encourage the transition to a single language enviroment
2007 COG Training Task Force contribution: MINSK workshop Dec. 2007 objectives assist States that were experiencing difficulties in complying with LPR and would need to post their implementation plan prior to the applicability date. To forster regional cooperation
2007 COG Training Task Force contribution: MINSK workshop Dec. 2007 outcomes States representatives were instructed on how fill and post the implementation plan to ICAO Great number of them posted the information within a short period after the workshop
2008 COG Training Task Force contribution: • Update action plan • Continue to provide assistance to States who were not able to timely implement LPR ALMATY WKS Addressed to States of the eastern part of EUR NAT region
2008 COG Training Task Force contribution: outcomes ALMATY WKS • ICAO continue to provide assistance to State not able to timely implement LPR • To monitor the implementation of the action plan • Need to plan a special seminar for examiners, raters and trainers
2009 COG Training Task Force contribution: objectives ULYANOVSK WKS • ICAO continue to provide assistance to State not able to timely implement LPR in taking further steps during tha tansition period • Cover various aspects of the implementation, in particular requirements for raters and examiners (through guidelines) applied tests and rating techniques to ensure uniform and harmonised approach to implementation
2009 COG Training Task Force contribution: ULYANOVSK WKS outcomes • there was a wide diversity of test design and format among the test presented • not all States apply the generale recommendation contained in ICAO Doc 9835 • the certification process for raters and examiners was not established properly in a number of States • need of more support in the area of aviation training • need of recurrent training in States no mother tongue
2010 COG Training Task Force contribution: ROME WKS March 2010 outcomes • Opportunity to States to exchange information and experience on LPRI related to training issue • need for ICAO to continue to provide assistance to States • Need for LP test endorsement mechanism under ICAO “umbrella”
2010 COG Training Task Force contribution: ROME WKS outcomes Need of clear and complete regulation on: • regulatory oversight of training and testing institutions • adequate training standards - documentation and implementation • language maintenance policy/requirements, including non-regular international operators • mutual recognition of LPR ratings – regulatory aspect
2010 COG Training Task Force contribution: ROME WKS outcomes Need of clear and complete regulation on: • regulation/requirements for recurrent training of not only aviation personnel but ALSO examiners Interaction between Level 6 and Level 4
2010 COG Training Task Force contribution: PARIS WKS Dec 2010 outcomes need to proceede in regulating on and implementing: • maintain standards and sustain process • endorsement test procedures • LPR for other categories of aviation personnel • “one language – one enviroment”
2005/2010 COG Training Task Force contribution: Assisting States and stakeholders Updating action plan Cooperating and contributing in organising workshops and seminars
2005/2010 COG Training Task Force contribution: Questions ?? Comments ??