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Unit 8

trudge. reserve. awkward. plentiful. ration. Unit 8. smolder. lukewarm. Pages78-81. gallant. scholar. weary. clatter. volunteer. awkward. (adj.) not skillful or graceful; hard to handle; embarassing. awkward. Synonyms: clumsy bumbling Antonyms: graceful, skillful

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Unit 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. trudge reserve awkward plentiful ration Unit 8 smolder lukewarm Pages78-81 gallant scholar weary clatter volunteer

  2. awkward (adj.) not skillful or graceful; hard to handle; embarassing

  3. awkward • Synonyms: clumsy bumbling • Antonyms: graceful, skillful • When you first learn to dance, your movements may be awkward.

  4. clatter (v.) to make short; sharp sounds by rattling or banging together (n.) a hard, rattling sound; busy excitement; noisy chattering

  5. clatter • Synonyms: to rattle, chatter • Antonyms: a racket, commotion • The old trains clatter down the tracks. • The clatter of factory machines can be quite loud.

  6. gallant (adj.) showy in appearance; brave; showing courtesy; very attentive to (n.) a fashionable young gentleman; a suitor

  7. gallant • Synonyms: dashing, valiant • Antonyms: cowardly, slob • We saw the parade of gallant sailing ships. • The novel’s heroine was courted by a wealthy gallant.

  8. lukewarm (adj.) only moderately warm; not hot but not cold; without enthusiasm

  9. lukewarm • Synonyms: tepid; halfhearted • Antonyms: hot, icy; eager, enthusiastic • A dull speech is likely to get a lukewarm applause.

  10. plentiful (adj.) in great supply; easily available; more than enough

  11. plentiful • Synonyms: ample, abundant, bountiful • Antonyms: scarce, rare, meager • Flowers are plentiful in the springtime.

  12. ration (n.) a portion of food for one meal or one day; food or supplies (v.) to pass or give out in limited portions; to limit the use of

  13. ration • Synonyms: an allowance, share, allotment; provisions, to parcel, divide • A soup kitchen provides rations to the poor. • When water is scarce, people ration it.

  14. reserve (v.) to hold back or set aside; to save for future use (n.) something set aside for a certain purpose; something stored for later use

  15. reserve • Synonyms: store, retain, stash, withhold, supply, stock • Antonyms: to splurge, squander, waste, use • Please reserve a seat for me. • The squirrel dug up its reserve of nuts.

  16. scholar (n.) a learned person; an expert in a field of study; someone who studies with a teacher; a student who gets a gift of money to pay for education

  17. scholar • Synonyms: a sage, professor, authority; pupil • The book was written by a respected scholar.

  18. smolder (v.) to burn slowly with smoke but no flames; to show pent-up feelings

  19. smolder • Synonyms: a simmer, fester, seethe, fume, stew • Antonyms: to blaze; to explode • A person may smolder with rage but say nothing.

  20. trudge (v.) to walk or march slowly and with difficulty and tiredness (n.) a long, tiring walk

  21. trudge • Synonyms: plod, slog, tramp, hike • Antonyms: prance, race, hurry • At the end of a long day, workers trudge home. • If I miss the bus, it’s a two-mile trudge to school.

  22. volunteer (n.) a person who chooses to join or to do a service; someone who gives time or effort without pay (v.) to offer one's services; to do or say freely

  23. volunteer • Synonyms: to enlist • Antonyms: employee, draftee • A volunteer visits a hospital patient. • Who will volunteer to set the table?

  24. weary (adj.) feeling tired, worn out; having no more patience (v.) to make tired; to grow tired

  25. weary • Synonyms: exhausted, drained, fatigued • Antonyms: fresh, lively, energetic, to enliven, energize • When I have to do a boring task, I become weary. • A dull speech may weary an audience.

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