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Unit 8. The novel Dracula (1897) by the British writer Bram Stoker tells the story of the Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula, who became one of the most popular subjects of horror films.
The novel Dracula (1897) by the British writer Bram Stoker tells the story of the Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula, who became one of the most popular subjects of horror films.
Bram Stoker’s Dracula, motion picture about the vampire Dracula, based on a novel by Bram Stoker. Released in 1992, the film won Academy Awards for makeup, sound effects, and costume design.
SCENAREO OF FILM • After he returns from the Crusades and finds his wife dead, Count Vlad Dracula becomes a vampire and resolves to spend eternity waiting for her return.
When young English lawyer Jonathan Harker • visits Dracula’s town in Transylvannia several centuries later, Dracula sees a picture of the lawyer’s fiancé Mina and believes she is a reincarnation of his dead wife. • Dracula charms and terrorizes Harker, Mina, and their friends.
Vampire • Vampire, in folklore, a corpse that rises from the grave during the night, often in the form of a bat, and, for nourishment, sucks the blood of sleeping humans. Belief in vampires originated in ancient times and was especially widespread among the Slavs.
Various talismans(护身符)and herbs supposedly avert vampires, but, according to tradition, they can be destroyed only by cremation or by stakes driven through their hearts.
Environment • surroundings, • setting, • situation, • atmosphere, • milieu, • environs,
belief • Buddhism • Islam • Christianity • Judaism • Taoism • Confucianism --- Confucius(you should be loyal to your family, friends, and rulers and treat others as you would like to be treated.) • Hinduism • Cultism
conflict • Inflict • Afflict
regardless of • The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex. • You get a lot of criticism, but you just have to carry on regardless.
Fundamentalism • Fundamentalism, an American conservative movement among Protestants,which was rooted in revivalism and insisted on the inerrancy of the Bible movement • began in the late 19th century
absolutely basic to Christianity the following beliefs: • the infallibility of the Bible, • the virgin birth and the divinity of Jesus Christ, • the sacrifice of Christ on the cross as atonement for the sins of all people, • the physical resurrection • second coming of Christ, • the bodily resurrection of believers.
Combatant • Militant • Mutant Pollutant
Duct • Duct • Aqueduct • Product • Seduce • Seduction • Induce • Deduct • Deduce
consequence • Your opinion is of little consequence to me. • a consequential decision • redundancy and the consequential loss of earnings
Cancer tumor • Benign • Malignant
Man-centered • Self-centered • Ego-centered • Student-centered • Humanism advocated since Renaissance
worship • In awe • Awesome • Pay\do homage to
current • ACDC • (alternating current and direct • current) • Lesbian • Gay • Queen • Homosexual • Heterosexual
excess • Access • Recess • Process
conserve • Conservatory • Conservatoire • Water conservancy • Soil conservation
deny • Boycott
Bind and bound • a yard bounded by a wooden fence • The US is bounded in the north by Canada and in the south by Mexico.
lesser • 1) the lesser of two evils • also the lesser evil • the less unpleasant or harmful of two unpleasant choices • 2) This was true in Madrid, and to a lesser extent, Valencia and Seville.
1.Population Growth • 2.Global Warming • 3.Depletion of the Ozone Layer • 4.Air Pollution • 5.Water Pollution • 6.Groundwater Depletion • 7.Habitat Destruction and Species Extinction • 8.Chemical Risks • 9.Energy Production
Gaia hypothesis • In the 1970s the British scientist James Lovelock formulated the Gaia hypothesis, which has attracted many followers. According to this theory, named after the Greek goddess of the earth, the planet behaves like a single living organism. Lovelock postulated that the earth, like many organisms, can regulate its temperature, dispose of its wastes, and fight off disease. Although the Gaia hypothesis serves as a convenient metaphor for the interconnections among living beings, it does not have any particular scientific merit.
1.Jim is averse to using chemicals in the garden • 2.Despite his aversion to publicity, Arnold was persuaded to talk to the press.
1.The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions. • 2.He showed his courage in the face of adversity.
law • Legislative----Legislation • Judicial----Jurisdiction • Compliance with the law • Enforcement of the law
Court-related words • Jury • Prosecutor • Plaintiff • Defendant • Litigant: Plaintiff or Defendant • Charge • Verdict • Appeal: losing party (appellant) for an appellate court
Investigation • Search warrant • Indictment • Plea • Settlement • Bail\ bond ----parole (假释), ---- probation(缓刑) • Evidence • Burden of proof
Beyond a reasonable doubt • Trial • Jury • Counts (charges) • Criminal history • Sentence/sanction • Detention • Hearings • Testimony • Witness
Extradition • Acquittal • Alibi: The explanation offered by a person accused of a crime to demonstrate that he or she was somewhere other than where the crime took place at the time the crime happened.
Bench trial: A trial where the judge decides the outcome and there is no jury • Common law • Constitution • Felony • Injunction强制令 • Jurisdiction • Lien扣押权, 留置权 • Misdemeanor • Pleading • Precedent
Attorney • Lawyer • Barrister • Counsel • solicitor • legal representative
Protagoras (480?-411?bc),普罗塔哥拉 • The basis of his speculation was the doctrine that nothing is absolutely good or bad, true or false, and that each individual is therefore his or her own final authority; this belief is summed up in his saying: “Man is the measure of all things.” Charged with impiety, Protagoras fled into exile; he drowned on his way to Sicily.
Cynicism:n.犬儒主义, 玩世不恭, 冷嘲热讽distrustful of human nature • Hedonism: n.快乐论, 快乐主义instant personal pleasure • Epicureanism: n.伊比鸠鲁学说intellectual pleasure • Stoicism: abstinence and self-control • n.斯多葛哲学,斯多葛学派
bill • approve/pass/veto a bill • The House of Representatives passed a new gun-control bill. • The senator introduced a bill that would increase the minimum wage
Veto & Override • Congress has the power to override the President's veto. • Can you override the automatic locking system?
bill of lading • bill of rights • Double bill: especially a consecutive presentation of two movies • Tricia topped the bill (=was the most important performer) at the Children's Variety Show. billboard
substantial • Substantive Substantial Substantiated • We have the support of a ______number of parents. • Katzen’ little evidence to his claims is not ______. • The State Department reported that ______ discussions had taken place with Beijing.
We have the support of a substantial number of parents. • Katzen’ little evidence to his claims is not substantiated. • The State Department reported that substantive discussions had taken place with Beijing.
Could you give us a guesstimate of the numbers involved? • The figure will only be about two million, less than half the original estimate. • Some estimates put the number of deaths at several hundred.
Rumsfeld Visits Abu Ghraib, Eye of Abuse StormThu, May 13, 2004 • ABU GHRAIB, Iraq (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison Thursday, flying into the eye of the storm over Americans torturing prisoners that has shredded Washington's credibility in Iraq.
Hours after U.S. lawmakers viewed "sadistic" new photographs of abuse, Rumsfeld arrived at what was Saddam Hussein 's most notorious prison, where seven U.S. military police reservists are charged with sexually and physically tormenting detainees.
A boat lies abandoned in sand that once formed the bed of the Aral Sea. The Aral supported a major fishing industry until reduced water volumes and increased salinity killed the majority of native fish species. Commercial fishing in the Aral ceased in the early 1980s.
as the next man/person • as any other man or person • I am as keen to do well as the next man. • After a while, everybody will have the technology to make a movie look as cool as the next person.