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9.6.2011 Arto O. Salonen, PhD , Helsinki Metropolia UAS, arto.salonen@gmail.com Mauri Åhlberg, Professor , University of Helsinki, mauri.ahlberg@helsinki.fi. TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY Transforming materialistic consumerism.
9.6.2011 Arto O. Salonen, PhD, Helsinki Metropolia UAS, arto.salonen@gmail.com Mauri Åhlberg, Professor, Universityof Helsinki, mauri.ahlberg@helsinki.fi TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE SOCIETYTransforming materialistic consumerism
Researchquestion Which attitudinal factors correlate with post-materialistic behavior? Operationalizing of post-materialistic behavior: • Importance of owning (having) is decreased • Services are used instead of owning goods • Renewal of goods is motivated by real needs
Material and methods Informants: Finnish university students, 18-40 years old, n = 198 Measurement tool: 36 items to be rated with nine-step semantic differential scale Method: Logistic regression analysis
ATTITUDES (dependentvariables) POST-MATERIALISTIC BEHAVIOR (independentvariable) Replacing goods and equipment only when broken Use of services instead of owning goods Low value for ownership
Results • Seven factors separated the characteristics differentiating informants1: • 1. Health promoting lifestyle, p≤0.000 • 2. Recycling, p≤0.000 • 3. Organic food, p≤0.000 • 4. Water conservation, p≤0.001 • 5. Maintaining of civil society, p≤0.014 • 6. Favoring eco-labeled products, p≤0.045 • 7. Using renewable energy resources2, p≤0.100 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 1. Cox and Snell pseudo R-square was .53 and Nagelkerke pseudo R-square .71 indicating that the fit of the model to the data was moderate. • 2. The odds ratio of the 7th variable was 1.96. According to Field (2009, 290) a variable with an odds ratio greater than 1 is supposed to take to the model.
The correlational nature of the attitudinal and behavior factors leaves open the direction of behavior change. Attitude might be a driver of behavior or Post-materialistic behavior cancauseparticular attitude
Discussion • We used weak sustainability framework all the dimensions had the same weight • Vital ecosystem services are the precondition for mankind's survival strong sustainability framework is essential in forthcoming research
The ultimate and fundamental goal for a sustainability research is to determine a safe social and economic operation base for humanityon the planet Earth
Arto O. Salonen, PhD, Helsinki Metropolia UAS, arto.salonen@gmail.com Mauri Åhlberg, Professor, University of Helsinki, mauri.ahlberg@helsinki.fi Thankyou!