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Visiting and Hiking Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Areas. Hiking Opportunities at Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Areas. Wildlife areas primarily managed for the benefit of native wildlife. Arizona Game and Fish also encourages appropriate public uses.
Hiking Opportunities at Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Areas • Wildlife areas primarily managed for the benefit of native wildlife. Arizona Game and Fish also encourages appropriate public uses. • Hiking is considered an appropriate use of these areas. • If goal is to see wildlife be there at the right time of day and season • Move carefully as you pursue your quarry – stop, look and listen • Even though you may not find your target species, hopefully you will experience something new.
Where to Go? Local Destinations - Allen Severson Memorial Wildlife Area • Key wildlife – ducks, rails, bald eagles, falcons, cormorants • Seasons – Spring for waterfowl and falcons, Summer for cormorants (Telephone Lake), blackbirds and rails and Winter for eagles
Allen Severson MWA Viewing Blind
Allen Severson MWA Yellow-headed Blackbird Redhead
Allen Severson MWA • Telephone Lake Specialties: Double Crested Cormorants Ruddy Ducks and Bald Eagles
Where to Go? Local Destinations – Jacques Marsh Wildlife Area • Walk administrative road Approximately one mile in length. • Location: In Lakeside town limits. Take Porter Mountain Road to Juniper go left and park at kiosk. • Seasons – Spring ducks and falcons; Summer blackbirds, swallows, rails and geese; Winter bald eagles • Tips – Bring bug spray in summer!
Jacques Marsh Wildlife Area Penrod Road Juniper Street
Jacques Marsh WA Canvasback duck Peregrine Falcon
Jacques Marsh - Summer • Swallows, soras, ibis, blackbirds and swallows
Jacques Marsh - Summer • Ducklings and Canada geese
Local Destinations – Wenima Wildlife Area • Located north of Springerville along the LCR.
Wenima Wildlife Area • Parking lot located along access road • Two walking trails located adjacent to parking lot • One across the bridge and walk upstream , another going downstream to Slade Ranch Headquarters
Wenima Wildlife Area • Both trails out and back. Sorry no loops.
Wenima WA - Habitats • Area supports streamside, willow, mature cottonwood and walnut trees, agricultural lands and grassland habitats
Wenima WA • Varied habitat types attract more bird species.
Wenima WA Many species of mammals live at Wenima
Sipe Wildlife Area - Headquarters Sipe Headquarters location of trail heads, visitor center and picnic areas
Sipe Wildlife Area - Trails • Two main trails: • Hill trail behind barn. • Loop trail up Rudd Creek and around McKay Reservoir
Sipe WA - Hummingbirds Calliope
Sipe WA - Headquarters Lazuli Bunting Lesser Goldfinch
Becker Lake WA Nice day Not so nice day!
Becker Lake WA - LCR • Parking lots along Hwy 60 and Airport Road. Take foot trail
Becker Lake WA • Along foot trail see beaver dams, mix of sedges and trees
Becker Lake WA – Foot Trail Beaver Mule Deer
Becker Lake WA • Expect to encounter Meadow Larks and Northern Harriers
Grasslands WA • Over 10,000 acres of native grasslands to explore. • One designated foot trail, but can walk roads and cross country. • Please note: No restroom
Grasslands WA Elk Pronghorn
Grasslands WA • Wildlife species encountered include grassland bird species, coyote, badger, pronghorn. Killdeer Mountain Plover Horned Lark
Grasslands WA • Take foot trail loop at parking lot about 1.5 mile in length, and also walk to cottonwood trees and old ranch headquarters. Prairie Dogs
Grasslands Wildlife Area Take a walk down road to the headquarters and cottonwood trees.
MORE DISTANT Arizona Game and Fish Department Wildlife Areas
Lamar Haines Wildlife Area Location: On San Francisco Peaks north of Flagstaff, Unit 7 Directions: From Flagstaff, take U.S. 180 North to Snowbowl Road. Turn right and travel 4.4 miles. A small parking area is on the right side of the road where the trial begins. Trail: 1.5 mile loop, difficulty easy History: 160 acres property was homesteaded in 1892 by Ludwig Veit. The Commission purchased the property in 1948 from the Jenks family. The property was named after Lamar Haines a Flagstaff educator and environmentalist. Wildlife: Elk, deer, Mexican spotted owl Habitat: Ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, Aspen
Lamar Haines Wildlife Area • Notables: • Pictographs estimated to be 1,000 years old. • Two springhouses • Pond filled by Indian Spring
Page Springs Hatchery • Located along Oak Creek north of Cornville – Area offers self guided tours of fish hatchery and foot trail with opportunities for excellent bird watching
Page Springs and Bubbling Ponds Hatchery Location: Page Springs Directions: Ten miles south of Sedona, 10 miles north of Cottonwood off Hwy. 89A on the Page Springs Road. Access is also available from I-17 via the McGuireville Exit (exit 293). West 10 miles to Cornville, turn north on Page Springs Road for 5.5 miles. History: The Page Springs and Bubbling Ponds Fish Hatchery together comprise approximately 177.78 acres. Approimately 200 acres were purchased in 1949 and 1960 with boundary adjustments over time. Trails: 1.5 miles of smoothed trails loop the two sites, difficulty easy Wildlife: Ring-necked, ruddy ducks, common goldeneye, mallard, northern pintail, northern shoveller, cinnamon and green-winged teals, wood duck, common merganser, common black-hawk, belted kingfisher, mule deer, javelina Habitat: Cottonwood, ash, sycamore, hackberry, walnut
White Water Draw and Willcox Playa Wildlife Areas • These areas located southeast of Willcox are best known for their wintering Sandhill Cranes
Whitewater Draw and Willcox Playa Wildlife Areas • November through February best time period – Wings Over Willcox Festival - Mid-January Black-necked Stilt Vermillion Flycatcher
Willcox Playa Wildlife Area Location: Willcox, Unit 30A Directions: From Willcox, take Highway 186 approximately five miles. Turn right (south) on the Kansas Settlement Road for about three to five miles. Turn right (west) into the wildlife area parking area. History: WillcoxPlaya Wildlife Area is about 595 acres, including 120 acres of deeded land, 320 acres of land patented from the Bureau of Land Management, a 115-acre perpetual right-of-way from the Arizona State Land Department. Trail: 3 mile trail to Crane Lake includes directional signs and interpretive displays, difficulty easy. Wildlife: Waterfowl and shorebirds Habitat: Open wetlands