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Understanding Embedded Systems Programming: A Brief Overview

Explore the distinctions of embedded systems programming, from resource management to predictability and real-time responses, emphasizing the critical need for correctness and reliability.

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Understanding Embedded Systems Programming: A Brief Overview

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  1. Chapter 25Embedded systems programming Bjarne Stroustrup www.stroustrup.com/Programming

  2. Abstract • This lecture provides a brief overview of what distinguishes embedded systems programming from “ordinary programming.” It then touches upon facilities that become prominent or problems when working “close to the hardware” such as free store use, bit manipulation, and coding standards. Remember: not all computers are little grey boxes hiding under desks in offices. Stroustrup/Programming

  3. Overview • Embedded systems • What’s special/different • predictability • Resource management • memory • Access to hardware • Absolute addresses • Bits – unsigned • Coding standards Stroustrup/Programming

  4. Embedded systems • Hard real time • Response must occur before the deadline • Soft real time • Response should occur before the deadline most of the time • Often there are plenty of resources to handle the common cases • But crises happen and must be handled • Predictability is key • Correctness is even more important than usual • “correctness” is not an abstract concept • “but I assumed that the hardware worked correctly” is no excuse • Over a long time and over a large range of conditions, it simply doesn’t Stroustrup/Programming

  5. Embedded systems • Computers used as part of a larger system • That usually doesn’t look like a computer • That usually controls physical devices • Often reliability is critical • “Critical” as in “if the system fails someone might die” • Often resources (memory, processor capacity) are limited • Often real-time response is essential Stroustrup/Programming

  6. Embedded systems • What are we talking about? • Assembly line quality monitors • Bar code readers • Bread machines • Cameras • Car assembly robots • Cell phones • Centrifuge controllers • CD players • Disk drive controllers • “Smart card” processors • Fuel injector controls • Medical equipment monitors • PDAs • Printer controllers • Sound systems • Rice cookers • Telephone switches • Water pump controllers • Welding machines • Windmills • Wrist watches • … Stroustrup/Programming

  7. Do You Need to Know This Stuff ? • Computer Engineers – You will build and oversee the building of these systems • All “close to he hardware” code resembles this • The concern for correctness and predictability of embedded systems code is simply a more critical form of what we want for all code • Electrical Engineers – You will build and oversee the building of these systems. • You have to work with the computer guys • You have to be able to talk to them • You may have to teach them • You may have to take over for them • Computer scientists – you’ll know to do this or only work on web applications (and the like) Stroustrup/Programming

  8. Predictability • C++ operations execute in constant, measurable time • E.g., you can simply measure the time for an add operation or a virtual function call and that’ll be the cost of every such add operation and every virtual function call (pipelining, caching, implicit concurrency makes this somewhat trickier on some modern processors) • With the exception of: • Free store allocation (new) • Exception throw • So throw and new are typically banned in hard real-time applications • Today, I wouldn’t fly in a plane that used those • In 5 years, we’ll have solved the problem for throw • Each individual throw is predictable • Not just in C++ programs • Similar operations in other languages are similarly avoided Stroustrup/Programming

  9. Ideals/aims • Given the constraints • Keep the highest level of abstraction • Don’t write glorified assembler code • Represent your ideas directly in code • As always, try to write the clearest, cleanest, most maintainable code • Don’t optimize until you have to • People far too often optimize prematurely • John Bentley's rules for optimization • First law: Don’t do it • Second law (for experts only): Don’t do it yet Stroustrup/Programming

  10. Embedded systems programming • You (usually) have to be much more aware of the resources consumed in embedded systems programming than you have to in “ordinary” programs • Time • Space • Communication channels • Files • ROM (Read-Only Memory) • Flash memory • … • You must take the time to learn about the way your language features are implemented for a particular platform • Hardware • Operating system • Libraries Stroustrup/Programming

  11. Embedded systems programming • A lot of this kind of programming is • Looking at specialized features of an RTOS (Real Time Operating System) • Using a “Non-hosted environment” (that’s one way of saying “a language right on top of hardware without an operating system”) • Involving (sometimes complex) device driver architectures • Dealing directly with hardware device interfaces • … • We won’t go into details here • That’s what specific courses and manuals are for Stroustrup/Programming

  12. How to live without new • What’s the problem • C++ code refers directly to memory • Once allocated, an object cannot be moved (or can it?) • Allocation delays • The effort needed to find a new free chunk of memory of a given size depends on what has already been allocated • Fragmentation • If you have a “hole” (free space) of size N and you allocate an object of size M where M<N in it, you now have a fragment of size N-M to deal with • After a while, such fragments constitute much of the memory old object Free space old object New object Stroustrup/Programming

  13. How to live without new • Solution: pre-allocate • Global objects • Allocated at startup time • Sets aside a fixed amount of memory • Stacks • Grow and shrink only at the top • No fragmentation • Constant time operations • Pools of fixed sized objects • We can allocate and deallocate • No fragmentation • Constant time operations Stack: Top of stack Pool: Stroustrup/Programming

  14. How to live without new • No new (of course) • And no malloc() (memory allocation during runtime) either (for those of you who speak C) • No standard library containers (they use free store indirectly) • Instead • Define (or borrow) fixed-sized Pools • Define (or borrow) fixed-sized Stacks • Do not regress to using arrays and lots of pointers Stroustrup/Programming

  15. Pool example //Note: element type known at compile time // allocation times are completely predictable (and short) //the user has to pre-calculate the maximum number of elements needed template<class T, int N>class Pool { public: Pool(); // make pool of N Ts – construct pools only during startup T* get(); // get a T from the pool; return 0 if no free Ts void free(T*); // return a T given out by get() to the pool private: // keep track of T[N] array (e.g., a list of free objects) }; Pool<Small_buffer,10> sb_pool; Pool<Status_indicator,200> indicator_pool; Stroustrup/Programming

  16. Stack example // Note: allocation times completely predictable (and short) // the user has to pre-calculate the maximum number of elements needed template<int N>class Stack { public: Stack(); // make an N byte stack – construct stacks only during startup void* get(int N); // allocate n bytes from the stack; return 0 if no free space void free(void* p); // return the last block returned by get() to the stack private: // keep track ofanarray of N bytes (e.g. a top of stack pointer) }; Stack<50*1024> my_free_store; // 50K worth of storage to be used as a stack void* pv1 = my_free_store.get(1024); int* pi = static_cast<int*>(pv1); // you have to convert memory to objects void* pv2 = my_free_store.get(50); Pump_driver* pdriver = static_cast<Pump_driver*>(pv2); Stroustrup/Programming

  17. Templates • Excellent for embedded systems work • No runtime overhead for inline operations • Sometimes performance matters • No memory used for unused operations • In embedded systems memory is often critical (limited) Stroustrup/Programming

  18. How to live with failing hardware • Failing how? • In general, we cannot know • In practice, we can assume that some kinds of errors are more common than others • But sometimes a memory bit just decides to change • Why? • Power surges/failure • The connector vibrated out of its socket • Falling debris • Falling computer • X-rays • … • Transient errors are the worst • E.g., only when the temperature exceeds 100° F. and the cabinet door is closed • Errors that occur away from the lab are the worst • E.g., on Mars Stroustrup/Programming

  19. How to live with failing hardware • Replicate • In emergency, use a spare • Self-check • Know when the program (or hardware) is misbehaving • Have a quick way out of misbehaving code • Make systems modular • Have some other module, computer, part of the system responsible for serious errors • In the end, maybe a person i.e., manual override • Remember HAL ? • Monitor (sub)systems • In case they can’t/don’t notice problems themselves Stroustrup/Programming

  20. Absolute addresses • Physical resources (e.g., control registers for external devices) and their most basic software controls typically exist at specific addresses in a low-level system • We have to enter such addresses into our programs and give a type to such data • For example Device_driver* p = reinterpret_cast<Device_driver*>(0xffb8); Serial_port_base *COM1 = reinterpret_cast<Serial_port_base*>(0x3f8); Stroustrup/Programming

  21. Bit manipulation: Unsigned integers • How do you represent a set of bits in C++? • unsigned char uc; // 8 bits • unsigned short us; // typically 16 bits • unsigned intui; // typically 16 bits or 32 bits // (check before using) // many embedded systems have 16-bit ints • unsigned long intul; // typically 32 bits or 64 bits • std::vector<bool> vb(93); // 93 bits • Use only if you really need more than 32 bits • std::bitsetbs(314); // 314 bits • Use only if you really need more than 32 bits • Typically efficient for multiples of sizeof(int) Stroustrup/Programming

  22. Bit manipulation • & and • | inclusive or • ^ exclusive or • << left shift • >> right shift • ~ one’s complement a: 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0xaa b: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0x0f a&b: 0x0a 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 a|b: 0xaf 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 a^b: 0xa5 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 a<<1: 0x54 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 b>>2: 0x03 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ~b: 0xf0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Stroustrup/Programming

  23. Bit manipulation Sign bit 8 bits == 1 byte • Bitwise operations & (and) | (or) ^ (exclusive or – xor) << (left shift) >> (right shift) ~ (one's complement) Basically, what the hardware provides right: • For example void f(unsigned short val) // assume 16-bit, 2-byte short integer { unsigned char right = val & 0xff ; //rightmost (least significant) byte unsigned char left = (val>>8) & 0xff ; //leftmost (most significant) byte bool negative = val & 0x8000 ; //sign bit (if 2’s complement) // … } val 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0xff: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 true false Stroustrup/Programming

  24. Bit manipulation 0xff: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Or | • Set a bit • And & • Is a bit set? Select (mask) some bits • For example: enum Flags { bit4=1<<4, bit3=1<<3, bit2=1<<2, bit1=1<<1, bit0=1 }; unsigned char x = bit3 | bit1; // x becomes 8+2 x |= bit2; // x becomes 8+4+2 if (x&bit3) { //is bit3 set? (yes, it is) // … } unsigned char y = x &(bit4|bit2); // y becomes 4 Flags z = Flags(bit2|bit0); // the cast is necessary because the compiler // doesn’t know that 5 is in the Flags range val 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Stroustrup/Programming

  25. Bit manipulation • Exclusive or (xor) ^ • a^b means (a|b) & !(a&b) “either a or b but not both” unsigned char a = 0xaa; unsigned char b = 0x0f; unsigned char c = a^b; • Immensely important in graphics and cryptography a: 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0xaa b: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0x0f a^b: 0xa5 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Stroustrup/Programming

  26. Unsigned integers • You can do ordinary arithmetic on unsigned integers • Avoid that when you can • Try never to use unsigned just to get another bit of precision • If you need one extra bit, soon, you’ll need another • Don’t mix signed and unsigned in an expression • You can’t completely avoid unsigned arithmetic • Indexing into standard library containers uses unsigned(in my opinion, that’s a design error) vector<int> v; // … for (inti = 0; i<v.size(); ++i) … for (vector<int>::size_typei = 0; i<v.size(); ++i) … for (vector<int>::iterator p = v.begin(); p!=v.end(); ++p) … signed unsigned correct, but pedantic Yet another way Stroustrup/Programming

  27. Complexity • One source of errors is complicated problems • Inherent complexity • Another source of errors is poorly-written code • Incidental complexity • Reasons for unnecessarily complicated code • Overly clever programmers • Who use features they don’t understand • Undereducated programmers • Who don’t use the most appropriate features • Large variations in programming style Stroustrup/Programming

  28. Coding standards • A coding standard is a set of rules for what code should look like • Typically specifying naming and indentation rules • E.g., use “Stroustrup” layout • Typically specifying a subset of a language • E.g., don’t use new or throw to avoid predictability problems • Typically specifying rules for commenting • Every function must have a comment explaining what it does • Often requiring the use of certain libraries • E.g., use <iostream> rather than <stdio.h> to avoid safety problems • Organizations often try to manage complexity through coding standards • Often they fail and create more complexity than they manage Stroustrup/Programming

  29. Coding standards • A good coding standard is better than no standard • I wouldn’t start a major (multi-person, multi-year) industrial project without one • A poor coding standard can be worse than no standard • C++ coding standards that restrict programming to something like the C subset do harm • They are not uncommon • All coding standards are disliked by programmers • Even the good ones • All programmers want to write their code exactly their own way • A good coding standard is prescriptive as well as restrictive • “Here is a good way of doing things” as well as • “Never do this” • A good coding standard gives rationales for its rules • And examples Stroustrup/Programming

  30. Coding standards • Common aims • Reliability • Portability • Maintainability • Testability • Reusability • Extensibility • Readability Stroustrup/Programming

  31. Some sample rules • No function shall have more than 200 lines (30 would be even better) • that is, 200 non-comment source lines • Each new statement starts on a new line • E.g., int a = 7; x = a+7; f(x,9); //violation! • No macros shall be used except for source control • using #ifdef and #ifndef • Identifiers should be given descriptive names • May contain common abbreviations and acronyms • When used conventionally, x, y, i, j, etc., are descriptive • Use the number_of_elements style rather than the numberOfElements style • Type names and constants start with a capital letter • E.g., Device_driverand Buffer_pool • Identifiers shall not differ only by case • E.g., Head and head // violation! Stroustrup/Programming

  32. Some more sample rules • Identifiers in an inner scope should not be identical to identifiers in an outer scope • E.g., intvar = 9; { intvar = 7; ++var; } //violation: var hidesvar • Declarations shall be declared in the smallest possible scope • Variables shall be initialized • E.g., intvar; // violation: var is not initialized • Casts should be used only when essential • Code should not depend on precedence rules below the level of arithmetic expressions E.g., x = a*b+c; // ok if( a<b || c<=d) // violation: parenthesize (a<b) and (c<=d) • Increment and decrement operations shall not be used as subexpressions • E.g., int x = v[++i]; // violation (that increment might be overlooked) Stroustrup/Programming

  33. An example of bit manipulation • The Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) • Originally by David Wheeler • • Don’t look too hard at the code (unless you happen to need a good simple encryption algorithm for an application); it’s simply to give you the flavor of some bit manipulation code • It takes one word (4 bytes at a time) • E.g., 4 characters from a string or an image file • It assumes 4-byte long integers • Explanation is at the link (and in the book) • Without the explanation this is just an example of how bit manipulation code can look. This code is not meant to be self-explanatory. Stroustrup/Programming

  34. TEA void encipher( const unsigned long *const v, unsigned long *const w, const unsigned long * const k) { unsigned long y = v[0]; unsigned long z = v[1]; unsigned long sum = 0; unsigned long delta = 0x9E3779B9; unsigned long n = 32; while(n-->0) { y += (z << 4 ^ z >> 5) + z ^ sum + k[sum&3]; sum += delta; z += (y << 4 ^ y >> 5) + y ^ sum + k[sum>>11 & 3]; } w[0]=y; w[1]=z; } Stroustrup/Programming

  35. TEA void decipher( const unsigned long *const v, unsigned long *const w, const unsigned long * const k) { unsigned long y = v[0]; unsigned long z = v[1]; unsigned long sum = 0xC6EF3720; unsigned long delta = 0x9E3779B9; unsigned long n = 32; // sum = delta<<5; in general, sum = delta * n while(n-->0) { z -= (y << 4 ^ y >> 5) + y ^ sum + k[sum>>11 & 3]; sum -= delta; y -= (z << 4 ^ z >> 5) + z ^ sum + k[sum&3]; } w[0]=y; w[1]=z; } Stroustrup/Programming

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