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By: Miranda . THE ACCIDENT. You begin your day in your apartment. You awake to the sound of your puppy whining at the end of your bed. He probably has to go outside, you thought .
You begin your day in your apartment. You awake to the sound of your puppy whining at the end of your bed. He probably has to go outside, you thought. You slowly get up out your warm bed and you go look out your window to see if it was raining. It wasn’t raining, as usual. It never rained in California. You went to the bathroom to get ready. You get dressed in you nice, black jeans and a white blouse. You go to the kitchen to pour yourself a hot cup of coffee. You grab your dogs leash and take him out for a walk around the neighborhood. You walk around the corner and buy a your favorite magazine, people magazine. You go and drop your dog back at home, and then you wait for a taxi. Once you’re inside the taxi your work day is about to begin. But you don’t know yet that you wont be at work for long.
Once the taxi drops you off at work you go straight to the cafeteria, like you always do. “What's on the menu today?” You ask the cook. “Deviled eggs,” She replies. You eat the eggs as you take the elevator up to the top floor. You go into your office to drop off your stuff and you realize that your boss is sitting in your office. “Hello sir,” You say politely, a little confused to why he was in your office. “Hi Elena,” He said, and you noticed he wasn’t smiling like he usually is. “Is something wrong?” You asked, “I’m afraid so…” He replied. “I’m sorry that I have to do this but some people in the office don’t believe that your doing your job to your full ability and I’m sorry to say this but your fired.” He said. “What?! Sir there has to be a different solution!” You say desperately. “The manager has already started training someone else who he believes will do a better job.” He told you. “ Please clear out your office today.” And that was all he said, and then he left your office. You were in shock you couldn’t believed you just got fired!
After you finished clearing out your office you call your best friend to come and pick you. “Hey Katherine, can you come and pick me up.” You said into your blackberry. “Why is something wrong?” Katherine asked on the other end. “I got fired from my job…” You said holding back your tears. “I’ll be there in 10.” She said hanging up the phone. You stood there in the scorching sun. As you stood there you heard a bumble bee buzz. You looked around, you found the source of the sound. It was buzzing around the plants outside the office. You smiled, you loved very kind of living thing. Katherine pulled up in front of you. She quickly got out of the car and ran towards you. “I’m so sorry!” She said hugging you.
As Katherine drove you home, you guys started talking about when you were kids and how you both always had this crazy dream to create your own clothing line. “We could do it you know. “ Katherine said. “Yeah, but we don’t really have anything started yet… and this wasn’t the plan.” you said. “Well, it’s the perfect time to do it because you are out of a job, and I'm taking a year off school… we have time! And yeah, it wasn’t the plan but when have you ever done anything reckless or exciting! You have always followed your plan and now is the perfect time to do something different.” She said excitedly, obviously knowing that she will convinced me. Katherine always had a way of doing that even when we were kids. She was always able to convince me to do crazy things like sneaking out of the house to go to a party when youwere in high school, to getting youto cover for her when she disappeared for three days going to LA with her boyfriend. Decline her request at creating a clothing line. Accept her request and make a clothing line with her.
When you get back to your apartment you guys immediately start planning. You go to work on designing the first outfits. You both work for a good couple of hours on designing. “Ok, well we have a start… now I’m going to go and work on the rest of it, you should continue designing.” Katherine said a few hours later. “Alright,” You said. She left without any other words. You continued designing for the rest of the day. RING,RING,RING! Your phone rang loudly throughout your apartment. “Hello?” You asked. “Hey, guess what?!” Katherine asked. “What?” You replied. “I got us a store space.” She said excitedly. “ Awesome!” You said, “Where is it?” You asked. “675 Hart street.” She said. “Cool that’s not far from here I’ll be right over.” You said, already grabbing your keys and your shoes.
You walked down the street passed and around the corner to the store. Katherine was already there. “Hey,” You said looking at the store space. It was a large space with pale blue walls and one big window. “This is amazing!” You said smiling. “Yeah, and we should open as soon as possible!” Katherine said. “Lets go and grab some fabric and stuff we need for the store.” She said as you both climbed into Katherine's car. Both of you drove down to the fabric store. You and Katherinepicked up a bunch of fabric. Then youwent back to your apartment because you had a sewing machine. You both went to start sewing. Neither of you said anything at first, it was dead silent. “I cant believe we are doing this.” You smiled. “I can,” Katherine replied. And that was it for conversation as you both finished sewing.
When you finished sewing you freshly designed clothes, you took them over to the store and began setting up. There was a woman there who was watching you guys set everything up. You swear you know her from somewhere but think nothing of it. You put everything inside the store. When everything was put away you guys locked up the store and went home. “I think this is going to work.” Katherine said as she dropped you off at home. You continued your day as normal, but you couldn’t help feel a little un-easy about the woman who was watching you guys set up the store. Around 8:30pm you called Katherine with your un-easy feelings. “Hey, earlier today when we were setting up the store, did you notice that woman that was watching us?” You asked . “No, I didn’t see anyone.” She replied. “Well, there was a woman watching. And I feel weird about her being there, I swear I have seen her before…” You tell her. “Everything is going to be fine, just go to sleep forget about it. I will be there to pick you up at 9:00am, and we can go over to the store.” Katherine said obviously not believing your story about the woman.
You woke up the next day at 6:30 am, way earlier then planned. But you know that there is no chance of you getting to go back to sleep. You awoke and started your morning routine. 2 hours later, you had dressed and gotten everything done and ready. You had nothing to do but wait ‘till Katherine came to pick me up. As you waited, you had time to think about the store and what had happened yesterday. The more you thought about it, the more it seemed strange and the more the feeling of familiarity about the woman. KNOCK,KNOCK! Someone knocked on the door. You opened the door and Katherine was standing there looking distressed. “ What's wrong?!” You asked her worried. “The store… its been robbed!” She said. “What!” You yelled. “How do you know?” You ask her. “Because on my way to pick you up, I drove by the store and the window was broken and all the stuff inside was missing!” She said. “Lets call the police!” You said already grabbing your phone. You dialed 911. “Hello?” Someone on the other end asked. “What is your emergency?”She asks. “Hi, my name is Elena. My and my friend’s store has been robbed!” You told the lady. Tell the police about seeing the lady that was watching you guys. Let the police deal with the crime.
As the police searched the store for evidence. You thought back to everything that has happened. Then you remembered the woman who had watched you yesterday. ‘OMG! you thought!’ It all makes sense now! Finally you remember where you have seen the woman before. Her name was Charlotte Stone. And she was the designer for an amazing clothing line company called ‘Little Skulls’. She must have robbed us to stop us from being popular. She didn’t like the idea ofhaving to compete with us. You thought. “Guys, I know who robbed the store.” You told the police and Katherine your story. All about seeing the lady and about how it would make sense for her to rob us. And everything was figured out. “Find me Charlotte Stone!” The head of police said to his deputy, in a deep and loud voice.
“We found her!” The deputy said. “Where is she?!” The head policeman said. “She is at the dentist, off of Elm Street.” The deputy explained. “Lets go and get her!” He shouted over all the talking. The police drove over to the Elm Street dentist office. You and Katherine following behind. It was silent in the car. You didn’t feel like talking. When you arrived at the office Charlotte was just leaving. “STOP!” the police shouted! “You are under arrest for the theft of K & E’s clothing store!” The police shouted. They took charlotte into custody and it turns out that you were right and she had robbed the store. She went to jail and you guys got all your stuff back. THE END Go back to the beginning.
You decide to decline Katherine's request at making your own clothing line. It’s just way to far outside your comfort zone. “I'm sorry Katherine, but I cant. I cant just drop everything that I have worked hard on to follow a childhood dream.” You say feeling bad, and knowing she will be upset. “But Elena! We have always dreamt of doing this!” Katherine pouted. Youcould hear the betrayal that she felt in her voice. “I'm sorry! But I have worked so hard, and I cant put my life on hold, I don’t know that following our dream will actually work. For all we know we could not sell anything and go into debt trying to survive.” You sighed. But you knew it didn’t matter what yousaid, she wouldn’t listen. You are almost at your house now. “Elena… you are someone who is scared to try. You will regret this decision later.” She said pulling over, in front of my apartment building. “Good bye Elena.” She said, youfelt like you wouldn’t see her again for a long time. But you were too angry to feel sad at the moment. You got out of the car and walked inside without looking back.
After that day, you set out to find a job, you decided to continue looking for a job working for a clothing line, because you had experience. Your past job was working in a clothing line finance company. So you knew how it worked. There was one line that was hiring but it made you nervous. Frankly, because it was one of the most popular clothing lines, Little Skulls. You loved there line, although they were very strict with their policies. There was a number that you found online. You could call and make an interview. You finally built up enough courage call. You dial the number; 604-851-3279 “Hello?” Akind sounding lady answered on the other end. “Hi my name is Elena Bradley. And I'm calling to ask about the job opening you have posted online, and was wondering if it still available.” You say. “Yes it is still available. Would you like to make an interview?” She asked. “Yes Iwould like to make an interview.” “What time do you want to come in?” She asks. “Anytime is fine.” Yousay. “You can come in today.” She said. “That would be great.” You say excitedly.
You grab your stuff, quickly change into some more appropriate clothes and leave the house. You grab a taxi, and get to the Little Skulls building in no time at all. You enter the building. “Can I help you miss?” The receptionist asked. “Yes, I’m Elena Bradley, and I have a job interview.” You say. “Yes right this way.”You follow her into a room with a big desk and a some expensive looking chairs, you sit down an wait. Soon enough Charlotte Stone walks into the office and sits across from me. She asks you a bunch of questions, like what happened with your other job, do you have any experience? You answered all the questions honestly. Once her questioning came to an end, she told me she would call you if you got the job. Don’t get the job Get the job
Through out the next few days, you wait as patiently as possible for Little Skulls to call. But by the 5th day you was started to doubt they ever would. But finally on the 6th day the phone rang. You answered. “Hello?!” you said excitedly. “Is this Elena Bradley?” The woman on the other end asked. “Yes.” You said. “I'm calling in regards to your job interview, you got the job.” The woman said. You almost squealed with happiness. “Thank you!” You said hanging up the phone.
The next day you got up early to get to work on time. You arrived at 8:00am. You walked in. “Oh good you’re here right this way” the secretary led you to the back. “Hello Mrs. Bradley.” Charlotte Stone said to you. “What would you like me to do, Mrs. Stone?” You ask. “Your job will be to work with me on making sure that this company stays the best!” She said, pulling into a room that they all discuss there ideas. It continued like that throughout the next few weeks. Up until we heard that there was a new clothing store opening. At work that day everyone was in a panic. You walked through the halls and heard people saying, “What happens if it drives us to the ground?” or “What if they are better then us.” In the discussion room that day. Charlotte pulled youaside. “I have a job for you to do. And it is top secret. Are you up for it?” She asked in a whisper. “Yes I will do it.” You say not knowing what you were getting yourself into...
“The job I want you to do is break into the store, and find a way to stop them from opening.” She said. You were shocked. “You want me to break in?” You said. “Yes.” “But that’s illegal.” You said. “You have to for this company.” she said grabbing my arm. “Fine I will do it.” you say swallowing hard. “Ok the store is called the K studios” she said walking away, and leaving you to plan this on my own. So much for her being your friend.
You planned to break into the store tonight. You planned to break in and take some stuff to stop them from opening. They will never know that you were there and they will close. At 10:00pm you set out for the store. Once you arrived, you broke in the back door. You looked around the store. It had a familiar touch to it. You grabbed a bunch of stuff and threw them into a big black garbage bag. You was in and out of the store in 5min. You ran all the way home throwing stolen stuff into the dumpster on the way. Once you got home you sat in the dark. Your heart was pounding a mile a minute. You couldn’t believe that you had just done that.
The next day when you got to work they had the TV on. It was on channel 9. The breaking news channel. On the screen was Katherine. She was being interviewed because her store had been broken into last night. The K studios was her store! You almost fainted. Charlotte nodded at you.
Two days later the police were at your door step. You answered. “Yes?” You said nervously. “You are under arrest for breaking and entering the K studios.” They said pinning you up against the wall, and putting hand cuffs on me. You was taken to the police station. “We have footage of you breaking into the K studio 3 days ago.” A huge police man said sternly. “What do you have to say for yourself.” He asked. “Charlotte Stone threatened to fire me from my job if I didn’t do it.” You said calmly, hiding yourfear. Go and investigate charlotte Get taken straight to jail.
The police gave you the benefit of the doubt and went to investigate charlotte. She denied it all, but they found evidence proving that she had threatened you. There were cameras showing her pull youaside and there was a witness that had overheard her talking to you. Charlotte stone was given 5 years in jail for threatening you. You also got put into jail for 5 years. For actually doing the breaking and the entering. But you got to keep your job. THE END. Go back to the beginning.
The police didn’t believe you about charlotte and they said that it didn’t matter because you went along with it. You got put in jail for 5 years. THE END. Go back to the beginning
The police were there at the store in no time at all. They were looking for evidence about the break in. They searched and searched but they couldn’t seem to find anything. The person that broke into the shop knew what they were doing. “Do you guys know anybody that would have a motive to do this?” The police asked us. “No.” Katherine said shaking her head. The lady that had watched us set up the store ran through my mind but you couldn’t remember where you had seen her and didn’t think that she would have anything to do with it anyway. She was probably just curious. “No” you finally said. After a couple of weeks of searching the police closed the case. They never did find any evidence. Although the case was closed we were not able to reopen the store. THE END Go back to the beginning
The little skulls people never ended up calling me. You had to keep looking for a job. You couldn’t seem to find any clothing line that was hiring, you were getting nervous. Then you saw Katherine's store in the paper. She had made a clothing line without you, that was so like her. Part of youwas upset that she did it without you, but you weren't surprised, she always did things on her own. But then a thought got youdialing her familiar number. “Hello.” She said when she answered her phone. “Hey Katherine. I'm sorry about the other day in the car.” You said sincerely. “Really?” She asked. “Yes.” You said. “Do you want to come and work with me?” Katherine asked you. “Yes!” You said happily.
You went over to Katherine's store. It was all done and set up ready to open. Katherine was inside, the side in the door said “Grand opening today!” You walked inside the store. “Hi,” you said to Katherine. She turned towards you. “Hey, can you work the register today?” She asked me. “Yea sure.” You said getting behind the front desk of the store. Katherine went up to the door and unlocked it and turned on the open sign. As she went to quickly finish what she was doing, she had a huge grin on her face. This was her dream, and you were happy to be a part of it. That day was a very busy day. There were tons and tons of customers.
That night you and Katherine went out for dinner to celebrate the day success. “Today was amazing!” Katherine said to you. “I know right!” You said excited. After dinner Katherine drove you home. “I will see you tomorrow. “ she said as you got out of the car. You went upstairs to my apartment. You went to bed early that night. Have the store get broken into. Continue working in the store.
It continues like that for a month. But a month after the grand opening of the store something terrible happens. It was a slow day that day at work only one or two customers. One of the customers is wondering about the store, looking suspicious. She stands around the corner of store that is out of reach of the cameras for a bit to long that made it strange, you thought. Later that day you smell smoke, you think its nothing but then Katherine's comes running out of the back of the store. “There's a fire!!” She yells. You jumped and scrambled around trying to get my barring's. You end up grabbing my belongings off of the counter and run out of the store. You turn to see if Katherine is following but she is nowhere to be found.
You panic, “Katherine!” You yell. Tears come to your eyes. The building is almost completely up in flames. You break down and start to sob. As you fall to the ground in tears, you hear something from the store. You turn to look and you Katherine come running out of the store. She gets out in the nick of time. Right before the whole building goes up in flames she gets out. You run to her and you guyshug. Soon enough the fire department is there, and the fire is out. We are taking in an ambulance to the nearest hospital.
Katherine faces a few minor injuries, but nothing to serious or fatal. You did not suffer any injuries. Later that day the police were there. “What do you think caused the fire?” The policeman asked. Tell the police about Strange woman you saw in The store. Don’t tell them about the strange woman you saw.
You tell the police about the strange woman you saw hanging around the back corner of the store. Thankfully she bought something with her credit card and they were able to trace her. They questioned her. And it turned out that she was Charlotte Stone, a worker at the very popular clothing store, Little Skulls. She must have thought we were going to drive them out of business and that was why she set a fire to our store. She was arrested and taken to jail, for 5 years. THE END Go back to the beginning.
The police ask you If you know anyone that would have wanted to ruin your business but neither of youcould think of anyone. Katherine healed, and eventually the police closed the case about yourstore fire. You and Katherine both went back to school after that to study separate things. And neither of us thought about the store ever again. THE END. Go back to the beginning.