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Communication by Cooperation

Matematische Physik AG. Communication by Cooperation. ISOLATION. Intelligibility maximization. A sender favors a reduction of vocabulary (to a single symbol). First-Passage Time. REDUNDANCY. A recipients' economy calls for an exhaustive way-finding instructions. Uncertainty

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Communication by Cooperation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MatematischePhysik AG Communication by Cooperation ISOLATION Intelligibility maximization A sender favors a reduction of vocabulary (to a single symbol) First-Passage Time REDUNDANCY A recipients' economy calls for an exhaustive way-finding instructions Uncertainty minimization TEMPORAL ENTROPY INTEGRATION A sender favors minimizing way-finding instructions A recipients’ economy calls for an increasing of vocabulary (1 symbol = 1 meaning) Recurrence Time STRUCTURAL Double unification-diversification conflict

  2. MatematischePhysik AG Information Certainty: Entropy ~ Redundancy REDUNDANCY ENTROPY If E > R, than “unexpectedness > expectedness” If R > E, than “unexpectedness < expectedness”

  3. MatematischePhysik AG Structural Intelligibility: Isolation ~ Integration Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, R. Wagner INTEGRATION Vorspielzum 1 - Aufzug tonality scale ISOLATION ISOLATION > INTEGRATION, then we are confused INTEGRATION > ISOLATION, then we are subdued to follow

  4. MatematischePhysik AG The World Interpretation Opinion Learning Pleasure of understanding Information Certainty Structural Intelligibility

  5. MatematischePhysik AG Generalized Epidemic Processes Opinion dynamics, Behavioral patterns, Information spreading, Corruption, Terrorism,… [Blanchard, Krüger] How many “infected individuals” we are connected to; Time sharing; The social practice: “degree-degree correlation”. Eve: Animals eat that!

  6. Our hypotheses: MatematischePhysik AG Communication is the process of solving the double unification-diversification conflict by using a cooperative strategy resulted in informational certainty and structural intelligibility. In a large scale, communication might be considered as an epidemic process.

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