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Software Refactoring Part I: Introduction

Advanced Object-Oriented Design Lecture 5. Software Refactoring Part I: Introduction. Bartosz Walter <Bartek.Walter@man.poznan.pl>. Motto. „Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”. Martin Fowler. Agenda.

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Software Refactoring Part I: Introduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Advanced Object-Oriented Design Lecture 5 Software RefactoringPart I: Introduction Bartosz Walter <Bartek.Walter@man.poznan.pl>

  2. Motto „Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” Martin Fowler

  3. Agenda Refactoring: ideas, motivation, examples Verification of refactorings Bad smells in code

  4. More functionality!

  5. Oh, I've found a bug...

  6. We've got no time. Let's integrate...

  7. Motivation for refactoring • High cost of maintenance • Yourdon: 80% of TCD • Software decays during development • Low understanding of code • Design does not fit the requirements/ functionality • YAGNI = You Aren't Going to Need It

  8. Refactoring Refactoring is: • a change made to the internal structure of software • to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify • without changing its observable behaviour void doSth() void doSth() Source: W. Opdyke

  9. void compute () { // compute X // compute Y print(X, Y); // store X // store Y } void compAndPrint() { // compute X // compute Y ... // print X // print Y ... // store X // store Y } void print(X,Y) { // print X // print Y } Simplest example Extract Method • One method – one function • Allows localizing the potential bugs

  10. void compute () { X = next(X); Y = next(Y); } void compAndPrint() { ... X++; Y++; ... } int next(N) { return N++; } Simplest example (reverted) Inline Method • Removal of very short methods

  11. Cost of refactoring Refactoring is costly because it does not add new functions to the system. The cost depends on: • the language used • support from CASE tools • the type of refactorings • number and quality of test cases Important factors: • cost of documentation update • cost of test cases update

  12. Unfinished refactoring is like going into debt. You can live with it, but it is costly. Ward Cunningham When to do and not do refactoring? • At close deadlines • Prematurely published interfaces • Unstable, rubbish code • Three strikes and refactor • When adding new functions • When fixing a bug • While inspecting code

  13. Verification of refactorings SIMPLE HARD • Automated verification • Implemented in many IDEs • Verification requires testing • Tests need to be manually created

  14. Simple refactorings... • Verification of pre-conditions • Static analysis of code void doSth() void doSth() If before....If before.... Then after....Then after....

  15. void doSth() void doSth() If before....If before.... Then after....Then after.... ... and hard ones • Static code analysis, preconditions • Role of unit tests

  16. Bad smells If it stinks, change it Kent Beck grandmadiscussing child-rearing philosophy

  17. Duplicated Code Same or similar code appears all over the system • in same class: extract out the common bits into their own method (extract method) • in sibling classes: extract method with a shared functionality and then pull up the method to a common superclass • in unrelated classes: extract class

  18. Long Method Same or similar code appears all over the system • Too many options, causing the method to do too many things • Not enough support from other methods, causing the method to do tasks at a lower level than it should • Overly complicated exception handling • the rule of one screen/twenty lines • extract code

  19. Large class Same or similar code appears all over the system • No clear definition of what the class should do, resulting in it doing rather a lot of different things • Out-of-control inner classes • Numerous static and instance methods • Excessive numbers of convenience methods • Cut-and-pasted code • extract new class/subclass/interface • pull up methods/fields

  20. Long Parameter List Method needs to much external information • replace parameter with method (receiver explicitly asks sender for data via sender getter method) • replace parameters with a member fields in a dedicated object

  21. Divergent Change Same or related code appears all over the system Many different changes are necessary • Separate out the varying code into varying classes (extract class) that either subclass or are contained by the non-varying class • Use Visitor or Self Delegation patterns

  22. Feature Envy Method in one class uses lots of pieces from another class • move method to the other class • use Visitor or Self Delegation patterns

  23. Data Clumps Data that's always hanging with each other (e.g. name street zip) • Extract out a class (extract class) for the data • Related to long parameter list. • Introduce a Parameter Object • Preserve whole object

  24. Summary Finally! • Refactoring decreases cost of maintenance • Refactoring preserves software behaviour • Testing and analysis as methods of verification • Code smells indicate a need for refactoring

  25. Q&A ?

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