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An Organization to the World

An Organization to the World. Associação Máquina do Mundo. The Associação Máquina do Mundo main areas of intervention are:. Associação Máquina do Mundo. - Cooperation and Development , namely in: - Social and Communitary Intervention; -Sustainable Development; - Education;

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An Organization to the World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Organization to the World

  2. Associação Máquina do Mundo The Associação Máquina do Mundo main areas of intervention are:

  3. Associação Máquina do Mundo - Cooperation and Development, namely in: - Social and Communitary Intervention; -Sustainable Development; - Education; - Civil Society Empowerment

  4. Associação Máquina do Mundo - Assistance - humanitarian, cientific and technical; - medical and food;

  5. Associação Máquina do Mundo - Immigrants Integration - Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue;

  6. Associação Máquina do Mundo - Spreading the portuguese culture and languages around the world;

  7. Associação Máquina do Mundo Volunteering Entrepreneurship Microcredit

  8. Associação Máquina do Mundo • We promote the following activities:

  9. Associação Máquina do Mundo • Youth Exchanges Gathering different groups of different european people, giving them the opportunity to know themselves, debate and confront different points of view over several topics, at the same time that each one learns more about each other’s cultures.

  10. Associação Máquina do Mundo • International Volunteering Developed by volunteers, on the medium-long term, in developing countries.

  11. Associação Máquina do Mundo • Integration and Information Helpdesk Open space for young immigrants to obtain information about legalization processes, gathering and sharing opinions and points of view

  12. Associação Máquina do Mundo • Escola-Oficina We hope to build a technical/professional school in Angola, in carpentry

  13. Associação Máquina do Mundo Our Last Activity: YiA - PBA - 7th to 11th of September 2010 - Portugal, Algeria, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Israel, Jordan, Estonia, Italy

  14. Associação Máquina do Mundo • Contacts Email: geral@amm.org.pt Website: • http://www.amm.org.pt • http://amm-intercambios.blogspot.com • http://formacoes-amm.blogspot.com Facebook Page: • http://www.facebook.com/maquina.do.mundo

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