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Readers Become Experts About Series They Love

Readers Become Experts About Series They Love Readers reflect on their reading interests and strengths to find a “just right” book to read with a partner. Partners have a “meet the book” conversation to make predictions and set goals using a planning sheet.

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Readers Become Experts About Series They Love

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  1. Readers Become Experts About Series They Love Readers reflect on their reading interests and strengths to find a “just right” book to read with a partner. 2nd Grade Unit 7.1 Search Partnership Beth Newingham for the Scholastic PDF - Reading Survey

  2. Partners have a “meet the book” conversation to make predictions and set goals using a planning sheet. 2nd Grade Unit 7.2 See Planning papers from B. Gurian

  3. Readers Become Experts About Series They Love Readers can get to know a character well by noticing how the character reacts to a problem. 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 3

  4. 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 3.A

  5. Unit 7.2 Readers can get to know a character well by looking for patterns in his/her behavior. 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 4

  6. Unit 7.2.A Readers can get to know a character well by looking for patterns in his/her behavior. First, think about things a character says and does. 2. Then, ask myself, “Does my character say and/or do these things again and again? 3. Is there a pattern?” 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 4.A

  7. 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 5

  8. Unit 7.3 Readers can get to know a character well by noticing how the character has changed. 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 5.A

  9. Readers can get to know a character well by thinking, “How do they react when big things happen to them?” Are they “in character”? 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 6

  10. Readers can get to know a character well by thinking, “How do they react when big things happen to them? Are they “in character”? First, think about the ‘big’ moments in my character’s life (getting a pet, losing a tooth, etc.). Now think, “How does my character react when this happens?” 2nd Grade Unit 7 TP 6.A

  11. Readers can get to know a character well by studying how they react with other characters. 2nd Grade Unit 7.7

  12. Readers can get to know a character well by studying how they react with other characters. First, think about characters that my main character interacts with. (secondary characters) Now, think about how the main character reacts to another character—what does she say and do when they are together? So, what does this make me think about the main character? 2nd Grade Unit 7.7A

  13. Readers notice how secondary characters influence the story. 2nd Grade Unit 7.8

  14. Readers notice how secondary characters influence the story. • First, think about an important part in the story and what characters are involved. • Next, think, • “Why do each of these characters matter in this part of the story?” 2nd Grade Unit 7.8A

  15. Readers make sure they have a strong idea about their character by finding evidence and jotting down notes. Junie B. Jones is sassy. Page ___ It says Junie said, “I’m not listening…” 2nd Grade Unit 7.9

  16. Readers make sure they have a strong idea about their character by finding evidence and jotting down notes. First, think about an idea I have about my character and what part of the story made me think that. Next, use just a few words to jot that idea down and place the post-it in the story by the part that is evidence of my thinking. 2nd Grade Unit 7 .9A

  17. Partners help each other accumulate the text by retelling the story using story elements. 2nd Grade Unit 7.10

  18. Partners help each other accumulate the text by retelling the story using story elements. 1.They use detailed information… characters, settings, problem, events, solution. 2.They use graphic organizers to help them retell the story. 2nd Grade Unit 7.10 A

  19. 2nd Grade Unit 7

  20. Readers test their ideas by reading another book in their series. 2nd Grade Unit 7 .11

  21. Readers test their ideas by reading another book in their series. First, think about some big ideas I have about a character (study post-its, talk with a partner, reflect on book) Then, as I am reading another book, I want to hold onto those ideas and think, “Based on what I am learning about my character in this next book, do I still have those same ideas?” 2nd Grade Unit 7.11A

  22. Partners discuss how the characters in the series have changed from one book to another. 2nd Grade Unit 7.12

  23. Readers infer who is speaking by thinking about who just spoke, noticing punctuation, and thinking about what has been happening in the story. 2nd Grade Unit 7

  24. Readers become experts on series they love. Partners celebrate by giving “book talks” to encourage others to read their series. 2nd Grade Unit 7

  25. Readers choose another book and partner. Partners learn to communicate better by using their new skills on a second new “series book”. 2nd Grade Unit 7

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