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Staying on Target during an Emergency. What are we covering in this section?. Earthquake. Fire. Tornado. Medical Emergencies. Bomb Threat. Facility Emergencies. REPORTING CAMPUS EMERGENCIES & CRIMES . FROM A UNIVERSITY EXTENSION: UNIVERSITY POLICE 2911 FIRE 2911
What are we covering in this section? Earthquake Fire Tornado Medical Emergencies Bomb Threat Facility Emergencies
REPORTING CAMPUS EMERGENCIES & CRIMES FROM A UNIVERSITY EXTENSION: UNIVERSITY POLICE 2911 FIRE 2911 AMBULANCE 2911 FROM A CELL PHONE: 573-651-2911 *Be sure to program the University Police 24-hour Emergency Number into your cell phone. Non-Emergency Line: On Campus: x2215 Cell: 573-651-2215
Fire Procedure Activate the fire alarm –if it has not sounded yet Notify DPS and HDOD Extinguish fire if possible (DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER!!!) Evacuate the building by clearing your floor-knock on all doors, mark stairwell door with masking tape then head upwards to check for tape and help clear other floors. Keep residents outside until “All Clear” After “All Clear” assist Residents inside Meet with HD for other information Elevators are off limits after a fire alarm until HD/HDOD gives them the all clear as well. Quick Notes Keep Residents clear of all incoming emergency vehicles Help HD move residents to the correct designated areas While on rounds be on the look out for potential fire hazards Remember to keep low to the ground when around smoke. Do not wait for residents to respond when going door to door Residents must leave for all fire alarms, including fire drills Remember that if it’s too dangerous to do something, DPS or the Fire Dept will take care of it.
Tornado Procedure There should be a tornado siren-a 3 minute steady sound- if tornado warning-this doesn’t give you a large time buffer. Tornados may or may not strike-always error on the side of caution. Instruct residents to interior section of lowest floor Clear floor using fire alarm procedures-knock on all doors, mark stairwell door with masking tape then head upwards to check for tape and help clear other floors. Assist residents until “All Clear” After “All Clear” assist residents Meet with HD for other information Quick Notes Keep Residents clear of all incoming emergency vehicles and personnel. Stay away from windows, mirrors, things that can hurt you. Help HD move residents to the correct designated areas Do not wait for residents to respond when going door to door. Knock on doors and keep moving Remember that if it’s too dangerous to do something, DPS or the Fire Dept will take care of it.
Earthquake Procedure Evacuate the building only AFTER the earthquake stops Assist residents in getting out of the building and far away from anything that could collapse once the shaking stops. Clear floor using fire alarm procedures-knock on all doors, mark stairwell door with masking tape then head upwards to check for tape and help clear other floors. Do not reenter building until given “All Clear” If away from building, return to the building as soon as it is safe to do so. Meet with HD for other information Quick Notes Earthquakes have no warning. We are near a major fault line so earthquakes are a very real risk. Keep Residents clear of all incoming emergency vehicles and personnel. Help HD move residents to the correct designated areas Notify emergency personnel of any down lines, fires, accidents, etc. Remember that if it’s too dangerous to do something, DPS or the Fire Dept will take care of it.
Medical Emergencies Procedure Do not transport any students yourself. Notify DPS and HDOD. Make sure the scene is safe for you, the victim, and bystanders. Complete an incident report. Meet with HD for other information. Listen to responding personnel for further instructions. Help the HD in gathering information from those around the incident. Quick Notes Know where your HD keeps the Emergency Blue Cards in their office. Keep residents clear of all incoming emergency vehicles and personnel. Remember that if it’s too dangerous to do something, DPS or the Fire Dept will take care of it.
Bomb Threat Procedure If telephone threat follow steps in next slide. If suspicious object, do not touch, immediately call DPS. Notify HDOD and DPS if not done so. Calmly evacuate the building if told to do so by DPS or HD. Utilize fire evacuation protocol. Meet with HD for other information. Listen to responding personnel for further instructions. Await to return to building until the “All Clear” If you receive a suspicious package while working the desk please contact DPS and your desk supervisor. Quick Notes Keep calm at all times. Get as much information as possible and pass this onto DPS. Be sure to follow all instructions given to you. Remember that if it’s too dangerous to do something, DPS or the Fire Dept will take care of it.
Bomb Threat Checklist If the voice is familiar, who did it sound like? __________________________________ BACKGROUND SOUNDS: WAS THE PERSON: Name of person receiving call: __________________ Date: __________________________ Time:____________________________ After hanging up the phone from the bomb threat, immediately call DPS at 2215. Give your name, location, and telephone number. Inform the police of the situation, including all information you have as to the location of the bomb, time set to explode, and time you received the call. Inform the HD on duty of the bomb threat, as well as the Hall Director of the building (if reachable). Staff should not evacuate buildings, or inform residents of the threat, unless informed to do so by the Department of Public Safety or a professional staff member of Residence Life. • Office machines • Voices • PA system • Static • Street Noises • Animal Noises • Factory machines • Long distance • House Noises • Clear • Local • Music • Motor • Other • Questions to Ask: • When is the bomb going to explode? • Where is the bomb right now? • What does it look like? • What kind of bomb is it? • What will cause it to explode? • Did you place the bomb? • Why? • What is your address? • What is your name? • Exact wording of the threat: • Gender of caller ____________ Age________ • Length of call _________ Time ________Date ________ • Well-spoken • Foul • Incoherent • Taped • Irrational • CALLER’S VOICE: • Calm • Angry • Rapid • Whispered • Normal • Deep • Breathy • Nasal • Stutter • Loud • Slurred • Laughter • Slow • Familiar • Crying • Distinct • Cracking • Excited • Raspy • Soft • Lisp • Disguised • Accent
Power Outage Procedure If away from campus, please return to your building as soon as possible. Check to see if someone is stuck in the elevators or not (if they stop). Meet up with staff to divide up fire rounds in 15 t0 30 minute increments-walking the floors with a flashlight, checking on residents, watching for fires (candles), etc. Be sure to keep calm and wait for power to return. Quick Notes Keep calm at all times. The fire alarm system will not work during a power outage, therefore the fire rounds are very important. Your HD will be receiving information regarding the status of the outage and will pass on information to you. This is a reason we don’t want you to have cordless phones in your room but have a corded phone. Remember that if it’s too dangerous to do something, DPS or the Fire Dept will take care of it.
Facility Emergencies Elevators
Elevators Quick Notes Keep calm at all times. The person in the elevator may freak out more if you are freaking out. The elevators do have a back-up generator, so they can run when the power goes out. Myers is electrical only (no generator) meaning no power, no go. Procedure Figure out which floor the elevator is stuck on. DO NOT PRY OPEN DOORS!! Relay information to HDOD/your HD: Floor, doors open or closed, how many people are stuck, etc. The HD or HDOD can have DPS look at the cameras (except for Myers). Depending on situation (power outage or just stuck on a floor) the person could be on the elevator for a bit of time.
Flood by Plumbing Quick Notes As in all situations, keep calm. Small floods are a lot easier to work with than large ones, so being aware of things going on will keep the chances down. The sooner the HDs know about the situation the faster Facilities can get here. Be realistic about the situation. A small drip doesn’t constitute a flood, but a broken shower head and a clogged drain would. Procedure Contact HDOD or your HD. Figure out where problem is coming from. If there is a flood happening inside the building, try pushing the water towards a floor drain. Help HD with anything they direct you to do. HDs will do as much as they can before Facilities arrives. Facilities may take some time getting there depending on time and where the on-call person lives.
Completed! Now go and complete the test over this module! GOOD LUCK!!