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The neglected transformation of socio‐technical systems: discontinuation governance

The neglected transformation of socio‐technical systems: discontinuation governance. Stefan Kuhlmann , Peter Stegmaier , Vincent R. Visser Dept of Science, Technology, & Policy Studies (STePS), University of Twente

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The neglected transformation of socio‐technical systems: discontinuation governance

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  1. The neglected transformationof socio‐technical systems: discontinuation governance Stefan Kuhlmann, Peter Stegmaier , Vincent R. VisserDept of Science, Technology, & Policy Studies (STePS), University of Twente Eu-SPRI Conference “Transformative Governance”, Karlsruhe, 12-13 June 2012

  2. PROJECT PROPOSAL ORA (Open Research Area for the Social Sciences 2011 DFG, NWO, ESRC, ANR)—DiscGo applicants: • S Kuhlmann, P Stegmaier University of Twente, Enschede, NL, Dept. of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STePS) • J Weyer, M Mölders TU Dortmund, Technology Studies Group (TSG) • A Stirling, F Geels University of Sussex,Science and Technology Policy Research (SPRU) • PB Joly, M Barbier, F Dedieu INRA and Université Paris Est, Unit 1326 SenS IFRIS Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  3. PROJECT IDEA Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  4. PROJECT FOCUS • Focus: ‘discontinuation’ as purposeful governance action sui generis • In contrast to ‘discontinuity’ as market phenomenon (Utterback 2003) and ‘destabilisation’ as a regime transition phenomenon (Turnheim & Geels 2012) Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  5. SHOCKS & NICHES (Adapted from Geels/Schot, 2007: 410, emphasis added) Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  6. PRELIMINARY HEURISTIC Instead of starting from hypotheses (useful only in well-researched areas), we build search heuristic and conceptualisation of the governance problems (questions and theory) on the grounds of investigated phenomena themselves. Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  7. METHODS Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  8. FOUR CASES • Phase-out of the incandescent light bulb technologythrough the EU regulation 244/2009, based on the Eco-Design of Energy-Using Products Directive 2009/125/EC, started in the EU in 2009 • Commitments to phase out nuclear powerfrom its current major role in the energy sectors of several countries worldwide, with others ceasing earlier-planned nuclear expansion; discontinuation efforts have been accelerating since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Spring 2011 • Banning of synthetic pesticide DDTfor agricultural use worldwide under the Stockholm Convention in 2004 • Replacement of fossil fuel combustion technologyby (battery) electric engine technology, a trend that has been speeding up since the global economic recession in the late 2000s. Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  9. EXPLORATION OF PATTERNS Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  10. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  11. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  12. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU (II) Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  13. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU (III) Focus of research:Get a better understanding of purposeful discontinuation governance along the example of the ILB (with some side glances at lighting innovation) Research question:Which discontinuation issues are identified by the relevant governance actors over time and which discontinuation trade-offs are constituted? Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  14. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU (IV) Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  15. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU (V) A. Constitution/design of discontinuation policy DIMENSIONS OF REGULATION • Ban vs. Gradual replacement • Focus on energy efficiency vs. other requirements • Speed of discontinuation • Strictness: room for exceptions vs. no exceptions • Monitoring of regulation Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  16. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU (VI) B. Barriers/trade-offs for discontinuation (governance) BARRIERS OF SYSTEM/INFRASTRUCTURE • Retrofitting/luminaires • Harmonic interference • Dim installation BARRIERS OF ‘REPLACING’ TECHNOLOGY • Use of materials and recycling • Health issues • Performance/quality issues (design aesthetics, quality of light, dim-option, start-up time, image issues) COSTS OF DISCONTINUATION • Replacement costs vs life cycle costs Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  17. CASE: Disc. of ILB in EU (VII) BARRIERS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR • Hamstering ILBs • Changes in use (rebound effects) NEED OF INFORMATION/EDUCATION • Awareness raising for need of discontinuation • Need of knowledge for replacement • Need for new (eco) labelling • Comparison of light output of new lamp types ISSUES FOR INDUSTRY (IN EU) • Negative vs. Positive effects for employment • Capacity for new production BURDENS OF EXISTING LEGISLATION • National/supranational/international level Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

  18. FIRST CONCLUSIONS • No surprise: • Discontinuation governance takes place in a highly complex context—technically as well as socially • Discontinuation governance has to cope with resistance to dedicated, forceful change (institutional inertia; vested interests) Kuhlmann/Stegmaier/Visser: Governance of Discontinuation

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