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神的居所 God’s Dwelling Place 劉彤牧師 Rev. Tong Liu 生命河靈糧堂 River of Life Christian Church

神的居所 God’s Dwelling Place 劉彤牧師 Rev. Tong Liu 生命河靈糧堂 River of Life Christian Church August 24, 2014. 萬軍之耶和華啊,你的居所何等可愛! 我羨慕渴想耶和華的院宇;我的心腸,我的肉體向永生 神呼籲。 萬軍之耶和華─我的王,我的 神啊,在你祭壇那裡,麻雀為自己找著房屋,燕子為自己找著菢雛之窩。 如此住在你殿中的便為有福! 他們仍要讚美你。 ( 詩篇 Psalm 84:1-4 )

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神的居所 God’s Dwelling Place 劉彤牧師 Rev. Tong Liu 生命河靈糧堂 River of Life Christian Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 神的居所 God’s Dwelling Place 劉彤牧師 Rev. Tong Liu 生命河靈糧堂River of Life Christian Church August 24, 2014

  2. 萬軍之耶和華啊,你的居所何等可愛! 我羨慕渴想耶和華的院宇;我的心腸,我的肉體向永生神呼籲。 萬軍之耶和華─我的王,我的神啊,在你祭壇那裡,麻雀為自己找著房屋,燕子為自己找著菢雛之窩。 如此住在你殿中的便為有福!他們仍要讚美你。 (詩篇 Psalm 84:1-4) How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young — a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.

  3. 神的居所 God’s Dwelling Place 教會是彰顯神同在的地方 教會是同心禱告的地方 教會是同心傳福音的地方 教會是同心事奉的地方

  4. 願祢榮耀降臨/Let Your glory fall in this place • 父神創造的主 顯明你創造心意 興起祢所揀選的百姓 在這地同心前進 Father of creation, unfold Your sovereign planRaise up a chosen generationThat will march through the land 中文譯作 以琳書房,詞、曲:David Ruis

  5. 宇宙萬物都在歎息 等候祢能力彰顯 求主釋放祢的恩膏 哦 神就在這時刻 All of creation is longing for Your unveiling of powerWould You release Your anointingOh God let this be the hour

  6. (副歌)願祢榮耀降臨此地 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願祢恩膏充滿此地 我們同心尋求祢面 Let Your glory fall in this roomLet it go forth from here to the nationsLet Your fragrance rest in this placeAs we gather to seek Your face

  7. 抓住時機、勇敢向前 Seize the Moment, Forging Ahead 劉彤牧師 Pastor Tong Liu 生命河靈糧堂River of Life Christian Church August 24, 2014

  8. 神機會的風When the Wind of the Lord Is Rising 詞曲:施弘美Tiffany Wang [神機會的風1/9]

  9. 神造萬物 Shén Zào Wàn Wù 各按其時 成為美好 Gè Àn Qí Shí Chéng Wéi Měi Hǎo God made all things so beautiful in their own time [神機會的風2/9]

  10. 凡事都有定期 Fán Shì Dōu Yǒu Dìng Qí 天下萬物 都有定時 Tiān Xià Wàn Wù Dōu Yǒu Dìng Shí There’s a time for all things and all seasons, in His time [神機會的風3/9]

  11. 讓我敏銳於神工作的時候 Ràng Wǒ Mǐn Ruì Yú Shén Gōng Zuò De Shí Hòu 願你旨意完全彰顯 Yuàn Nǐ Zhǐ Yì Wán Quán Zhāng Xiǎn Let’s be keen to the timing of God’s work Let Your will be fully revealed [神機會的風4/9]

  12. 打開我雙眼看見你的作為 Dǎ Kāi Wǒ Shuāng Yǎn Kàn Jiàn Nǐ De Zuò Wéi 嶄新的機會正敞開 Zhǎn Xīn De Jī Huì Zhèng Chǎng Kāi Open my eyes to see Your mighty work Opportunities will unfold [神機會的風5/9]

  13. 當神機會的風吹起 Dāng Shén Jī Huì De Fēng Chuī Qǐ 主帶領我乘風破浪 Zhǔ Dài Lǐng Wǒ Chéng Fēng Pò Làng When the wind of the Lord is rising You lead me to sail through the storm [神機會的風6/9]

  14. 在生命每個轉彎處 Zài Shēng Mìng Měi Gè Zhuǎn Wān Chù 都經歷突破大能和恩典 Dōu Jīng Lì Tú Pò Dà Néng Hé Ēn Diǎn In every twist and turn of life We receive grace and power to break-through [神機會的風7/9]

  15. 當神機會的風吹起 Dāng Shén Jī Huì De Fēng Chuī Qǐ 主帶領我乘風破浪 Zhǔ Dài Lǐng Wǒ Chéng Fēng Pò Làng When the wind of the Lord is rising You lead me to sail through the storm [神機會的風8/9]

  16. 在生命每個季節中 Zài Shēng Mìng Měi Gè Jì Jié Zhōng 堅持信靠跟隨我主 Jiān Chí Xìn Kào Gēn Suí Wǒ Zhǔ In every season of my life I will hold on and follow You [神機會的風9/9]

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