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358 在祂同在的隱密處 IN THE SECRET OF HIS PRESENCE. 在祂同在的隱密處, In the secret of His presence 我得安居何甘美! How my soul delights to hide! 在祂面前時常俯伏, Oh, how precious are the lessons 所學功課何寶貴! Which I learn at Jesus' side!. 憂慮不能將我攪擾, Earthly cares can never vex me, 試煉也不能壓住; Neither trials lay me low;

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 358 在祂同在的隱密處IN THE SECRET OF HIS PRESENCE 在祂同在的隱密處,In the secret of His presence 我得安居何甘美!How my soul delights to hide!在祂面前時常俯伏,Oh, how precious are the lessons 所學功課何寶貴!Which I learn at Jesus' side! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  2. 憂慮不能將我攪擾,Earthly cares can never vex me,試煉也不能壓住;Neither trials lay me low; 每逢撒但引誘吼叫,For when Satan comes to tempt me, 我就到祂隱密處。(X 2)To the secret place I go. (x 2) Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  3. (二) 當我帶著疲倦乾渴, When my soul is faint and thirsty 來到祂的翅膀間,'Neath the shadow of His wing 就得蔭疪,涼爽、快樂,There is cool and pleasant shelter, 活泉清澈而新鮮; And a fresh and crystal spring; Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  4. 在此投身救主胸懷,And my Savior rests beside me, 彼此交通滿香甜,As we hold communion sweet; 我雖嘗試,也說不來If I tried, I could not utter 祂那祕密的言語。(X 2)What he says when thus we meet. (X 2) Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  5. (三) 但有一事是我所知:Only this I know; I tell Him 當我向祂訴苦情,All my doubts and griefs and fears; 祂就耐心聽我心事,Oh, how patiently He listens!並且鼓舞我萎靈; And my drooping soul He cheers; Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  6. 你想從來祂不責備?Do you think He ne'er reproves me? 那祂就是很虛偽,What a false friend He would be, 如果祂是從來也未If He never, never told me 責備祂所見的罪。(X 2)Of the sins which He must see! (x 2) Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  7. (四) 這隱密處如何美佳,Would you like to know that sweetness 如果你也願知曉,Of the secret of the Lord? 請去住在祂的蔭下,Go and hide beneath His shadow;就必嘗到這味道; This shall then be your reward; Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  8. 若你的靈與祂相交,And whene'er you leave the silence 安靜住於祂榮光,Of that happy meeting-place, 你的臉面就必反照By the Spirit bear the image 祂那榮美的形像。(X 2)Of the Master in your face. (x 2) Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

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