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Extracting the Cyclical Component from Australian Multi-Factor Productivity. Mark Zhang Lewis Conn. Background. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) produces two measures of Multi-Factor Productivity (MFP) growth Growth between adjacent years
Extracting the Cyclical Component from Australian Multi-Factor Productivity Mark Zhang Lewis Conn
Background • The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) produces two measures of Multi-Factor Productivity (MFP) growth • Growth between adjacent years • Average annual growth between productivity peaks • The later is a more consistent measure of productivity growth • Reserve Bank Statement on Monetary Policy (9th Nov 2006) • "... Australia’s economic expansion has now reached a mature stage in which previously unused productive resources have been substantially re-employed ... this combination suggests that there may have been some underlying slowdown in productivity, either of a cyclical or structural nature, though its extent is difficult to explain. "
Deriving Average Annual MFP Growth • In theory, at MFP peaks there is full capacity utilisation • By measuring MFP growth from peak to peak we assume we have consistent capacity utilisation • MFP Peaks are currently derived using an 11 term Henderson time series filter (Aspen, 1989) • Separates the business cycle from long term trend • Other economic series (Labour market, business expectations) are also considered when declaring peaks
Objectives of This Study • Improve analysis and understanding of trends in multi-factor productivity • Review, update and explain the choice of method for estimating peaks in the productivity series. • Analysis of impact of methods on the productivity series • Analyse how industries' contribute to the aggregate productivity cycle (Phase 2) • Investigate how capacity utilisation may be taken into account when comparing productivity peaks (Phase3)
Filters Considered Current ABS Method • 11-Term Henderson (1916) - Linear low pass filter • Hodrick Prescott(1980) - Linear low pass filter • Baxter-King (1997) - Band Pass Filter • Beveridge-Nelson (1981) – Model based approach which produces a stochastic trend • Unobserved Components Model – Uses a structural model framework to models trend, cycle, and irregular explicitly
Frequency versus Model Based • Frequency based filters extract a signal within a predefined range. They implicitly apply a particular model to the data. • Hodrick and Prescott (1997) recommended a smoothing parameter of 1600 based on an empirical investigation of US quarterly GDP data. • Ravn (2002) recommended for annual data reducing the parameter by a factor of four (approx 6.25) • Model based filters fit the model directly to the data. They extract the signal from the estimated model. • Using the UCM to estimate the smoothing parameter 28.66
Frequency Response Function 11-Term Henderson Hodrick-Prescott (6.25) Hodrick-Prescott (28.66)
Frequency Response Function 11-Term Henderson Hodrick-Prescott (6.25) Hodrick-Prescott (28.66) 0.5 14.5 9.95 6.94
Market MFP Cycle Conparison ABS Declared Productivity Peaks 1994
Results • All methods (with the exception of the Beveridge-Nelson) gave reasonably similar results • UCM verifies that the cycle component derived from HP filter is not spurious. • UCM derived parameter is larger than theoretical value • Baxtor King requires more data at the end point • Results support the Hodrick-Prescott method. • More commonly used in practice internationally • Less likely to produce spurious cycles
Revision of Peaks • Looked at the amount of revision required using different methods
Key Findings From Study • There is strong evidence of cyclic behaviour in the MFP series • The Henderson filter suppresses more power in low cycles (> 8 years) and amplifies cycles from 4 to 6 years • May produce spurious cycles • Results support updating methodology to Hodrick Prescott filter • Smoothing parameter, theoretical (6.25) or derived (28.66)? • Impact of change will affect the 1994 peak, but should not affect any other peaks
Comparing Peaks in Market MFP and Industry MFP • Manufacturing and Construction have similar peaks to Market MFP • Some industries (Electricity, Gas and Water, Wholesale) do not show any cyclic behavior • 1999 Market MFP Peak:
Further Work • Finalise smoothing parameter • Further analysis of Industry MFP • Analysis of growth between adjacent years relative to average growth • Research capacity utilisation