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Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching

Explore the historical background, principles, and techniques of the Grammar Translation Method for teaching languages. Compare with Integrative Grammar Teaching, discuss preferences, lesson plans, and demo teaching. Learn about EEE stages and tasks in language instruction.

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Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching II. The Grammar-Translation Method Josephine Hsin-Chou Huang Department of Applied English St. John’s University

  2. Introduction to TESOL Methodology TESOL Teaching English to speakers of other language. TESL Teaching English as a second language. TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign language. SLA Second language acquisition.

  3. Reviewing the techniques Three kinds questions 1.Find literary article 2.Translation of a literary passage 3.Reading comprehension questions

  4. Reviewing the techniques Seven ways 1.Antonyms/synonyms 2.Cognates 3.Deductive application of rule 4.Fill-in-the-blanks 5.Memorization 6.Use words in sentences 7.Composition

  5. 1.Compare Grammar Translation & Integrative Grammar Teaching Briefly state your preference for either of the above two methods & explain the reasons. 2.Lesson Plan 3.Demo Teaching

  6. The EEE (a) Exploration (b) Explanation (c) Expression

  7. The EEE (a) Exploration Inductive Learning All instruction was done in English. (b) Explanation (c) Expression

  8. The EEE (a) Exploration (b) Explanation As students find sequences or patterns in the examples they used during the exploration stage, the teacher or the students can summarize what was previously discovered. (c) Expression

  9. The EEE (a) Exploration (b) Explanation (c) Expression The rationale of this stage is to provide students experience in applying their acquired knowledge in practice by making meaningful utterances.

  10. Global and Integrative tasks & Discrete Structures (*)Global and Integrative tasks (*)Discrete Structures

  11. Global and Integrative tasks & Discrete Structures (*)Global and Integrative tasks Communicative language teaching Fluency CLT (Integrative Grammar Teaching) Meaning-Based (*)Discrete Structures

  12. Global and Integrative tasks & Discrete Structures (*)Global and Integrative tasks (*)Discrete Structures Audio-lingual and grammar-translation Accuracy GT (Grammar-Translation) Form-Focused

  13. Origin of Grammar Translation Method • The theory of German scholars • Dominated European & FL teaching from 1840-1940s • Also known as Classical Method • Help learners to read FL literature • Assumption: learner might never use the target language(TL)

  14. Examples & principles • Read passage • Translate words • Work on vocabulary & memorize them • No need to use TL • Focus on reading & writing; listening & speaking are not trained • Teacher as the authority

  15. Examples & principles (2) • Look for similarities between L1 & L2 • Learning of grammar is important • Apply rules to other examples

  16. Techniques • Translation • Reading comprehension • Antonyms/synonyms • Cognates • Applications • Fill-in-the-blanks • Memorization • Form sentences with learned words • Composition

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