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SPiiPlus Training Class

SPiiPlus Training Class. Variable Management. What are ACSPL+ Variables?. Variables in ACSPL+ have the following attributes: Class (standard or user variable ) Name Scope (global or local) Lifetime Accessibility (read-write, read-only, protected) Type (integer or real) Size Value.

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SPiiPlus Training Class

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  1. SPiiPlus Training Class Variable Management

  2. What are ACSPL+ Variables? Variables in ACSPL+ have the following attributes: • Class (standard or user variable) • Name • Scope (global or local) • Lifetime • Accessibility (read-write, read-only, protected) • Type (integer or real) • Size • Value

  3. Class ACSPL+ variables can be either standard or user defined • Standard variables can be used without declaration • Examples: FPOS (feedback position), MFLAGS (motor flags), AST (axis state) • User variables require declaration • Can be declared in any program buffer (including d-buffer)

  4. Scope Global variables • Variables with global scope can be used in any program buffer and also in the Communication Terminal • All standard variables are global • Declaration of user global variable starts with the keyword “global” – not case sensitive • The above example declaration may be in several buffers, but each is considered to be the same variable

  5. Scope Global variables • Global variables declared in d-buffer do not need re-declaration elsewhere

  6. Scope Local variables • Local variables can be used only in the buffer they are declared • Declaration of local variables starts with the keyword “local”, or no keyword

  7. Lifetime • Standard variables are always valid • User variables are valid as long as they reside in a buffer that has been successfully compiled since the variable’s declaration • If a variable declaration has been removed from a buffer which then gets re-compiled, the variable is no longer valid • Note: recompiling a buffer will clear whatever value a user variable declared in that buffer may have had • ACSPL+ READ and WRITE commands allow storage of user variables in controller flash memory (128MB capacity) • This allows storage and retrieval of data between power downs

  8. Accessibility All user variables have read-write access and are not protected. Standard variables can be read-write or read-only • Read-write: All user variables and some standard variables • Examples; VEL, MFLAGS • Read-only: Standard variables with values that cannot be assigned • Examples; MST(motor state), FAULT • Note: protection can be applied to standard variables (not user) to prevent modification

  9. Type Variables can be integer or real • Standard variables have pre-defined type (cannot be assigned) • User variable types need to be assigned • User variables can be converted from integer <–> real • Integer types are declared using INT keyword • Real types are declared using REAL keyword • Integer is signed 32 bit • Real is 64 bit, and corresponds to the standard double format of PC

  10. Size Variables can be scalar (one element), one-dimensional, or two-dimensional arrays • Standard variables have pre-defined size (cannot be assigned). Example S_ERR is a scalar, and FAULT is an array of up to 64 elements (one for each axis)

  11. Declaration How to declare user variables: • Several variables of the same type can be declared on the same line, separated by commas • Typically declared at top of program buffer, but not necessary • Global variables declared in the d-buffer do not require re-declaration in any other buffer • Global variables not declared in the d-buffer do require re-declaration in any other buffer they are used (but not re-definition) • Variable names must be alpha-numeric, and begin with a letter

  12. Declaration Examples GLOBALREAL var1 ! Global real type scalar GLOBALINTaxisNumber! Global integer type scalar REAL arr1D(7) ! Local real type 1D array INT arr2D(3)(5) ! Local integer type 2D array LOCALREAL motor1, motor2, arrEx(4)(2)

  13. Assignment Command The assignment command (=) is used to assign a value to ACSPL+ variables with read/write access. • User variables need to be declared first before assignment is allowed • Assignment to array variables (1-d, or 2-d) requires index reference • Integer variables allow bit assignments, and are usually used to monitor variable flags, and change digital output states • Assigning to a variable has the following limitations: • Assignment to read-only variable (for example, FPOS(0)) is prohibited without SETcommand. Example SETFPOS(0) = 1000sets the feedback position of axis 0 to 1000.

  14. Assignment Command Assigning to arrays is done in base-zero. Example – how to populate an entire 4-element array:

  15. Query Variables from the Terminal To read the value of a variable, use the “?” operator from the Terminal • For example, enter the following in the Terminal to query the value of axis 5 feedback position: ?FPOS(5) • To perform a calculation while querying, enclose it in parentheses, for example: ?(3.1*FPOS(5)+9) • To set variable precision, use % operator, for example;?{%3.3f}FPOS0

  16. Bit Addressing Often it is required to read the state of an input, write the state of an output, read specific faults, etc. This is done via bit addressing • Variables can contain bits which have specific meaning. For example MST(3).#ENABLEDencodes whether or not axis 3 is enabled. • Bits can be referenced by number, or by bit name. For example MST(3).0 is equivalent to MST(3).#ENABLED • Digital I/O is accessed using bits of IN and OUT standard variables: • OUT(0).0 … OUT(0).7 • IN(0).0 … IN(0).7 • Implicit bit addressing supported • GLOBALINTuserVariable1; userVariable1 = 1 • MFLAGS(0).(userVariable1)

  17. Bit Addressing How to use bit addressing to read/write digital input and output • Digital I/O is accessed using indices and bits of IN and OUT standard variables • IN and OUT are arrays whose index refers to EtherCAT node the digital I/O physically reside on. • For example OUT(3)are digital outputs on node 3 • Each member of the array has 32 bits, often not all are used • For example, node 1 has 8 digital inputs, they would be accessed like this: IN(0).0 … IN(0).7 • To set the second digital output of node 7 do OUT(7).1 = 1, and to clear do OUT(7).1 = 0 • Specific bits can be queried from the Terminal, for example ?IN(3).7will return the state of digital input 7 at node 3

  18. Bit Addressing A useful way of reading and writing digital I/O is using binary or hexadecimal • In the Terminal, type ?B/IN(4) to see the state of digital inputs at node 4 in binary • The output will look something like this: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00010111indicating inputs 0, 1, 2, and 4 are active • To view in hex, do ?X/IN(4) • Can also be used for setting digital outputs. Enter any of the following to activate the first 8 outputs at node 5: • OUT(5) = 0b11111111 • OUT(5) = 0xFF • OUT(5) = 255

  19. SP Variables Aside from ACSPL+ variables, lower-level servo processor variables exist in the controller called SP variables • SP variables are used to monitor low-level parameters such as commanded current, encoder counts, and others • Many are read/write and can be accessed using special ACSPL+ commands GETSP,SETSP • The variables look like “axes[0].command” (commanded current) • SP variables are easily accessed using: • Communication Terminal • Variables Manager and Watch • Scope

  20. ACSPL+ Programming Example 1 Gantry-based vision system application requirements: • Axis names: x1, y1 • 3rd order motion parameters for both axes: • Velocity = 300mm/s • Acceleration = 3000mm/s^2 • Deceleration = 3000mm/s^2 • Jerk = 30000mm/s^3 Method • Declare and define global variables to represent axes • Define standard variables for axes motion parameters • Compile, run, and verify the values of the variables by querying from Communication Terminal (remember to use ? when querying)

  21. ACSPL+ Programming Example 2 A new application specification states there will be a camera located somewhere in the stage’s range of travel and needs to be avoided. The camera can be treated as a rectangular region to avoid. • Rectangle min, max in x = -350, -250 • Rectangle min, max in y = 300, 400 Method • Create new variables representing this rectangle

  22. ACSPL+ Programming Example 3 The application specification states that while the stage undergoes motion, computations need to be made based on motion data from the stage. Method • In one buffer, create local variables representing two (x,y) points for the stage to move back and forth between. • In another buffer create local array variables for data to be stored in. • Compile and run buffers • What do the array variables initialize to?

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