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ADC Management Strategy

ADC Management Strategy . Ivan DeLoatch, USGS, ADC Co-chair Barbara Ryan, WMO, ADC Co-chair Alessandro Annoni, EC, ADC Co-chair ADC/CBC Joint Committees Meeting Sao Paulo, Brazil 28 February 2011. ADC Management Strategy.

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ADC Management Strategy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ADC Management Strategy Ivan DeLoatch, USGS, ADC Co-chair Barbara Ryan, WMO, ADC Co-chair Alessandro Annoni, EC, ADC Co-chair ADC/CBC Joint Committees Meeting Sao Paulo, Brazil 28 February 2011

  2. ADC Management Strategy • Background: The Architecture and Data Committee (ADC) has overseen a relatively broad range of activities that span both information technology and data management aspects of GEOSS. As the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) and the GEO Data-Sharing Practices have now been endorsed, it is an appropriate time to re-assess the role and responsibilities of the ADC, as well as develop a strategic look to the future, including key milestones for the remainder of the GEOSS Implementation period ( 2011 to 2015).

  3. ADC Management Strategy • Session Description: This Session will explore the major challenges and opportunities facing the ADC so that a strategic way forward can be developed for both architecture and data components of GEOSS. Some questions that should facilitate the discussion are as follows: • How does the ADC coordinate/manage/prioritize voluntary contributions? Is everything of equal importance? • How can the work of the ADC be communicated more simply? • How can the Full ADC be better incorporated into the decision-making process or the work of the ADC Co-Chairs? • Should the Sherpa process be reinstated? • Should each ADC-GEO Target have a management and/or steering group? • Now that there is a GCI, can the ADC limit or reduce its focus on architecture issues/components? • What is the relationship between the ADC and the GCI? What should it be? • Can the number of ADC meetings and telecons be substantially reduced? • What is the one thing the ADC must do within the next few years to ensure GEOSS’ success?

  4. ADC Management Strategy • Expected outcomes:  • Articulation of a high-level strategy for the next five years. • Identification of two or three goals for the next five years. • Identification of a few key targets for the remainder of the Implementation Period (2011-2015). • Decision regarding Sherpa process – yes or no? • Decision regarding frequency of meetings and telecons. • Proposal for streamlining ADC/GCI reporting relationships. • Articulation of two or three key messages for the Work Plan Symposium. • Articulation of two or three key messages for the ExCom and 2011 Plenary

  5. ADM Strategy Challenges • Moving beyond the GCI • Defining a data architecture within a broader architectural context • Facilitating transitions to operations of GEOSS (and facilitate providers) • Integrating/transitioning cross-committee activities into the sustained operations • Identifying areas of emphasis and prioritization of effort for architecture development • Facilitating progress in societal benefit areas • Measuring progress

  6. GEOSS As-Is State Delivers major societal benefits to USERS, such as policy makers & citizens Provides improved interoperability Enables GEOSS resources to be readily discovered and accessed Delivers trusted data & information Is "Open”, in accordance with DSP Represents a COLOSSAL investment by GEO Members & PO in EO systems

  7. What could GEOSS do better than Google? Search Earth Images Earth Information* Direct Data Access** Trusted data*** Data Core Interoperability Multi-disciplinary analyses Integrated EO Systems Capacity Building International Cooperation * Land cover analyses, etc ** One location sign-in *** Quality Assurance

  8. ADC Management Strategy • Streamline the process • More functional reporting structure • Organize around the Strategic Targets with the necessary work packages • Work Plan synergy • Schedules, milestones, and deliverables • Develop the appropriate work flows

  9. ADC Management Strategy Architecture and Data Management Strategic Targets Supporting Data Sharing Principles and Action Plan Defining a data architecture


  11. NGAC Briefing Data.gov in Geo Community Data.gov in Geospatial Community Data.gov

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